Show advertising advertising rising and not cov competition I 1 it Is now low the life of trade according to the a dver advertising experts who mot mat in denver to attend the international advertising association so convention the delegates at this meeting heard a number of interest ing things among these was the statement by charles stelzle new york expert to the effect that it if churches do not advertise their ware spiritual up building and moral betterment tor for both tha individual and humanity they cannot hope to arouse interest amo among ng the masses and fulfill the obligations obligation a pa placed a ced upon them as parties to the general spiritual movement another speaker declared the advertising is greater than any single moral force wo we know of today advertising brings about changes for the betterment of 0 life itself changes which fuse into the soc social fal and political life of the nation it Is now generally admitted by eco forces everywhere that advertising Is the most important development ut of modern modem business and it Is also coming c to bo be realized that newspaper advertising Is the best kind of paid publicity in the convention just mentioned the delegates who were advertising experts agreed that newspaper advertising affords the best publicity medium tor for the churches and all 11 church activities advertising is no longer a theory it Is a science and it pays |