Show I Ills HIS UNION V ION Lt tt C J I H Taylor TI loJ Sent In lii Ills I iles Hes lunation from Illinois Militia 1111 Springfield III Ill I Aug ug J 3 Mac Tanner commanding tine the Fourth In fantry 1 N a 0 I huts has hlll turned turn c over oyer to 10 Pol rol John 0 TI attorney I for tor the tho Illi Ibis nois Central railroad the he case vase of 11 CurIes Curbs It I Taylor of ot company C 0 Oar Car bon who thio sent In his hll resignation did die not come to Camp Lincoln with his mm company claiming the union nt at lt of ot which he lie was ivas WIS a in I member threatened to expel him It If he did not resign rl I n and retire from the tho JIll 1011 national guard Should tho the charge of or Limit Leut Taylor prove roo true Irue will wi be inc to proceed against the union |