Show ELDERS SUDDEN DEATH R it E i Johnson of Monroe Soviet County Passes Away Awny at itt Hot Springs Ark ArkA A k kA A A telegram received by b President Joseph r I Smith front from Eider Eldor J a G Dot Dur Duffin fin 1111 president of tho thio Southwestern mission makes the sad nth nIl an un announcement of or the tho sudden Budden death ut lit Hot 1101 Springs Ark Alk Aug 24 4 of ot Elder Rich Richard ard E Johnson of or Monroe Momoe BevIer county Utah No particulars ate aio Alv given Alven en cit The deceased was tho the son somi of or King Icing 13 B and mund Nary Mary Ellen Harris Harrill Johnson was wall born May 1 1877 1117 at Monroe and wn baptized ed Aug Alg C G 1885 Elder Johnson wan vaS set apart alart for Cor hits his hi mission Juno Juite 9 0 of ot If this year and hud hind therefore been hicen In the lie ibid field but n short time The re remains remains mains will likely like be lie hlll homo home for Cor burial j |