Show our weekly washington letter by NATIONAL PRESS SERVICE A LOST opportunity washington D C july eastern people and eastern newspapers are franks ly disappointed at the failure of the E st paul conference Con terence to clarity clarify the farm situation the east is vitally interested contrary to the ballyhoo charging ot of easters indifference in a genuine solution or of the issue and before the meeting was called the hope vms as expressed that suggestions might be developed which could be effectively applied the record of the happenings at st paul have left everybody in a state of uneasiness an attempt was made to mix politics with the issue and so instead of any forward stop step being taken which would have enlightened the people as a whole a considerable part 0 of the e time was consumed with third party threats in which the sitting democrats I 1 gleefully joined against the president lane 1 and the republican party I 1 the country at large was ready to give its eyes ears cars and sympathies to this conference the country was ready to listen t to 0 1 a fi alne ine sober serious discussion ot of ways y and n amear means it is impossible to escape the feeling that a great opportunity was wasted 9 V 40 THE PRESIDENT IV THE MOVIES the antl anti coolidge workers led by bob lafollette believe they have at last discovered an issue which not only prevents the consideration ot of calvin coolidge as a presidential possibility in 28 but serious enough they half bait indicate to compel his immediate retirement from the presidential office the bill ot of particulars recites that on a certain and particular day while residing within the black hills hill the president deliberately adorned himself with a sombrero and a pair of leather chaps gilts gifts from enthusiastic fellow citizens and while thus adorned allowed a I 1 himself to te be photographed senator lafollette and his friends believe that this is an issue which pales th the 0 angle worm controversy into insignificance ditc itc ance and which will at once rouse the entire country the three second fl ickers upon the silver silve ve screen they are convinced nt at once wipes out the understanding and appreciation ot of all the president has done they are understood to be still searching the constitution convinced that somewhere they win will find a provision authorizing r special punishment lor for the presidents act young lafollette with his literary henchmen are not to be condemned outright however something ot of this sort was needed to lighten the academic gloom which the highfaluting high discussion of 0 third term precedents had bad cast over the country the silver screen pictures of the president unhappily posing in this western raiment may really be a blessing in disguise and indeed the great greal issue la Is already losing its substance 40 aw 40 THE WEST AW AND THE HIE PRESIDENT the really important thing about the coolidge western stay is not what the east thinks but how the west Is taking it here is what the evening Hur onite editorially says we here in this region have been disposed to think of president coolidge cooledge as a man apart ho he has been pictured to us as a man somewhat without normal human instincts that he Is much given to keeping his own counsels even to the extent of remaining aloot aloof from the influences fluen ces of points ot of contact it has been easy tor for us to believe that the common amenities distressed him it if this picture of him has been true in the past it cannot be said to obtain now that he Is in south dakota he ha hag a been surprisingly interested in us and in our endeavors he has seemed to be deeply interested in our problems of 0 every sort he has not been the unresponsive spon sive person we have been led to believe he Is people have met him and visited with him ha he has been eager to hear what they have had to say and he has entered into the whole hole spirit ot of the community in which he is sojourning sojo 0 4 sa 10 equal rights for women as well as men Is an attractive slogan but like all slogans Is worthy ot of examination before it is endorsed indorsed Indor sed at first hand the equal rights of women to guardianship 6 to wages to positions in the government in competition with men will not be seriously denied it Is well however tore member that it if the equal rights program Is incorporated in our constitution as the lady visitors to the president in the black hills recently demanded that women also automatically become subject to the equal responsibilities of men the incorporation of equal rights into our constitution wipes from the statute books at once a great mass of laws which have been carefully enacted to protect women this Is one of the sad cases where it is impossible to eat your cake and have it too and once equality becomes the standard the laws providing tor for the limitation ol of hours of labor for women the laws relating to widows pensions the laws relating to maternity aid and d finally all the laws by which widows ot f our soldiers and sailors are given federal oral aid become so many dead letter documents this Is aside a side of the subject which the gracefully and handsomely dressed ladles ladies who journeyed to the black hills in parlor cars and lim limousines 0 usines have so far failed to emphasize the president as usual was equal to the emergency when he told the ladies that when it was evident the majority of the women of the nation wanted this constitutional amendment he was satisfied they would no doubt secure it 0 O 0 THE TENDENCY TO NEGLECT THE RIGHT TO VOTE the nonvoting non voting habit babit has taken possession of the american people in city and rural communities the report Is the same that the people do not care to bother to vote curiously enough the c country un try districts really show a higher voting voting percentage than the city sections all sorts ot of bait has been offered in the hopes of luring the voter to the ballot box but without avail voting booths have been placed in the cities within a hall half block ot of one another and absentee ballots have been provided so the tran fran chise could be exercised with a fountain pen and a two cent stamp but it has been all in valia vain american government today is the result of minority rule it Is agreed that less than 40 per cent of the eligible voters mark their crosses Is it surprising accordingly that municipal village town ship MP county and state expenditures and consequently taxes are rising steadily the present regime ot of indifference on the part of the voters offers a magnificent opportunity tor for the governmental bootleggers who are not only feathering their nests but putting through their own pet projects with immunity the remedy is not in pulpit or platform address or even in finding non voters as the australians have attempted to do but in letting this situation S Itu atlon of the waste of public money t through indifference reach such a point that in the end for their own selfish pr protection 0 te tec c tion the citizens will W ill again have to ta take ke an interest in what the men elected to governmental offices are doing w 41 FEMALE TAXI DRIVERS automotive responsible tor for many innovations one of the latest Is the employment of girl taxi drivers by operating companies in several of 0 our largest cities concerning their efficiency a philadelphia company which gives employment to a number ot of well trained taxi girls reports that the men drivers employed em by the company have three times as many serious accidents as the w women ornen it is also claimed that the women do not drive as fast that they take fewer chances and that there Is no alcoholic problem lera with them they are generally employed on the day shift and are neatly attired in khaki uniforms military knickers and regulation caps of the CIS female chauffeurs chauffeur 3 reported by the last united states census were colored and it Is probable that this number has greatly increased due to the success of the experiments made by the large taxi companies in various cities in th the old days before the passing of the horse men had a monopoly a as coachmen and footmen but times have changed BANKRUPT NOTICE IP in the district court of the united states tor for the district of utah in t tho ho matter of E A correll vol VOI B bankrupt an crupt in bankruptcy no to the creditors of E A correll of F park ar ark city county of summit and district aforesaid a bankrupt notice Is hereby given that on the 2nd and day of july A D 1927 the said E A cor rall was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his credi creditors tors will bo be held bold a at t the undersigned undersigner under signed referee in bankruptcy beason acason salt like city utah on the lath day of september 1927 at 10 a in at which time the said creditors may attend prove their r claims appoint a trustee exemine examine the bankrupt and transact such other t er liis business as may properly come before fore said eald meeting J T mcconnell referee in bankruptcy salt late lata alty bah 7 ly 27 1127 1027 28 |