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Show Cough Tooir- ,w' iCINE fob CHILDREN Beaver-Iro- n The Christian Science Monitor Railroad ach care cannot be used in .ang a cough medicine for children Information has been given outthat .u should be pleasant to take, contain Uy tqifcial request we again publish the following editorial which ap no harmful unbalance and be moat Beaver county people are trying to! effectual. Chamberlaina Cough Rem- pcareil in our issue of March 2tth, as follows: a to run to Beaver City railroad get meeta these requirements aud is a edy We wUh to express our appreciation of the Christian Science Monitor. and on over into Iron county via favorite with the mothers of young We all know that for many years the Christian Science organisation has been Parowau, children everywhere, l'or sale by ail Cedar City and on through maintained in our town of Milford principally by the untiring devotioua and down to dealers. Advertisement. Washington county settleefforts of a coterie of ladies. Their loyalty and enthusiasm has not only ex- ments. It is believed that this will NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION cited a great deal of local comment and condemnation but also has been give the greatest amount of benefit Department of the Interior. U. S sufficiently noticeable to gain for our little town frequent mention in the to this section of Utah. From every Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. Christian Science Monitor, the daily newspaper, published under the auspices view March 18, 1913. point thia seems to be the case. Notice is hereby given that Joseph of that church. On many occasions little things have appeared in its colIf a railroad could be built from L. Staples, of Elsinore, Utah, who, on umns which have been of unquestionable value to our community aud Its near Milford running over to Beaver March 10, 1909, made Desert Land leople in au advertising sense. There are many good things to be said City, and then on down through this Entry, No. 02986, for WL.NE1; and about Milford, and the Christian Science Monitor haa said quite a number of part of Iron WJiftEK, Section 7, Township 25 S county it would touch Range 8 IV., Salt Lake Meridian, has them. Its circulation is so vast and extensive that these comments have every town of consequence and bring filed notice of intention to make Final been spread all over the civilized world. It claims, we believe, truthfully, transportation to the very doors of desert-lanProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before that it has the largest circulation of any newspaper on earth. During the every citizen. the Clerk of the District Court, at last few days some of the merchants and the Town Board in Milford have A Beaver citizen stated to a promiFillmore, Utah, on the 3rd day of Mav. been requested to buy a few extra copies of the issue to come out in the next nent Iron county man that if the two 1913. few days, which will contain a cut of the Milford State Bank, as one of the counties would Join in this move and Claimant names as witnesses: (food buildings of Milford, and will give a few salient Jacts about our make of it an Alma F. Frandson, Henry C. Larsen affair the There has been some reponse to thia call, and a number of extra people could build and John B. Hansen. Jacob Jacobson, all a railoperate of Elsinore, Utah. copies have been subscirbed for. The Town Board has agreed to take 100, road themselves, thus getting all The value of this little article, however, Is not in the copies we buy, but in profits without E. D. R. Thompson, having to give large the fait Iliac it is inserted in every single copy of its issue of the day on bonuses to outside Register. He also Fltet publication March 28th, 1913. which it will be published, and will in that way go all over the world. The cited the fact that capitalists. if it would cost but Last publication April 25th, 1913. spirit shown by the Christian Science Monitor in its willinjjpess to do , this $200,000 to build from Lund to Cedar, frequently for our little town, is something that ougit to be appreciated. the Iron county people could build to NOTICE TO WATER USERS the line north for the same amount of State Engineers Office, money, or nearly so. Then Beaver Salt Lake City. Utah, March 5; 1913. UP BY APRIL 20TH, 1913 Notice is hereby given that J. c. county could very easily carry Brownfield, whose postoffie address is the project onto Milford and intersect Milford, Utah, has made application in v XOTICE is hereby given that all householders or persons having in with the Salt Lake Route. accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as charge any premises within the corporate limita of Milford, must on or before As Iron county and Beaver City are desirous of having railroad comamended by the session Laws of Utah April 20, 1913, have all filth, garbage, decaying or organic matter removed from very 1910 and 1911, to appropriate twenty-fivmunication it would aeem that a hundreths (.15) of a cubic foot of said premises and must clean out and remove all manure and filth from their proposition of this kind should be prewater per second from an unnamed corrals, stock yards, chicken coops, pig pens, stables, privies and vaults. sented to the people, and when once spring in Beayer county, Utah. Said fe shown that they can build and own a situated at which apring point SIVY nerth 80 degrees west 2,347 feet This notice is given in pursuance of the laws of the State of Utah aa well the railroad, no doubt a movement to of the southeast corner of section 29, Township 26 south. Range 11 as the ordinances of Milford and upon the urgent requirements of the State havB'it will be made by them. It will mean a concerted action if west. Salt Lake base and meridian. The water will be diverted at the Board of Health, making it absolutely compulsory on the Town of Milford to such a thing is accomplished. It will place whye it issues from said spring take this step. also mean that some of the influential and conveyed by means of a pipe line men of Beaver City and Iron county of Town Board Milford. of the of Health of the order distance a By of feet 1,600 and there fpr will have to get together and forma-lat- e used from January 1 to December 31, F. BURTON, M. D. inclusive, of each year, for domestic and plans which will bring the propoHEALTH OFFICER. This application municipal purposes. before the people in a compresition M designated in the State Engineer's hensive The Observer hopes wsy. office aa No. 4840. All proteste against the granting of DRIVES SICK HEADACHE AWAY FOR BURNS, BRUISES and SORES that men who have the time, ability The quickest and surest cure for antTelfare of the country at heart Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach, saiq app (cation, stating the reasons biliousness burns, biui es, boils, sores, inflam- will be made by affidavit in indigestion, must disappear get busy at once. The promise Shyrafor. and filed in this office within quickly after you take. Dr. Kings mation and all skin diseases is Buck-len- s is made that this Salve. In four days it Arnica paper will be found Life Fills. They purify the thirty (80) days after the completion New blood and put new life aud vigor in cured L. H. Hafiin, of Iredell, Tex., of helping in every way possible. of the publication of thia notice. the system. Try them and you will a sore on his ankle which pained him Cedar City Observer. Caleb Tanner, ill helps; so he could hardly walk. Should be be well satisfied. Every btate Engineer. Vrice 25c. in every house. Only 25c. RecomDate of first publication March 14. every box guaranteed. mended tiy all dealers, Advertisement. 198, date of completion of publica- Recommended by all dealers, PAINS IN THE STOMACH tion April 14. 1913. If you continually complain of pains 6UMMONS in the stomach, your liver or your In the District Court of Beaver Coun- kidneys are oat of order. Neglect mav lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabety, State of Ttah. James E. Woodward, Plaintiff tes or Brights disease. Thousands Vs. recommend Electric Bitters as the 1 Adaline Elizabeth Woodward, De- very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, fendant. STATE OF UTAH, to taaboye nam- N. C who suffered with pain in the EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM stomach and hack, writes, ed defendant; . My kidYou ary. hereby summoned to appear neys were deranged and my liver did within twenty (20)days after aervice not work right, I Buffered much, but ii Crystal White Wyandottes, Mammoth White Leghorns, of this summons upop you if served Electric Bitters was recommended and within the poqnty'n which this action I improved from the first doae. I now Reds Rhode Island Comb is brought; otherwise within thirty feel like'a new man. It will improve po$e (30) days afterserytoo, and defend the yon, too. Only 50c and H.QOk, RecomPRICED REASONABLE Young Qnd old stock tq sell. ahoye entitled action; and in case of mended by all dealer.-- your failure to do so jndgment will be Oallorvgrjta rendered against you according to the E. C. BLANPIED, demand of the complaint which has BOX 60 MILFORD, UTAH. been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought' to reoov; Organization of Beaver judgement dUtfoTflng tho bonds of matrimbny heretofore existing beCounty Mine Owners tween you and the plaintiff. Geo. B. Greenwood, It Is suggested by. several mine Attorney for Plaintiff, Geo. B. Greenwood, owners and operators that there be a . Milford, Utah, local of thorn interested organization Attorney for Plaintiff. Carries tlie best and most complete First publication March 14lh, 1913. in mining in Beaver county. There are many ways in which such sn orLast publication April 11th, 1913. stock of everything In ganization could be made very effective in securing good results for those Groceries, Goods, interested not only In matters of FORFEITURE NOTICE. mutual protection, but in mattere of and AU Kinds of FRESH and and advertising the wonderMilford, Utah, February 13, 1913. publicity CURED MEATS To William Gbesbman and to his ful possibilities and rich mineral resources of Reaver county, and the enHeirs: If there Is anything you want, we have it, couragement of capital. Then, too, You notified are the that hereby FRISCO, UTAH and can supply you at right prices. undersigned has expended during each such an organization could be made of the years 1911 and 1912, $100.00 in helpful in Beaver county in protectr-labor and improvements upon the ing the Investor agaMfft fake proposiGold Bug Mining Claim situate in the Bradshaw Mining District, County of tions and fakirs. There are many 4444' 4 44444444 44 Beaver, State of Utah, the location other ways too in which snch an orcertificate of which is found of record ganization under capable, intelligent Book B of District Records of Min direction might be made a valuable ! r Claims at page 118 thereof in the ice of the County Recorder of said and forceful factor in the upbuilding County, in order to hold said claim of the mining interests of under the provisions of Section 2324 Utah. Mrs. H. C. Gale now has her Steam Laundry Equipped of the Revised Statutes of the United States and the Amendment thereof FOUND A CURE rOB RHEUMATISM with the most Modern Machinery and is prepared to give approved January 22, 1880 concerning Guaran-- I "I suffered with 'beumatism for two Work All Lake Prices. Salt Service at annual labor upon mining claims, Prompt and cwl'. not years 41-- 3 home call will amount get my right hand hold to and at Phone the teed being your required to my lode the on said at for jor periods length of time, ending trial and for Work, with Prompt Delivery. Give me a .e l, chapman, Mapleton, the 31st day of December, 1911 apd writes I suffered terrible pain so I the 31st day of December, 1912, low ... leave your money at home. respectively ; and if within ui&ety days 'ould not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Chamafter the publication thereof yoi two months o or refuse to contribute 'pr0. berlains Liniment aud insuffered with of such expenditure M ,co-- I was well and have not portion For sale by all owner, which mounta1)0$ioo.00, your rheumatism since. Money Refunded if Work not Satisfactory. interest in the cla,n wm become the dealers. Advertisement. property of the subscriber, or MRS. H. C. GALE, Proprietor who h.'ig made the required expenditures by the terms of said secSale I d com-miiuit- y. inter-count- y CLEAN I RETURN LIMIT APRIL 15TH t Ask for Tickets via v 4 THE SALT LAKE ROUTE J. II. W. H. LEE, T. P. A. MANDKKFIELD, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City 4 4444444-4444444444- e J. The Store of Quality as well as QUANTITY Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes HATS and CAPS DRY GOODS, etc i PURE BRED POULTRY, Our Grocery Department is the most in Milford, andft all telephone orders promptly delivered up-to-d- ate . L. GRIFFITHS oath-weste- INDUSTRY HOME UPPER MAIN. MILFORD M 44444444444444444444444444-44444-4444444- rn ytr I - Successors to Schow & eft Sons. Fotheringham Meats and Groceries, Hay, Grain and Flour. (Signed) Louise Fbeed NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, February 25, 1913. Notice is hereby given that John Elliott Idol, of Beaver, Utah who, on January 24, 1908. made Homestead Entry (Serial 02735), No. 17040, for 8WJ4SW),'. Sec. 21, NWJiNWU, and KNWji, Section 28, Township 30 8., Range 12W., Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to estabJLfch claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Beaver, (Utah, on the 23rd day of April, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas M. Patterson, Joseph L. Hanson, Arch Patterson, Roy Bohn, all of Beaver, Utah. E- D. R. Thompson, First publication MarchRegister. 14th, 1913. Last publication, April 11, 1913. , I WE SELL FOR CASH CALL AND GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH Phone 16 i - I SUNNY BROOK 'Notice Bonds for tion. 4 ! N. C. Schow A Go. s. PATRONIZE 4 at LAUNDRY... MILFORD STEAM I444 Every day is BARGAIN DAY 4 44-44-4- 4 444-444-0-4- IMS Pi Miners ' Supplies Dry hirst-clas- SOLE ABEHT F8B The Town of Milford, a municipal corporation of Beaver County, State of Utah, hereby calls for bids for all or any portion in lota of even hundreds of dollars for its municipal bonds in the total sum of Fifteen Thosuand ($15,000) Dollars, said bonds to be dated April 1st, 1913, to be due and payable Fifteen (15) years from date; all to bear interest at the rate of 6jb per annum payfrom date until able semi-annual- ly paid. All bids mut be in writing, signed by the bidder and presented to the Town Board of Milford not later than noon, April 5th, 1913. A. D. Allen, President. But you must tht right kind with can a poor whiskey will do more harm than a good whiskey can do choose good. When you buy SUNNY BROOK Tho PURE FOOD W hishey you have the guarantee of the largest distillers of fine whiskey in the world Last home. SUNNY BROOK The PU9E FOOD Whisker Is distilled, aged and bottled in bond under the direct of U.S. tieverumenl Inspectors, and the Gren Government Stamp that aeala each brittle guarantees that the contents are (tuM1jtrai(itf patural wkiiSey, properly, sod fuU U. 5. Standard tlQO'.l) proof. d. General Distributors West Second South Street, SAfcT LAKE CITY, UTAH BOTH THONES 365 35-3- 7 1913. That it is the very best and purest that money and skill can produce a whiskey distilled and scientifically carefully aged for the express of being uted is a purpose healthful stimuiant its the itfTie Inspectors BackTofiEvery.Bottle" RIEGER & LINDLEY, R. H. Pitchforth, Fi.rst publication March 14th, publication, April 4tb, 1913. Ask any good doctor what he thinks of the Judicious use of pure, old whiskey, and he will tell you that it is the best sort of a tonic and |