Show GEORGE EORGE BERNARD SHAW ON KILLING FOR SPORT AMONG the men who will have to be wiped out Is the sportsman the man without fellow feeling tor for animals the man so primitive la in his tastes that the destruction of life Is an amusement to him the man whose outlook is as narrow as that of his dog he Is not even cruel sport Is partly a habit to which he has been brought up and partly supid ity which can always be measured by wastefulness and by lack of sense of the importance and glory of life the horrible murk and grime of the pottery towns Is caused by indifference to a stupid waste of sunlight natural beauty cleanliness and pleasant air combined with a brutish appetite for money wanton slaughter of birds la Is caused by indifference to the beauty and interest of b had fad life and song and callousness lous ness to glazed eyes and blood bedad died corpses combined with a boyish love of shooting all the people who waste beauty and life in this way are characterized by deficiency fici ency in fellow feeling not only have they none of st franciss feeling that the birds are of our kin but they would be extremely indignant if a gamekeeper asserted any claim to belong to their species sport Is a sign either of limitation or of timid conventionality I 1 believe that the time will come when a gentleman found amusing himself with a gun will feel as compromised as ne be does now when found amusing himself with a whip at the expense of a child or an old lame horse lold |