Show MRS SULLIVAN AN D AD Wo Wife Wio of Salt Snit Lake Lako Attorney Succumbs At holy l lj Cross Hospital 0 Mr Mrs Sullivan wife wIt of Attorney tore George II M 1 Sullivan died last night at atthe atthe atlie the lie Holy Cross erO hospital after an opera operation ion tion ton for fOl hemorrhage The Tho lady lally was wa taken tallen suddenly III ill I Saturday night und and was vas Immediately removed to the Iho hOI boa hospital pital 1111 where wherE the operation was wan wal per I formed She rallied nicely nl ely and ald thought thlu ht to he doing dohl well wel when chien yester day the ahie took a a sudden turn anti and death I followed Mr Sullivan was 3 1 years yeat I of age Ii and was married to Mr Sulli Sullivan Sul van II nt at lt Colorado Springs Oct Oel I 1 ISM 1902 I since which tIme she oho he hunt has resided In II thIs thin city rl Site She Sh was wan Wil n a woman nornan of lovable dis ills disposition position and had a host hOlt of friends whose whole sympathy will wi go out to the be bereaved bei bereaved i reel husband In his hour of sorrow this The funeral will 1 be held at 3 p m in I tomorrow from toni the family re J no 21 2 Wellington court |