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Show FRANKLIN, ! HYDE PARK fl Are Doing Things. i Fine Meetinghouse iH At former; school ac- 'H tivity at latter. 1H Special Correspondence a la leased fl Fit anki.in, Ida., April 13. H Last Sunday we held meeting In our jH meeting house, which has Just been IH remodeled. Tho new seats, tables IH and chairs were put In placo on Satur- jafl day. Pies. George C. Parkinson, of iH the Oneida Stake and Secretary Chas. iH I), (loasllnd were present with us and JH spoke encouraging words to the jH Saints. Pres. Parkinson commended jH the Saints for their energy In remod- -fl cling their house of worship, and jH said that it afforded him pleasure to praise the peoplo and their bishoprics as well as the committee appointed to JH see that the work was carried out. Jl Said when he came in and saw the M house so neatly fixed up, ho was very IIH agreeably surprised; tho stand so nice- tjH ly made and beautifully painted, the l'fl seats on each side of the stand, con- i iH sistlngaOf line chairs after the pattern j H of opera chairs; also a neat stand for Itl the books in front of the main stand; PH the beautiful communion table which f H was imported from tho East. Was j H pleased with the new floor which has I H an elevation of 25 Inches from the foot H of the stand to the door, making it fjl much better for the hearers, and lifl then spoke of the tine new seats which ll tilled ttie house. Ttiese were also im- 4'fl ported from the East; spoke also of 'Jj the fine painting of the house Inside, l the new windows with their large llH panes of glass and fine transoms, the 1 beautiful celling decorated so neatly. 'JH He said that lie could not help but ifl praise It up, for it was worthy of H praise. .Spoke also of tho tlno home- HtH made carpet on the aisles and In front : jH of the stand. This carpet was 'made ..H by the relief society of Franklin and ' H donated to the meeting house; praised M tho Society for their tine gift, and ifl said that God would Mess them, and iH bless all that gave what they could to JjjH help get tho meeting house in such 'H good condition. The painting was i H beautiful, and a credit to the painter, 'H Mr. James Webb, one of our worthy H citizens, a master hand at the bus I- .JH ness. Around the door that leads H from the stand to the vestrey is H painted a tine arch In different colors jH which looks tine. In fact our meet- fl ing house Is a neat place of worship. -fl This week our village officers are ifl having trees planted around the pub- j lie square, and a side walk placed all j'H (Continued on Fourth page.) f) Franklin, Hyde Park Concluded from llrsi page. around. Theic will be one rowof poplars pop-lars on tho out side or the sldo walks, and a low.of box elders on the inside. A new rence Is also being placed around the square, which will be a great Improvement. The wire or Joseph Howcut presented pre-sented him with a 11 pound boy on the uth or April; mother and child doing well. It Is their first child. Mrs. Lester Garrett presented her husband with a tine 8 pound daughter on the loth. Farmers arc busy putting in their crops and all arc busy putting In gardens. gar-dens. The roads arc getting dry but are pretty rough traveling. The people or llydo Park has taken a step which will mean advancement in all the music departments or the town. Ry an ablo commltteo runds have been gathered for the purchase of an elegant Estey organ rrom the Harris Music Co., and In order to fully meet tho requhed outlay a splendid program will be rendered by tho band and schools In connection with solos from tho able soloists Prof. C. M. Harris and S. R. Mltton, who have kindly volunteered to assist In the good work. The program is as follows: Overture Rand Double Quartet School Violin Solo Prof. Harris Recitation Jessie Hancv Peanut Soni; School Song Eugenia Lundqulst , OrganSolo S. B. Mltton . Male Quartet , Sommcrsault Chorus. . ., School Pantomino "The Urldge" Violin Solo Pror. Harris Organ Solo S. 11. Mltton Old Heads on Young Shoulders... School Overture Hand Tho health board or Hydo Park has been compelling tho people of that town to conform to the sanitary laws. Water through corrals has been shut olf, some outside buildings declared a nuisance, and a general rouud-up effected. ef-fected. This will he conducive of much good. Henry Haucey has a tine residence in course of construction. Tho formers have started to plant l)ecU. Thomas Duce returned to Canada about ono week ago. John A. Woolf expects to return tho latter part or Mm month. Tho speakers at the Sunday meeting were Jed M. Rlalr ann Fred Tumor, of Logan. |