Show interesting items from hoytsville pioneer day was quietly observed here some spent the day nt at various resorts some on fishing trips while others celebrated in the pay hay fields 0 0 06 i i the boy scouts left a few days ago on a hiking and fishing trip in the granddaddy lakes section 1 40 irvin farrell expects to leave in the very near future for schenectady new icik where he will enter the school of the general electric company 30 00 0 mrs mabel larsen and children and mrs nets neta hampshire and baby of carbon county haye lett left tor for their hom homes e s sifter spending a few weeks with their p parents amente mr and mrs R E redden 0 mr and mrs ford winters and family of helper left for their home forepart of the week litter spending a few days at the home of heber D gunn SUBMIT STAKE rA FATHERS TITERS ANI AND SONS OUTING the annual fathers and sons outing which Is sponsored by the young mens mutual improvement association will be held at mirror lake at the foot of famous am mount baldy east of kamas or on thursday friday and saturday august and A splendid road all the way from kamas makes the trip that much more inviting last year the fathers and their boys enjoyed such a wonderful time and the spirit of the camp was glorious considerable sid erable preparation Is being made this year to make this the best outing ever held committees are hard at work and will not cease until they make all in attendance more reluctant to leave camp than they were last year for fathers and sons outings utah leads the union per for scenic spots to hold these outings summit county leads the state lets go plan your work now fathers talk it over with your boys they are ready FINAL WORK DONE ON PIONEER TRAIL MONUMENT last friday july the sealing of the capstones carstones cap stones of the pioneer trail monument in echo canyon one and one half miles east of the moore ranch was done by the manufacturers wlnfred winfred W west robert mcqueen and robert S ol of the summit monumental works president W oriel stephens and president tW W J lewis of summit stake in the recess directly below the cap stories stones was placed the following list of names of the people who attended the dedication of the monument on july of 0 this year and amounts donated by these and the names of those who donated and were not present at the dedication in these lists were the names of 2764 people showing over donated tor for the erection of the monument history of summit stake from beginning to date history of summit county with its resources and advantages summit stake ward teachers outlines for the year 1927 which contains all the names of the stake officers of the present time summit stake assignment of duties and distribution of leber labor copy of the ibe park record of july 1927 copy of summit county bee of july 1927 poetry written by edward H at th the time ot of the dedication of the summit eter stake tabernacle letter of mr and mrs david moore now de deceased c eased containing their wish that chilt the land that the monument now stands upon be deeded to summit stake fot the purpose of erecting such a monument ment as now stands there the capstones carstones cap stones from velch are carved the tour four standard church works the bible the book of mormon the doctrine and covenants pearl of great price were then pinne dand cemented then the bee hive which Is carved from the so solid ld granite also was pinned and cemented m anted on top of the books the monument was finished and now stands as a g great a lighthouse by the roadside and Is at attracting bacting the attention of the thousands of oti tourists who pass on the lincoln H highway hway and after reading this silent sentinel gives them food tor for thought as they continue their journey to the cast and the west noticeable Is the heavy use of the turn out from the highway and apparently Is being used more than the main thoroughfare and proves the interest that the passerby Is taking note president stephens was so happy at the completion of the monument that atter after talking about the many points of interest that summit county has in pioneer life and calling attention to the old railroad bed that paral ells the lincoln highway which Is but a few feet from the monument he sang the old song that the pioneers sang while they were making this railroad bed years ago at the toot foot of echo canyon theres a railroad begun ROBERT S HILLIER hoytsville utah july 27 1927 |