Show MYSTERY n M ni 11 OF l f fL A ALONG I LONG L b LOST L T SISTER I TRI Romance of a Utah tah Girl Gir Who Iio Dis Disappeared Ji Ds appeared from Her Home Forty Porty H Four I or Years ARO A o I SHE WAS MOURNED AS ONE DEAD Family She Silo Hud hind Into ato I I Hobble Creek and nod Vas iS as Drowned NOW TINK THAT SHE WAS STOLEN California on nn Ills 15 Death Deathbed beth bed Tells That He lIe le Had hiatt lull Abducted i iI Such a u Child Here Herd I Sergeant John J Roberts of ot the limo II hoe Il Is fur for ft a t long on lost sister r who ho lie liu 10 IIA stolen frem Utah Uth when ship she h was waa i three of ot muge Ige ge and unil ll taken lakon to Cali California Cul t CumIn fornia where she hc he sae al raises and edu educated At the this of ut her lur hI dIsappear dl mice itice Ilce It thought though she he ham hail nl been i u In Hobble Ik but later inter da lie caused lice her relatIves to be he bellev helee llev lee Ih he had hal been ln They I f t tI hold I IU II I to the littler latter I ater theory I 0 inn HUT 11 YEA iS 01 At the time she clue lt ghe shi sim stas but UI tines Ilium of mind was suits playing yearn Ig I with wih another little Girl on 01 a I bride L Hobble creek A it thorough tot for her hel but with multi without without out HI atoll nil The next morning her hor play playmate pla y mate ale told her that Violet Iolet had hiatt Into the time creek Tin Time stream sue IM then thell lime dragged for tOl Pt each way la sma but hut not th lime slightest t trace inure of ot her tier Vault could be bu found Rewards iVete Iele offered for tor infer C matlon laton leading to her whereabouts but y nothing came of ot It It I AFTER TWENTY nAlS About 20 years utter unar nn an old ohl prospector tor tot whose ho name immune lale could not be Le learned 1 died In tn He lie le humid hud one ono child a II Kit mi amid I on 01 his hiti death bell bed he hl ii ont 1 to her that she was vms not nol hIl his IB daughter but tort thou that he lie had hod molen lieu her hl from the th c tart art of ut Utah mid had hal tai tawn n her lien to California At itt the tho time of lit his hlll L the th old alit till man mun was sae wil to do eta ald left all his hil property to the girl who lu then begun to tu make inquiries In In II the hopes of ot locating h tier r parents but tut the Roberts html had away aWI in Iii II the time meantime antI and heard nothing of ot other her until some years year lifter when u ii I neighbor of ut Mr Roberta ulster sister who seimo re no reside side citIes in ii Idaho lio toil tola her imer h r she alma ht hail huil rend r rd tul the lime theold old aim 1111 prospectors tory story In u Lu palI She saul Mild she hud had saved s ved the pa pet paper f 1 per und ld would show chess her the article articie cult ut t I when the time women tamale made male a n March n for tor the paper Paler It could not riot be ie found It I hail had J t either been ben mislaid or destroyed ANT hl hIs recent lecent vacation Sergeant S Sergent visited iris Inn sister ulster In Idaho ami the tle tt subject of ot little Violet disappear disappearance dl ar O ance munee anc was irmis oth M I and ald lii hl IB slater sister r firmly believe th the old il imI miner miler adopted daughter Is I their mis Ing hug slater sister sl ter but how to out is Ie it mu I problem which U is I too to hard hanl fur for them thorn to tu solve salve h In 8 speaking of oC lt tho the le as this thus morning Her ant 4 My m l 1 y ulster s i ster disappeared about May Io 20 0 1 1 I wan iuN H only ia two or three Jays old Dil at It tho time time tl For a time my folks oik all ni thought she ohms had hail betru blu drowned and anti th the river was mitts IUS drugged for or several days das but no truce trace of ot her body bod was la ever found They CheY found her little bonnet on ami time the bridge anti nd the tue next nelt day dl her hor playmate told toll time the folks folk she had Imd fallen alien into Hob liob Hobble ble Ile creek cr k limit Hut since that woman told t trum ni rum 1 sister lnier about reading the old DIl miners F story In tn a mu paper limiter we 1 1 be believed belen len that she elms Wat WIS stolen by him Ac According 0 I cording to thin article tho the girl remember ber beret il that he Wil has H called Vie ie 10 tn i as little girt I I Of ot course coune It humus has hiI b been n n a along long I time Itie that article appeared ull red that she nhi would tie ha bf hard harmi to trace now nol but ul I 1 never neer did Ild believe beleve my n sister Muter win wa drowned and an I 1 hud had hl a n a talk with wih my may IY relatives relative r up In Idaho I am an nl Inure moru morl Y firmly convinced 1 than ever Per that the Cal California women woman Is II my long lout host ulster sister I Iam Iam Iam am going to advertise for tor her lice In all RI the 1 4 California n a l 11 It In is II pos POI elide we vt will be able to establish her hor 0 Identity wil It I Is ii needless to MV Ms S that It I i will b bp be a R great rot satisfaction to us 1 to 11 who Is Know nl for tor or a P certainty Just she b Cap j p for fOl Gout Jen l irel Rome Aug Through an n error clor the theA A Iome M Ui Iresa reported yesterday 1 that th time the pope had Me sent nt his mp p to tl Oen lieu H U JIO P V J Tracy Twy T of or III ew York jork U It I f 1 lie IKI IJ Gen Charles Troy of ot a former States Atit n ml ol who served two tl t terms In the papal p pal I nc int the time cern 4 0 T |