Show I 1 inside information or mation good corn br bread d can be made with cither sweet or sea sour ur milk delther W whipped hp ped cream Is not only a pleasant I 1 ly y luxurious addition to a dessert but a food in itself it is noc no needed after a 1 rich hearty dinner but Is appetizing and I 1 suitable otter after the lighter type of 0 meals curved in sammel time in a good many parts ot of the country cotton cotto fabrics can be worn to advantage until late in the tall all colors grow darker as the season advances and materials somewhat heavier but as cotton garments can be laundered easily and ar are e inexpensive they demain popular 0 A Is your kitchen sink the right height it if you find yourself stooping over lt it and d cannot change its position put a block of wood under the dishpan blocks of wood under the legs of 0 the kitchen table too will eliminate some of the backache comes irom from working at too low a it if you are planning 1 to taille or oi tc P i between the dining room and kitchen it will save you many steps since dishes can be put in when washed on the rat kl t chen side and taken out on the dining room side while the process Is reversed in clearing the table after a meal it if you put away leftover left over cooked cereals in pound baking powder tins fins or other receptacles which will mold them into a bood shape tor for slicing and trying frying they will be ready to use as a dinner vegetable in place of potato or rice dip ea each c h slice in flour have the tat hot and co cook ok the pieces on one side until delicately browned before turning over there are a number of suitable garnishes and flavorings for iced tea A spray ct j mint adds a cool cummery touch candled candied orange or lemon peel and candled pineapple are nice slices slice of lemon orange or lime are good some leopla like whole cloves 0 a stick of cinnamon ginger or lose iose geranium leaves with iced tea A breakfast menu when you have overnight guests cantaloupe waffles and butter and bacon maple mapie syrup strawberry preserves or blackberry lm jam milk 0 of r coffee to shorten a pattern tor for a small per bon fold a tuck in it halt half way between tho the and the waist line and another tuck halfway between tile the waist line and the bottom in ili cutting straighten the seam lines as necessary its it a shorter sleeve la Is required than that of the ili e P pattern t take ke tucks halfway half halt way between I 1 g si tion such alternations must be carefully fitted to the person before the material Is cut shoes that are too large are a misfit the toot foot la Is not snugly supported blisters are arc often formed especially on the heels and stockings are arc needlessly worn into holes shoes should be correctly and carefully fitted |