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Show BBBBBB BEFORE IT Ift TOO T.ATT? rnlmlir ITa rnpinHmfaJ tin! nil j imi1Ih ti IIibU U iU1-1 ,?-Wn ijV ir,.ymm,.r,,'i iv, ' IbbI Youj.Mt"oiT divVdnv."1' UvVm l'' andiMot. .rJ loi'l aninovo 01U annul Mniirf?j?f!?J'll3;w.'JofHiJfn81xni). lOT-WfiSSJKwi Mbbbbb! )iM,T?fcl8t'pA Q7TQlttnf&lk!Wrril.Uj? -flH)sU!?UllRJlWiK1whTaij.nKJlpt: MIcriiinUllnj tQdtMniVM'MnO'' I WWfP'fcW'i BbbbB - Before it i. too iK? "" M iS fffio&T1 " M P.nffiPfJl!filftWi LfcomhthoMtoiniAyJoftltoiitfnMdl. i iK!m3M2SSBI?, IbI i?t,w-iJrouraitT For these iomejoed ones wait: fePPWKHt canhy-s Mi$S.WXoMni MiKtovMiohJcmtyiiUavoi ai eonddiwdi . s J"fim msifl 9?TwisJM!l ,9 HBfrnTiis "' a1-1 IX-wPWnjiM BftBft . Bofgo .isolate g?fe? Maw gf$ Ufc ww iM.iin. v R,fflf .llofl stoft&n 08EJI 51 M 1-"-r 3wvini,. SflfcOlO OTMtxemltiHf?rtaW'Cti',r U(fc .most the only ( clnss i of conwntloiWW wtii ,oatiinTliii,l n! Jniivvilf.ly7T7 HbB Mnn i 42 il a?C VbYbyJ g I .' . Uir"fcJ lLW,WA'rt HfoarlRotyoitffjWih. 11 Cy. Lawrence Lcslla ill I nuwicaiiiiJiMnfwji .L-''! M Tgitr LCSTTJ VJ I ,a.W. bMIfo,nollUY,l,nUoS.n.tftH OennmS ennefc Wi'JMPWt.llS m1. Amcjir I . " 'Who rOTcra, ijnt U.r , ln.no of life " - - r SitarrtnilKilainjMte. bffMilWBWB(iitei fWlaw,,b'nl,w'N'M,,;1 ,.,,,: hnt(MUid UH 4ren-i.hr-fmll-fnim-W-TJiw?-TBF:: M 1 lE'U'V-yi0 f 'Purest lento Ut. tojnu.hijinyiDWiJuyiie x Uo PergcvcrinRlv.pltoyd.jtlm., W KtaiWrtl With '!:UWTUHl.'tuwtf . VOfM,jt HrfV" WWVimii.1 ,nMt ''nvf TW.TTrniTTtTnnr. H .UJSnKV1 'ctAlpMir Nl,I.Jt, h, ftoilrhtlmUldtttlMiiiAltlfasllry 'ol . i 1.1. . 1 ,lT 1La.p!5.,-,A nhhU1 , , "0T.VN ANT UOIW TO JIKD. H ra fiSlI thllt has ,,oa'"lovcloi)wt for , revard ''f iltlll il Ivl; .t klhljirJhlchialblhc.?n. JUtlfhljitrf.wl.V .itiltiur surpitlnc foct tJwt,morctUM. - ,, . ,. .l'Tf "1?."', Otvdnty " lohj.lHMdlfydirv g JJ years. wnHjertormeil l.y I t-ucl. AjnliMsVfiJJI M. , y. 'fpjlo.vrqd itbpnO nlacMtthdtwi .,,,,.. of tllu ei,m.,,Mnniottodi,t -,t,M I ,T 'M. ,.:'u 1,cl 'V'Oll"' flOia-SirFifOCJ H . .. of tbo, NowYlrQetccllve I r.il Iwi-m has licni p.irchasoll) n Hfia AiWJR,yJ.A"?.i'"1,,'-WVLfnWva.?, " , enlliitrpni ot.oa ,,a TH,JHAtti I.AMCSnMtf.TH) , Snt M h madn of tiny pcbbicT H ; ill o forco,eoanlirIsllftr or j I man much resemljliis Lnkn, lui .uscjtul, ofL tJLn? sciuiqesL-Np)v.vi'orb fbo unJtcd otntw wus eiiroiu-u m 1U0- TherHwit.Kmiuti-iivrlnijA'flllrmvmMlilch nrc piled nbmit nn cntrancp " A out that time. theMlhVS of the hero sMiir the iliAhlVcll lic hj $&A i..iir ' , hh, . w -1" t ns WlP'A'dP IteWT&v'i'tel' l:mbr'1 boy i-.Itijx'''"1 'lIL'1'" llt ' hole. At n!Kht the nnb, tn:p theHc peb- " ( It: Bank of New York discovered horecs were hlppl tSlJai Altfct 9(U '-"'J11" 0 ftJa"',' . t i. ta,lfi1t)Qyjg)1.t1)fl?jiqfijg3, the wcoii. .Ho. loved the, win's ami hies la their numlt.a nml, enrrylns j H tn they bad been swindled out or "Mr. Peek" htatedliatlv Mn feeVfi?ffi'ViW!3S tXmtkSiSS juls i,.i,i,id nil lm littemied snliool inll tlmt v.-ivZMinail) (dH36l)tn lools, HifiihlftJ lfahbH MSOg1 IbTbI Hi 00 by nJeaBjyi A(eOk .Wk Here was the lcl-T-sI;tleI. lid ) f&6&i&xVMi!tviVt&titta&'VTl .' , WiJMWNuojooi. l.ut.lown deep Into the oBiw i ineTi milfjP.f w'nll! X C .SH .r Ihnt nmoftrr'orllnFrnAc the ollieer lost nolmcllslfr r if- tlHr'-sunnlimcf.briri' tree' Hiltrtrf' fQr when lhu uumllel:--ul-lml,J'!Uju4ti!Vf:,.toVi1A&r M-'fto MnjJlhB'MM. tiilt After tlitianotetaMiPli&pt one , ! HH ' oe drawn by Commodoro Vniuler- fnlo. to learn fnrllier Mr. l'ei-k's p, .s- ?ojrilJpducliip ralhvqyotleitocBlnrfli 'PrWfvWl9lftJld.lWi place. Jit the top. the last nnt fH . 1 H lYHiinyii Hi inwSit iinfoni Hi? I nut ill..,,,,., . Awadnf iiMA7pwtnm nt W!Wliw?A'lJfWMi; 'oax9 nso, seraitJj' .tij-jnchqC118,CW.SiU.i'Jsi4tiauy ,u-wvi I'ld-'fiot aniliifllchtlDetU'tvlimn moafhtlw IqrTfti AHn''ftiltf' Ifttli 1fef( 1ImVjiIiisIiV''Sj ' iH , 1 : ai 1 was discovered, nnd in the mean, met htm here. The frclshLJjoi ;s PqiOpjrrAuJtfciSYfl lftve PrflX HbH ' ' m MififrG: oiipj. ckecks fnlirKe jiptfPll th.jl JBo Iiohm Oifclu e- ftlWra,tMi!cMl? SlfforJc.Mch-;'tUi.uaiwtM.,h tuoSniiratlon if uonr.A,?,,,'KWlirvn.l (l--umx;no'(Jiiu( lftitlrtWViJij.pJnllt'ilpilHi.itttJ JH I id icon honored; so it van almost Ini- ly. and taken away, but nothing t ir- fMiWf iHtfudlhW ' bH jsi ble for any of the,aota&l(yiLUv dtn'Bli.'SiWU lw'n concerning them or iols Central, the Boston nmt'Talne? a writer in the u',p.JXfVJFn ,nl!.l(Vli0X!l?.r.m iIbI 1 .u inhw- vjlth Mtufnntnrr .n.tinnt. Mr T.ppL. 8 JljfjjJ.llcl.Jgnji bSflnlnU JkltiJVlwMM- The amoitnt of KhoollUR that each In; llbii WM WpMfRW ! I Hy oi me circumstances cn-' .Nothing daunted, however, the j. BBhftttBjlfnl&JSi idf-uaf'Iim ntaAq.lcfrfi ' "A fXfi& M tfiS l' "'T tf, ",IIM-, V'V HiVlfiJbJ ! H M"f'W'W1W!WW,'WWfiWPWV,,"IWi PMntfe. !S.tei:un!ui rth5r.NVjJSfcfyjrr no vl Tui.'.r.f il ifi'v in! Mwln;'rwUtl C sllw flfr.rtiHt,ll.'aOTWei 'nut pushes ts way out mid liegjn.s tit IH mmi-flummmiL BumuuJmn Jiuma-Jnu-iL.mumu l.L-u-Un;, U& kl!limiffirfi!WKMSt' iflViVnT'iS.tfoft 'lV?lfi7 f JBIit.loari.ndiiiMuitM.YAvbfliiUmltVniK rry'UKWiirieMaWlffiKl bVifflfli H plncenthniiulsjyhrewnieloc- jvonyurjynyjejyivyyjjjiiy,!! oW'fflihl,iffllilnrivdi tntere.lli(ln1?fiS0rii!jtFj(lnilS4HTt"' iuM mablnfc IUief tili-Jtitki.n Jin ulmft line llrst cornea. aiiiilln:r.,.nnd. another bBb1 tWIHraownTTrTPoTiifoTniHi TrauTciuTniaverwrchascd! fnVstew' WMW'WsMlvSillHfj'cf? 'ace Mann and his dlsqlples In New nvlWKfWOH yift .VIjtMiCiRV.ndbKysvlllJ 'tntll the wtiolo fandbr comrH Jour- llH t ew, and trace out the mystery. and the whole then shipped to Chlca- oWMietiWfld Otif otllertonnWmcrf' :te0il!i,J?i',1c1soi,.'cVey aJfiHcRiYi ,"!J)TiiU'PJ"JWjIt(l VIRfttlMCKVn Vfo 'AwA- ,iaV3 W ,H . W H rhe ofllcer's urst susalateMvas that go. From the dcscrhwkm the ofllcer MQrtanttfftc tataWMri noirJW iiJl.i'jjfil) linaoq e miit ; IrtiOitn nnrildeft Tiot lprpmroTipT " i mo of the clMf yMinlii2(l WMWlMMkniUllliiton, Tock IWfondsidwUqgroves.a' trcNnWroJ .y"" n scll00,ll'S. " t0An?M dpnjnfjBM Jli&jfe"ili' "TH t en In colliislolKltl tacTorgeOSl CPiJpW4jflLihn same tier. nffalaBtxl-mr,Tiqitttit.llitijl tbwUdiHri JaJ'8;i lM- each person s education UcHmmfl YrifttiiriA t Hnl"tvM'o, 'nUtefc1 'qr JJircfsiaurs. JmS. hc.dots uiT tBB c Ime. After two weeks' scrutiny of torestlnj:. . PfmAilviwUlV9frW OnViTWHri llp.tWed bJJWRpt1Hlftl"'tired BheJJrjiJjlnwn ,on lPe inmind. IjB I e character, liabIt4ln6YslSaSDnWlv5i3CXatlnfeo. ho found that Mlforf, I'a.naVfflaSMrvlt'KS jffl msMfm WEil 'Udojili.UbeoiDUfiOft MtiltMi lMbi Wirls lieftkSiopViPrtoily !' 0 the various clerks, that theory was the horses had bden taken nway. but 48 to- its fo'iVi' planfJrtlon's'fji. 4 "VirfHgy itlUrLSf Mh)"di ; -adlfln ?IihT tmtl IvifxUca M Jyifm Jl "TJ h.i,;, i H i andoned. nnd It only remained for the most careful Inquiry revealed noth. fcrovo of 43,000 locust trees at cb'ubi fclleraI avcrago of intclligcnco Is far vtainU MhJ?iibiUVwP-irJWAM , -.vwv'fc''W '-t ! 1 1 (1 1 iM 1 m to RMhflriaam fttHJlPpJUMW. 'tfWbVi!jl UBs'ffnTl'WMiecn ro. Vfubo, Pa. It is the Intention to hluhcr thanTTi former yeariT ,Hni, ?uH snokASToH JSi ! PUZZLE. 'Tf -1 l '' f me cliHiVhawwiit!smitottlnHwia aOfllenj ttlfcWMeSt'ceHeidlfetrWnt they PInnt 2, til"rl''the Jirap i noii , ' .'ii'I .LJIim ,oi o.IT .,,. ,r,t, . t,,,..-. .''1 .? ' .. s'fl o eratloonHlsinfltBtDdwiiHrjo trail jr iHitt vfleHTdHveHln-rb YteIolintry. (ngSianOiKJXCliaiQM' foSAlig Awflgj;VffffltaMn .fWWHWIw Sfuj s , JSmlbntj3ffil H e yoneup,lWlAjWiUlfiraylIin;Wier.i;Mnyj1iihKItiieddlqfti03nnrcs roars Is to plant nlfoiit 300,000 trees (jjrtjorotlionuaanttlMlr ofraho miiiala in-J-. Pi ?tSWmmm IBBbI h d any'WMdri di the . vJLfnU .to open, a fitpp ffjm JTifwlInglI oth- nr.i olno iMJtul i,HJ :ioM "iu 8'WWW IW'll rS!ntinHiHftW -c i -o l'n' 'fjTO! 'W'V H strikingly brfiaaaaiWlUeAina liaQ9ehtiSW tbpby wlfoni. J,$SM, S?SM B S W M jP PBi fe 1 " oi Jnl VmtSSJSS M MU H 11 b carriage tip to tliebank. enter the Atone of the real estate agencies he H" il flP,l. 4nVtftm Mjft feftJSfflJ A VWaS .j, Jd v.m .Id IrffihioY '"fllwffiSiE !2ri0 B 0 ice. and trans.OTs'CTiSl.iAnTGinijl OT9 CSS IlWrOfrom the East. "P'J'Uhm rfftWic2 WOP? Wvim? MfJuue , MIU M'iVMn ,Ul wl f "' '? , KJVW r N Sk. . , JuFCT "7 , H k ok not whtanllAWileaVMMG,sn. had been nn d Uuby. T be doRf hud ?niUedl .J fijSMiffi .1 ohSMSSS' jMP1 'n ?2dU2 Hch be had not seen him. hooking for rach a place, and had tin. tagjfl" f,. ? bSiiteii0 f M Uo7 La nintltJLBUusBAMili I W"ffiSlsK j&r . i .oO Che other clerk, after, a tb3rtjimBniC8d. but where was not flHWtWofft bi rf-jio MWWtWSP flJb. . . . "' wM ift H xk b dnatlon anil numerous quSSiS nSStalnly not in Cook County. yft?MnoWJotf.ffflntf VCMuJAbHU? !QtWflltoimBfiHio:iToilwrtta)i w, )4,aWi m . gTr. BPSi : miT . V t assist or quicken his nienftifyV'aT as f an examination of tho records jtfMofa.qfeTfrtinH?gt.iWHUtfftr MmlirtliulnuicjiL.. These. .htntlomirfuwi bn Wi&?iimfotofai SJfam f&SSSs'W- ' flH Ii ;t concluital ifiaX.ty ML.r eft?fKJfe 0, iffljj Vjit .JPVcBnrtvRWcd that V1? cayltprtrth.lnK,nJPllllC sutti MikhU)8iniiloym0ut.to.i25tiaKP ipa 0, .,&,)? &'Ml&iaJmim jSgk, , F'tTy.. ... ,, IIoV W ""BO rfiAwl7oscVirM,Wio tfaR as brlse. ho found n de.id.bird.-Jblnklng LllWJI,)flbfrecelvl-JlHOVW1nrr 0) iniHrfitunJ w ioiHJii W TiL' f JS12 n . IbbI d y about tho time the forged chc ! 'CTScCfcpnrftKvcn hnnMlSlhm ltMotimA J" XKivrSKinS ffeLteYM9" T,"' 'P rlH t s presented, nnd had a check ensued instead of being shipped. fftc-fion 'l0 crI 0lft "PiffifflKW l' ton,3 ' anSw?;M hn iijmW ff 0il!m H flaBBVBMBBWBaBiBMBaBariiBiBBBBiBBMiBipBM v01" somo great pain. ffnSMm5s l JR'wlfttit- vquipqrtt hl-o,n?f' HiWi? bn iffl 'd0,;61 qi(tp. H ialiliiBiiBBBjiB c'fetS 5 4iE"f Wt'F- ' m a TOBHRrTrTlWa rccollcchou of tcr. ho must buy a large quantity of " "" fciKnlMcaj.Y Ynct Yliat'-" V.r Wt of ' "b" WlT$ V'Vf' "l' s'noo Ycm f?$(tf? mIT H ry feature. He was an-ninateur tools, liarntss, saildlcs. - -' "as fonml flt c9-JiPRH? H n 1st. andclnlly csP.,pen like goodslbr Ifc use. FeT "V" s,cl P nmlpPokea).o total numbeH, .ntfWo?ilr, I if tnWiWHlin.rj niSoJod fl iwlng. Taig Briiert ot-iPer anil searrli ajBgMdiJrs JaJhcB artlcIcsM"0 12-"', J- 'jakJi-" W'1o-"'!).M".dotH'A cp.nU-ol.uf wttfe-JriMi r L Kraifl x&VSe5i'5i JKToti nJon fl S :k.UJK350r"ri TvT 8IU,M J ' W fW ",m" "f 'WlilnKr,!; otf .nh. b 1 -ness of the man he suspected"" and sent" to Du'pJgo County, about nn(1 t0 " surprise of nil a tAventy Jiljj'irplyIiiK SO.T.VJiirc-lnnipvnml 1. 'aK ti )nUhi le. ml Vnfjt iJ ' fl ho oflleer did not inni,- nnnii thee rnvr i. htonno. wher-Jta. JB2H"fl C00". fllltl.twrlrp iiartrlilfflaLgcroTTtlBl Incnudcscenf lamps: TliFtmV ' -t ."." "sq ,nioto&- WMitfArtuMUhZtn'r lciSs m.U' H c w. 11 uuih Uiu 1U1..1II "I' UUHIUI. ' Jlikil boUfjht lour tmnll farms and con- luuua.i.lLUlllUIIU lUligB VltilUllclf. Wpullpntiitfc-AWptointwHaUbtil edst .'' ioq Olio noar '02-.Jl ".. , ,,.,i7n m.- S n promising much hopo of success, solldnted them Into one handsome - I tfiSttolni itooMiiiiiUiiifllUiftriioiwii' i V I binWwnl no tjiiwJnn) 1? "! '.' 'J"-""-' u lf - S- I nrst exhibited tho drawing to the stock farm. Relieving , detection 1m- " f",,""c!r."-ll,,n E iS uSJ f U. m ' "'fcatfi4wWMintrtf f ",'? "1ft HrKI ml'l'' c rk whd 1diiAHtU8'(Wp4tsftW0aftcYiio,,1:.W o'Mbrfg 'a' " iMtonMnllMth'athftVJH Tim liovi-3 AN li TiwrtAWiY n- "iif oJanlyooNl mU H p uo drive up with tho flno black time, ho had boldly tfttetao.fttoo"wfl:'tePWMtoMili?IjlnflollW A dove wenTTriTcool'iinil Khady IiriJiHtfCW" irflilftnjli1v's'c,(!ntlln'annf''nv ' JH t se. nnd ho confidently Identified It. name. nnd. though nlmost within the "''happiness. But the. Norwegian codU i,TOMR'A'P,Vl'ill8 ilWlHHipB'frfrugslIiig tiiUVvvCT'r rlvliiK to ,fWhriiL q7ik, -MIili.,trit,6i';'datfliO,t 'J' ! ere at last was some encourage- clutclfeAmCr"iJil,rVTtret P'!.,ar, los!"B Uplr llvers' nnd tUor0 Olo!iWa4R?efel?Hi.bVnMW of gtttW.fTA WlP'rfTo nut Bcf-auiiUld.ridflHbiglrcltbaK Uiifteoill fl n .it. Tho first attempt was to trace CntIreiadfMrfMlaWT 'a "koly to bo unhapplness In thq , Ijojljofinop .wl ifijf ?liW ; tl horso and carriage, and discover Tho game was found: now for its world unless they tako some means of '"'"" ""'" i'""- l"'"",, iiVW il-Vfii lluve, nnd ns om- of lliem-wits nbotitHo saioplnJhe.aAtibltdilM.pmthb l.lni:v r owned or who had hisu-BM ca,Ke. Taking four r five police of- ""Ijl-; 9. -S""? 'J HW4JWbAlVt,hvrm9qflaS?i flow n, YftWaffioS r. Tho effort w-nsiiusuccMfurXjl ficeidrom-J'l,.,E'Will tiUilllzcns: HvolIjicaJtonleforBtRQnsmith JJfiJltlu::i" 'i 'L.I" "'I l 0.' plher huncr? vmiiori oilt Viunllnnv. -From llrooklvn RaKu; ' o ecrjjfcw V fcohScdfRt clotllSthJTfcty J&it ouYj ii!-I!,.tl, Jpct io woinePqrf:Mttifla aWHft.' L .tfnuM0iHlJ)WHniPO r ... . . I g2w' . tl mvhjhfjyj fard JL&oJqP Wlllfflt Jjj,, WbWWW'JbAbbb111 'RrnileJ tef)Vfl tJro.toldlchaf f nilljl VClrll '. 'l't'tet',linVienfi??tf la iftlflJbsllwslpffif.Wnl.UVliy.lrttpotn? rfl a nIr?W flSrnn.IilSTBoTsesuT ingston. Th'eulefly. BhtHtout n"'ral ,. J" , n,r ."u vc Jellor to admit them to tho practiced it iWM'Bfl f IMb'llHfl? 1lAiaW'n8(nMMiiWJ,rtMibrtiarirftUIa fel.prJWUfui J M h therefore commenced a search gentlcmnn." who had flguredTo con- ""y more. Ihls la thought to bo , .... ,h U1 wpIni. lml ' fmm .. iWH-fldfto.HW Jjin ffl 'fl a ong the ebtabllshnjeiKsvoied iMiJr In tlio TP'r-'s 'DI'T1' J"" ajtsedbj-Jack of sufllclent nourish- fMRffi W&otii&m "ifiJiWl fFftWiulvT l.llii,io;w,ys0Hfrtiiio.h!l''flUilir M.wi Vciit u., bmIs uTsrtchZr n IS JJ .tabling nnd sleMeMMf WMSt 'iT ,0" , IBl , W 38rBpr , ff,KK .'S "i J h .Ins that he tJulHtAMJrB Jo JJfcM U disappearing ,ite jidH'Wf wt lth 0VIM8U4 SjWffffiSSttlffi fl " o.conld idenlllfln.W.AffBBeftambir " " tlWthffSWeglan waters. The livers (1ftru8 , ,, Tjltliwrtntftp U ? 8 ,RJ ?u-A pi S fl C ns to nearly nil such establishments. Tho party represented themselves ns "' tho llsh when caught nro found to ' 7 t .e1 WTO W IWrF fAVMv'cW' Vi WlV AW Mcfflnf tWWWmtftU . I ft l,,n-?8r66,oib,iMlPj,J,ilnu f'.HaimiVl-.0 ftffif 4aliJttJi)ftC'm-. ;:,1tl(THMailU6'KrtrOroMW(: iAcis i' l dnrajriIWanWnny.worirf jnuoj ?irt j ff ) ! Wfllln'n? r.Vvlngslon. whom ho had for themselves, nnd perhaps purchase took only aliont IBiOOO cod to mako a igo it would have been cxtnojnojf 0 The sun wns down-now; but nil nt ynihoJa Mil wUtjtcmT ,qu kiodCni V'W"W h wu a year or two, but who had ills- some of his choice stock. barrel of cod liver oil, It now requires uiUcult If not Uupuhsible for a woman o icv4liiT(rjnTiri frrtWiBtnlBMivowJ.1Ua oir.SOMOftLtUOlDbiVDWWVBlUtc MlWi .. .iifl ?ry tronght out tho fact that Llv tho spacious mansion. On rising from ro , of Montreal anglers had 'l$BlWtJ.8!Pjrh,8il tiPim. lsillllelllfSI(l,Mlj"artn"ftlI,H"Klty liJy1ncspWfcncJDnRbloy -M feSffit - fe : Mvlngston do yoi, ke 2Z?! ? 5?S WJSSgS M Pevcring detective. To follow Llv- Ty aTtTio oiTIJer. anT n.iswercd: ,onRO t(ll!CI1 ,n Lako Kmm MIM1 wnnillhl'y9re HAWlflb mttllclne:f Jt4S 3;Wholo' 'WttftSSSlM ' tWlfifLWovl "j UHkoii'jtn bnnlriLlnlml 'W-,iliflr:ntl JJM W at. then, was to be done? Should "you -will havo nn excellent opportun- fltty.four pollnrts. But two ,n onc ny "rti I c WA.Hitaj llBBrflriDiBT'Mmwi MJiarom tmi.ldokrh-McTa. mAH&eWBAttW1 MW lnillW M Mi trail be abandoned and the caio Ity to go therWllam Uvlngs-j wclRlllnB ov- MlIrly poml(lf, cach , a j-'febW M Rl ;n up ns one of the mysteries that I Wjj&gCV fl,g,ryrOj rateh not to bo desplsed.-Forest and f$f n$T . bi lodBolutIo.W WJnfOd nsQIYflK2fl Stream. lofg ?h viiy. of nvoiiw fl aver, hald tho indefatigable ofllcer, niiHm.fwMiifc-" r- . .. I lW rt,W ,,ft!! 0H9HffM ,WMWR TH,li IS at he wont to work with desperate "What for?" ih. .t.p.c nmui.,. I "WIl'BMiWnlsbwaBoolt '.WllW. W 9 gy0totinrtvJlliMi;o?tnt(iPbtim2l?''Iit-itllPJlfM'H-y Bt.imcl.iMkRoV tho OI-.VfscoinbinityashlifliW:-JJHp'!ftf?3e wtoJlvUwllwlWMttMtfeltonJ!iUin I e finally reached the following con. qUff I'lPItKBiHRr oSCTHof Qff JftOHO! (Mlpler to Ixindon. is a man of broad ?rctWojtf0.(imV(UboiiifhIIBe-B?WiMHInd of lamp stood for another klnll' K7SX12 In wS 2 nV ions: The perpetrator of the for replied tho otllcer. drawing a pair of culture nnd One ability. Ho has trans- IW.rtlfcy ffiwtotaolli liSn Sl?i H llest- A bcatlf' WW blaze In a SKVJH.W ? I rr nn LlYlllTMmi- '" "' " g""'' -hamlaifrs fmm hls.pnrlfet.and.adianc Intad Info Ida own lanKimna imub.v, fay, f lw" V "". u,rm i ' ;j -,T."i lo v tangle caughti bliA.wJCA.Ho ran "'MPAMBlWnfl WW-iUboMO.IJ jinUncIq rt. ol u I Vw"" RUT, UIIU HUIIIU Ulii UUUll'lf rrfnT elg Wo,ka on political, economical and fc " lWoLl,mlpBflftB ViiW SL and fomjd 'l& hflrtfiTCn m i rSiMYTV",ttrfMTOn '' 1 do htlea. HPend a conHl.lJrnl.io portlo,, "Stop. jAW clalmcjl the cujnrlt. reikis JUlJfflts. rf'4 tf Jjojcjiad V foMbcWWfflfflplB' MffiKk-pSUWiunlH SifflSl'A -'" '' kHjinH?- JOn I of ds mtfkmin bpiirCls(lAMlfVna wfliJaiS J, Mlsh konVWraMnt AtirferdncbM.eWeenJor''' - E of Ine fill rurtnytI.atJllfJiMjfcHoiilo wlliBiffl ( o Jcf .fclinl! 1 Ml thk'hi iniv sLltH "M 'KUPHrfid0 tt"k6 llnft k "tli F'1' -mhnbtMlAStact M Hi k noldl)urclmsWii 4illfi ii Isf nd HalBfif l't.I f flfofdal f ,.&, ' K""ltrff 'v'W wJlrdilSohg-riidOtlild . flefl hrttjMml'' , 1p nnWM Ttw hrt , !' r i I ( 4 tFnlfwnKf iboJrjAml lliJ'l'I VrlulVf W0" lr'I4liiVlIrB tWi5rtT" ST,rft,Pi- wrtdoiw thlnsi. His ob.unllPcl' n fnjl ' wrrtpnuibVn 13' I si.rrd'i.iffWrireIrfro.uW.1inr, Fi? cnes3irnio-IilfflSoTrrwasTorn Wyitfjnrjl&mntM juoi,J,b iwiaj llJ8 toiPfarpkf VM99iHo.llMitft Him iMW tel'' I'or a tlm Si! 'urloiirt-rtmok. with liberal, progressive views, aid is ,thinr!bjt. or nMibJdctMia.1 ?(,ttiitttlHtfll-iH"'nW"riin(yl JMlfft JMjooW? Wrf&l(4aWM'l&CnJc?'",T ' I first step therefore, was to learn Ing fearfn EMOJOnQW iptora; In complete sympathy with tho demo- ff ;$""! Sl'S . tii U WflJSWffi Jon 1 If uy one had rccmtly mndo any ex but the sform soon spent Itself, analcratlc i opinions now to tho fore In BlaW8W-nWihWPffi MBP.f'.lVi tmmmm 1 ,nniu ,riwa 1 t- gracr(01( 0jej7K ynlrfnJa nl nwonX lr,ill bavom llhiaK .It .Tvucbi noyiW Jf joqR Cnw vova JbiU tw bnuit vd fl -------jjg--- .?qoo3 JtpdioII ,iM xtl boJnUq aw Jcclj gnlJsom fliU 10 9anoaoiU oa Jl .b9lIlio pfffl WBbbb1bbbbbBbbBbBbBbbbBb1sBbbbibbbbbbbbb ' jjjfl |