Show POCATELLO IDAHO HAPPY HAlPY H ll hoary avy Snow Storm IVard So clot Special Correspondence Ida Dee Dec 86 The 1111 happy Yuletide was appropriately observed d by tho the several churches In I Pocatello today I and ami an usa also last hist Mot Most of ot tho tue churches church had a tree tr for tor the little folks fulks The Th Saints Kalnis had hada a nice large tree ti decorated decort and lit up U by b electricity A program waa wu rendered by b tbs th Elder WM WU muster master of cero cern monies under toe the of ot Sunday undy William Jl U KMer BIller l lAfloy eRoy the oration and Elder r Kay represented ta ts Claus Clau ClauA A severe and 1011 snowstorm pre prevailed yesterday lut Jut night and Aud today leaving A R deposit of or JO lO or 01 II Inches Inch or orthe the tile beautiful in the tha elt which usually one of the general snowfall about us UI The Th annual ward will be held belt next heat Thursday D Dc 19 25 In lii I II the urn Mo Moment ment meat hall hail arid nd will M is given under the direction of DC the Mutual Improvement associatIons It will PP De P H II basket social the ladles an are a to a H lunch containing the name na nas of VT 1 thc donor which will be bet told sold at auction tu to defray the ex n ponies penot I |