Show Till Ill 11 I ZIONIST ZI CO ERS ESS Dr lr Letter from Li of f the thc Interior I 1 Bash Halu Switzerland Aug 26 Vt to tl InA of the tIme Dr Ur HerI the time president to tiui a I letter which he hI had lall re received rl from frol the tho minister of tho the Interior Von VOi 01 apparently the tho support ol I ii the time to IC te th the In iii their to establish h an nn Independent i tate Mate C In lii II Palestine lao The minister ater salil NII sa ItI huts his government nina favorable to t Urn time Ihl J o ef Zion m cnn 01 rely on oti itt Its I moral and Ant material sup support supPort port K rt when html 11 measures tend to ho the li population of I it ulI U Such support might take the tle form of ot supporting the de ule demands mands on omm Oi the titu Ottoman government and mind helping the societies lh hi ulan government has hn ha been obliged j l to o act net towards the Jewish ques as III II the tho Interests of the state re quito but hul It I has hu never deviated from the th hi graL gril principles lpes of ot morality and Ho Il I Ic hoped nothing would time the th of ot 1 to Improve till the conditions of the existence of the Jews JIWA especially ally nl n umbers If it emigration their |