Show I I I WHEN BABY GOES IN HIS COCA RT It U Is III a 1 very difficult matter to keep tho the legs of oll ri a tiny child covered when It ItIs ItIs itIs Is out of ot doors mid and nd It la Ia difficult even In a n than In the tho ordinary perambulator Little legs kick ort off light rugs It II and heavy ones are undesirable The fhe best lIest plan la is to make what hat IN is often called a pram sack to take toke the place piece of ot a n rug rup It H can be made of ct a variety of at materials and Is a n simple bag with a 11 drawing string siring run Into the hem bern at It the top Time Tho legs are aro put Into the bag UH its clothes are lire comfortably down and then th n the ribbon string tied tie round his little waist Then his lili legs are ore tree freo to kick about and onel yet ret all the time ho he Is kept let t train from cold The easy pram sack Back may Uma mB be bo made ot or any sort soft all wool cloth very ver lightly wadded or It may bo be knitted In wool and lined with pongee silk IlIk or a 1 very nry homely hack Back could b he be made from tram a n email colored blanket Any An mother moth r having the time Idea presented to her Imer would know In what material to carry It out and very ery likely some somo mothers would make tho time winter In this manner for Cor the tho babies In arms who would thus be lie prevented from rota suffering from froni the cold |