Show I RAIN ILIN IN lV THIS Ill II SOUTH First Fl rRt Good i In Many y Months Co III 08 I Ky ICy IC Dec Dee south mouth lull has received r during the tho last al l M U hours hour time the first soaking rain In many mussy months In lit the lie territory from tho the Ohio river to time the gulf and from m Texas over Into Georgia the tue spring Ilk like weather of ot tin this past few telf days daYI ha has been broken by hy heavy followed tollow by 11 high winds In several places the cold wave WI ha hut sent I nt the lie mercury scurrying to th the nit bull bulb tall full of ot nine degrees degree In one hour twin being retarded at itt Nashville N At there wall wag a 1 rain In tAU tall of or two t 0 inches Inch I stream streams am are filling up UI anti and lUll crop will b be great greatly I yo A boating stage In III th Ohio seems Mem assured slid and ninny place places suffer lurter suffering ing from rout a shortage of Dt coal cool will won soon have their wanta want supplied |