Show hORROR AT 1 HIDA IUDA PEST PESI Now ow Thought ht Only Ten leri In the t ime Five Hilda Pest Iet Hungary Aug Aul 26 nI It Is Isnow I from toni those thoMe I now 1 that 1 l apart apal who were werl killed by b Jumping from froni time the building only nl 10 persons perished In In imi tima tire lire which brok broke out omit yesterday lre fancy gots warehouse here herc endangered the lives of ot JOO OO work workpeople people Jo today tOda visit td ti 1 the Injured rr persons who are am now 10 In Inthe II inthe the and amid poke to each of ot Cf them He lie proceeded on foot toot to conflagration and an time the of ot time the thanked Olt who helped to avi I life The Ih emperor all accorded a Il imul rn ii thu th ti retention by b tIme the enormous crowd h thronged the neighborhood neighbor hood h od |