Show I BEAVER DEA HH AnnIversary of or or of OrUO C 1 Special heaver Beaver Co Dee Deo SlOn the I nit InI a 11 few number of or the th high Priests Priest quorum wino scion accompanied by their wives came rube together about 2 I o 0 clock ut lit the tb residence of lit John X N South Smith and proceeded thence to the th home of auction John M Murdock whet where they met his hili 11 venerable father tather Orl On L e Murdock and to hi his treat great r at sin hirisi tendered to that veteran on his hll attaining the ad advanced d danced age Kf nf or four OUI yearn yeara He has han h been with the this church more mora than 71 years yearn lie 11 was wai Va a II member mamber of or Ians ramp camp a survivor of ot the Mis court persecution Iler a 1 1 member of at the Legion a I volunteer of ot the l Ilex loan Iran war tramping along In III the tle noted Mormon battalion it to 1 of about 2000 mile mil HP lie was wal also a 1 close clo HMO elate date of ot the tile Prophet Joseph and anda alit alita a 1 faithful follower of ot his Ills career airier from ruin youth haK been beon beset with many man Olan trials anti and that have Imo combined to gIve ll to hint him the courage rind and fortitude to stand stant urns slid and 1 true to the l he espoused In iii hi his youth The rhe visit WIN wax wa a pleasant Mant nun onn anti and much unity anti love was wa manifest by byall nil all present In ii their expressIons expansions of ot Rood will and encouragement Singing and anti making were on In also alfo brief stories tit the this past us well as present Tim rho speeches wore were tre congratulatory historical cal fraternal anti and generous Tho The Imp hap py Jt day dllY concluded with the pawing passIng of or delicious refreshments |