Show L CONDITION OF f fI RUSSIAN I NAVY BAD The Russ Openly Criticises It I Saying S That Iliac the lie Time for or Silence Is Past SYSTEM OF CONCEALING FACTS Is for or the Loss of or Worth of or o Warships I I St Petersburg D c o 87 In nn au out outspoken spoken article In iii reply to the RussIans not hot to openly criticise the condition of the navy the Hum Hu s today ads tOllA declarer the time lime Is linseed for tor silence In view of tho the tact fact that the old oil cli system stem of concealing facts Is la responsible for the lose losa of IM roubles worth of oC warships and line hilts covered l tut us with grief I I It would be he absurd to ti hide the lie defects I that can still a till be repaired In the ships which remain at and We have havo already alread criminally wasted enough tune time The linen HUSH enumerates the detects defects In thu ships still In Russian waters water aver ring that tho the i of ot structure Iru turo of ot several of oC the 1118 d tot foi tilt this far tar east make the tho voyage danger owl mind and the arc are In such Much n a I shocking condition that It U is a 1 of ot surprise that lint the authorities accept accepted ed II their delivery intent Intend wl 04 e 1 to tn reinforce Vice Ien Admiral must mURt deftly clearly elen not be I with the lie defect which been proved to exist In 11 them thom In conclusion lon tIne thu naye aya lIa 8 Even I v n If It Admiral Is 18 a 1 clover clevor lender and lila hili comrades are heroic sellers every ono that we have Imposed upon them an almost tank In consequence of ot our nur not being furnIshed with n a true tUe account of ot the gravity of ot the tho events which have occurred since the fatal night of ot Feb eb ebs S 8 I |