Show i I I ST GEORGE DEATH OF H I hue linac Hunt Lays flown Down Lifes Ifo Cares nt Holiday Special Correspondence St tH U George orge e Washington Co Dee Dec 21 21 Tho Tue baseball learn tean te m from tram the tho Branch Dranch Normal Normah at Cedar City arrived In tit lit George today Next Monday at nt 4 p pm pm m rn they tile will play piny n I match malch game gamo with Woodward school team Christmas exorcises exercises were wert held In III all nil of or thIn the Woodward school yesterday afternoon One of or the tho teachers Misu Melville has haa gone Kone home to Fillmore to spend the holidays Pro Prote te or A M I Merrill and Henry Henr Otto Otle will remain In St George Au An epi epidemic pl demic demlo of ot colds cold coughs and croup roup made heavy Inroads upon the attend attendance ance of or the school the tho lost last week The Tile sIckness has hu not been confined to the tho school children however ISAAC HUNT DEAD Among Amon the recent rt ent deaths U Is I that of ot Isaac Hunt one ono of or tho the first company compan of ot Dixie pioneers plon He lIe was born at Reed Heed near Cambridge England Jan JM 0 O 1829 1529 and died 1100 In Bu St Goorge Dec 3 I loll 1001 Tim Tho funeral services were held helt In the stake s ke tabernacle on Thursday Deceased received the Gospel In his hlA na an native tin live lead land ant emigrated to Utah Ulah In usa 1053 locating on Canyon Conon creek He Is II tho the father tather of ot 21 children and has many mally grandchildren and great Two wives 17 children survive him Heinli n ft proficient stone atone mason ho ha ni ru Mated Isted In building tho the Temple and stake tabernacle cle In irs St George and the tho first nut roger fugar factory In Salt Bait Lako City CIt In Inthe Inthe Inthe the death of or Elder Hunt lionS St S George loses loel one of ot her most respected and tub sub citizens Tho The Indications are that tho Iho long IonS dry spell Is III about B out to be broken by bya a 1 copious 1110 |