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Show CITY ELECTRIC ELEC-TRIC PLANT Started on Saturday Runs Nicely. Will be Ready for Operation Op-eration shortly The report was current last week that on Sunday the machinery ,at the city light plant would be started, and as a consequence quite a number of Loganltcs were visitors to the canyon j "' during the day. It developed that the machinery was put Into operation on Saturday and run for more than an hour, and on Sunday there was nothing doing. It Is stated that at the Saturday trial everything went o!T smoothly and with promise of every success. There was not a hitch anywhere and Supt. Smith with Electrician Daniels are confident that when the remain-Ing remain-Ing smaller details are completed the streets of Logan can be lighted successfully suc-cessfully and business commenced in earnest. The Hercules people have been requested to discontinue street service after the first day or May, as it Is anticipated that the city plant will be In splendid shape by that time. It will be noticed that globes for street lighting purposes are being put up by the city. Instead of the sin-pie sin-pie 32-candlc power light furnished by the Hercules people, the city is using three 10-candlc power light, thus giving a half more light. The surroundings of the city light plant In the canyon are not very prepossessing pre-possessing at the present time, there being in evidence the usual rubbish and wreckage attendant upon a new , ... building. The building itself Is a 'I -very neat brick structure, built for i service rather than appearance. How ever, when the rubbish Is cleared away, and lawns planted, etc., the place will prove a very attractive spot. The machinery of the plant will hardly compare witli that of the Hercules plant cither In size or appearance, ap-pearance, but that Is hardly to bo expected. ex-pected. However, unless the visitor Is expecting something extraordinary the masslvcness of tho machinery will prove rather surprising. On Sunday tho big pipe was tilled with water and little Jets were to be seen spurting up hero and there, but not In any" great quantity.. Thoso In charge say that the pipe will swell sufficiently to close these chinks completely. com-pletely. Apparently every thing Is moving nicely and. there are none but will hopo that the fondest hopes and dreams of the promoters of the plant, and the people who own It, will come true In the fullest measure. |