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Show IDE DEAREST GOOD BABY Mra Wilke Realized VALUE Fondest Hopei Health, Hap- HIS CHOICE. Considerable Areas of Fertile Deserf d Land May Be Utilized by Without Culture Irrigation Gandy Soil la Beat. Dry-Lan- nine when It was scarcely the rather father of the girl entered the parlor a here the timid was courting her. The father lover and have a sweet, healthy baby, and had his watch in hia hand. our home la happy. Young man, he said brusquely, do lialf-pas- t Flattsburp, Hiss. Lydia E. Pfnk-fca- ai fierce-lookin- a Vegct&tu) Compound baa provad very beneficial tome, for now I am well "I waa an invalid from nervous prostration, indigestion and female troubles. you know, what time it is? air," stuttered the frightened lover, as he scrambled into the hall; 1 I was Just going to leave! -After the beau had made a rapid exit, the father turned to the girl and said In astonishment: What was the matter with that fel- low? My watch baa run down, and I simply wanted to know the time. Llppincott'a. Perila of Politesesa. It always pays to say Thank you,' pronounced the habitual homely mor- I suffered every pain "I man could before I began taking Lydia think a wo- Mamma Jimmie, your little brother has the smaller apple. Did you giva came doubt It, back the experihim his choice? enced pessimist. Jimmie Yes'm. I told him he could ' now can you doubt such a thing? take his choice the little one or none Well, I met a man yesterday who and so he took the little one. almost he and Thank said you always lost hla Job by It. Not One. Who was he? Xn man e'er sought A street car conductor. When he The heights sublime, said Thank you It gave the passenWhose only thought a childless and lonely old age. Was killing time. the Impression that he Intended Many a wife has found herself inca- gers to fare. the reported pocket They pable of motherhood owing to soma him. His Inference. derangement of the feminine system, Lecturer All statistics prove that often curable by the proper remedies. the blonde woman is more difficult to VALUABLE HELP. In many homes once childless there get along with than the brunette. are now children because of the fact Astonished Man in the Audlenca that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable up) Are you certain of that (starting Compound makes women normal. fact? I lecturer If yon want special advice write to It Is a fact. , l.ydis F. Pinkhara Medicine Co. (confAstonished Man Then I believe my idential) I.ynn, Mass. Your letter will wifes black hair is dyed. he opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Bearing Burdens. Where have you been, Mary Ann?' EYE Salve ACHES I've been to the Girls Improvement class, ma'am, was the maids reply. Well, what did the curate say to IN WARFARE OF FACTIONS you? Did you tell him who your mistress was?" Snapshot of Quist Domestic Scene Please, ma'am, he said I wasn't to When Rivals Fought for the notice, aa I Intended, but that I give Control of Mexico. was to consider you aa my burden Tlt-BItand bear It. There was a dramatic silence. We need butter for supper, said Business Forma. the wife and mother firmly. "I don't Do you really love me? she wrote. Bee how we can get along without It Referring to my last letter," he Ill send Johnnie to the grocer's. It's I understand that your wife collab- promptly replied, you will find that I Just across the street, you know. Hes orates with you? love you devotedly oh page 1, madly little and can run fast. me aids work her on Yes, immensely." page 3, and passionately an pages No, said the husband and father I dont believe 1 have ever seen 4 and S firmly, "I will go. But the wife flung herBelf on hie any of her writings. She doesut write; she prepares TRUTHFUL. TTOIst aa he took down hla hat. mesls. No, no, John, aha cried; you my cant be spared. I will go. Politely Wicked. He caught her by tho arms. A hold bad man ' No. he quickly said. What would Exclalmc-d- . Hip! Hip! I do without youT Hark! Each time ha saw Tha chhriia trip. They all listened. I ran open a tumbler of said Well Named. the wife and mother. A retired naval officer paused a week Gimme Jelly. cried the child. So they sat dpwn and ate their but end at Magnolia, Mass., where he wearied a circle of newly made friends terlese supper. And all thia happened because they by hla never ending prattle of colorAfter he had relived in the City of Mexico, and the less reminiscences. rival factions were using the streets tired for the night a judge advocate who had known him for some years for gun practice. remarked to the group: We call him the thirteen-inc- h Counter-Thrue- t gun. "A very good retort!" said Senator Why? asked a lady from the west 'Lodge in an argument in this city Well, madam, he Is as big a bore aa over the immigration bin. A very It reminds me ol we ever had In the navy. pood retort indeed! alist. E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, and I think it saved thia babya life, as I Jot my first one. "My health has been very good ever aince, and I praise your medicine to ai. my friends." Mrs, Vehna WlLXES, 2L F. D. No. 1, Plattsburg, Miss. The darkest days of husband and wif e are when they come to look forward to Pettit TREE 1 e I Weeks. Poor Ireland. Weeks and hia wlf6 were quarrela difference in time, you Theres with a hard, scornful Weeka, ing. a.vl Eulaugh, you acted like a fish out of know, between this country rope, said a man In New York to a water. newly-arriveIrishman. For instance, Works sighed. But a very cleverly landed fish,' your friends In Cork- are in bed and j fast asleep by thia time, while we are lie said, in a musing voice. I enjoying ourselves iu the early eve- Once in a while a man manages to ning. That's always the way, exclaimed get rich In spite of his wife. Pat. "Ireland niver got justice yll. FLY TO PIECES. Proof of True Love. The Effect of Coffee on Highly OrganYou'd better marry Mr. Exymut," ized People. counseled the fond paps. Do you think he truly loves me? "I hrve been a coffee user for years, and about two years ago got . asked the pretty daughter. I'm sure he does. into a very serious condition of dysIiuw can you be sure when 1 am to seemed It pepsia and indigestion. me I would fly to pieces. I was so not? I've been borrowing money from nervous that at the least noise I was j distressed, and many times could not him for three months, and he keeps straighten myself up because of the coming. :paln. Had Heard Them. Tea is Just as injurious, becose it contains caffeine, the same drug found They tell me that your small boy .In coffee. says some unusually clever things." Yes, yes. Did you hear his latest? My physician told me 1 must not Sure." ' Cat any heavy or strong food, and ordered a diet, giving me some medi"Why, you never met him." "True; but I've met a lot of doting cine. I followed directions carefully, but kept on using coffee and did no fathers who invariably tell the same old tales." get auy better. "Last winter my husband, who was So It Goes. away on business, had Postum served Everything works in a circle In to him in the family where he boarded. He liked it so well that when he this world. One thing seems to comcame home he brought some with him. pensate for another, so to speak. C3 began using It and I found It How, now? They made a college professor jfipst excellent ''While I drank It my stomach nevei president. Now they are talking ofbotUred me in the least, and I got making the president a college profesover mr utvous troubles. When the Postum was gone we returned to cofPleasing to Papa. fee, then my etomach began to hurt Wife (to her husband as she goes me as before, and the nervous conNow, look after the children. put) ions came on again. That showed me exactly what was Don't let them play with matches or so I make any noise. (To the children): j cause of the whole trouble, it drinking coffee altogether and And you watch papa. Don't let him trou-go to the saloon!" Khegende lilaetter pt on using Fostum. The old (Munich). never have left again and d - .fly J. & CO IT.) In Its ability to withstand desert conditions, the olive surpasses any other fruit tree, with the possible exception of the date. Many instance! are known tit well started olive trees being abandoned for lack of water; and yet, although subject to desert conditions and the Kowstng of caltla forbears, they still live and make a small growth each year. In one section, the Balt River val-- , ley, In particular, many Isolated trees and one small grove of tha Mission variety have persisted for live or six years with no cultivation, and with no except tha natural rainfall Vnesa trees still have a fairly good appearance, except that their tope are thln and very little growth la made Practically no fruit la borne by our common varieties under these conditions. The fact, however, that they are alive and capable of being easily brought back Into a state of profitable tha demonstrates productiveness great value of the olive tree In ea ariiL country, whera the water supply la too often subject to Interruption. In the case of citrus and deciduous fruits, the lack of water for a year usually means the Ibaa of trees which It baa taken years to grow. But tha olive tree under such conditions aim-pldrops Its crop of fruit and nwalta the return of water before setting another crop. ..IfJg possible that in the years to come, when the economic status ol the arid region will have more neerly reached an equilibrium and tha coat of unskilled labor will have been lowered by greater competition, that considerable areas of our fertile desert land may be utilised by dry-lany d n Hind your jewelry orders direct to iis. V11 ship at um-i!- . Watch--$1.00 up. lle:idiu:irUTS fur Oneida silver tableware, Catalogue five. well-draine- light-heade- e. Ideal Match. to my WITH RECEDING OF WATERS AT DAYTON THE WORK CF REHABILITATING HAS BEGUN. Greatest Danger Now ie From Impure Water and Sickneae Which May Follow Harrowing Week of Flood and Famine, Honesty la a sort of boomerang with a delightful habit of coming home to roost. Dayton. Ohio. The work of nRiahlL It Is believed dating has begun that there U no danger of the terrible Good Tea In-re- . floods or last week being repeated. The greatest eause for worry for tba future is the laek of pure water for drinking and culinary purposea, and the fear of an epidemic of sickness following the receding of the waters Hud the decomposition of uilinal matter and refuse. The undertakers of the city now estimate tho number of dead at 230, while others place the number as low is There is a lot of pleasure iu drinking Good Tea. Particularly if the quality is always the same. The critical Tea drinker knows that Hewletts Tea 130. Duylou's period of reconstruction to will run into months, according is always reliable and engineers Just returned from the AlvPays Good. Disposition of dead flood districts. animals and the disinfecting of thouCoupons for Rogers' Fins Silverware homes is the sands of submerged in F.vcry Package. most pressing problem. the of No attempt at the rebuilding sewerage system will be made for sevThe hot air treatment for trouble eral days. Vnlll this Is accomplished the menace of disease will aot be en- la seldom efficacious tirely lent sight of. (Treat distress among tha survivors When you come to Salt was caused by the separation of famLake next time, be ilies aud the consequent dread that snre to visit ns in onr Lhe missing lmd been drowned. Since the rescue work began, nearly new home 100 children of the flood have been We will be pleased Is shew born. The authorities have opened a of the finest you ever maternity hospital where the new banking reemi in Ihsceanlry mothers-- with their babies ara being cared for. None of the public hmldlnga were destroyed. Among these are the Dny-loclub, Victoria, National and ColoSalt Lake City nial theatres, city hail, eottri house. Founded ISS9 Deckel; Phillips, Algonquin and Atlas Keeouroes ova 94,600,000 hotels. Masonic temple, piwtofflce, Y. M. C,. A. and all churches. Nature Is probably too busy to turn The lire loss is positively limited im the destruction of the Dayton Gas, out handsome men. Light & Coke company's plant, the buildings row of two. and three-storon both sides of Third street from Jefferson street to SI Clair avenue, the Troy-Pealaundry plunk and two $ Write for This apurtniunt houses on tho- west side: f Monument Booklet The Fourth National bank building, It's FREE which waa reported several times toil u All. the newest rtndsnstn base been destroyed by Are was un- - f s at price; .ouehed by the flames, although a t Too caa't sflenl juilding immediately adjoining It wdb j to buy a Walker Brothers n y Ripe American Olives. olive culture without Irrigation. Thia will mean, of course, very careful cultivation, and the utilisation ol drought-resistan- t varieties of the fruit 'under an established system of iiTlgktion profitable crops are now being secured. The olive prefers .a light sandy or gravelly soil, but X will thrive on almost any good soil except, perhaps, a very heavy adobe. A supply of water auffident for n deciduous orchard la hardly necessary for an olive grove, but the water used should be evenly distributed throughout the season, and each Irrigation should be followed by thorough cultifrom vation to retard evaporation the aoil. Occasional winter cover crops of sour clover or biennial cover crops of alfalfa will help keep the oil spongy and In the proper physical condition to hold water. For twenty-fiv- e years or more ellva trees have been grown in Arizona, and sections, and other southwest their state of health, vigor and pro tha Miss Askitt Doctor, is It dangerous ductlveness today proves that climate and soil conditions of the into the brain to bleach one's hair? Dr. Emdee Yea; Its likely to make land arid southwest aro eminently suited to their culture. In general, one for beat development, tbe olive ro quires a' hot, dry climate, where the Her Number. temperature does not fall below 21 Twinkle, twinkle little star. degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature ol Young and fair you seem to be. Yet, 1 chance to know you are If to 18 degrees will often do serious Very close on forty-thredamage to the tree. Iecunloua Father So you dare say you are an Ideal match for - Bankers RAISING FIRST CLASS rl - Mono-men- nioney-esvin- Mumi-unn- burned-- il until gel US bnoklal. write for It Now. It's sbsolulsly . The newspaper offices, the News, Jerald aid Journal buildings, are safe,, jut are net issuing papers.. Money Is of un use in. Dayton at Every facility its free to present. everyone without rout. Refugee not living In. Dayton ara leaving (he city by the hundreds om FHKK. Alan writ for KIIKX lltnlls Cbtalngua; Elias Morris W. S. Sl-- a w , Monument Tile fool.. & Sons Co. LU G Marble Work ManHes The rily Is without mnana of go nr seal transportation; there is not an, lectric light in the place except those af the National Cash Register comwuU-- r pany. There is no adequate Is auwer the ruined, system ;upuly, .he available fuel supply is limited Hid tho supply of natural gas used lnr cooking has. been abut off since Tut--lay. While approximately 8,500 persona re being cared for by the relief there are more than 5,fi)U homeless persons in UayUm who are aarieg for themselves as best they ran. Xoau of the banks are open for business ami, for the most part,. Um refugees uad little oc no money with ilieui when the flood came upon Uiiim. All the grocery stores and food supply bouses Lave been taken over by the STOCK military aud there arc no tresh meats, Beat of Draft Colta Aro Reared by daughter? Farmers Who Keep Few Brood Impecunious Youth I do, Indeed sir! Mares to Do Their Farm Work. Pecunloua rather Why, yon havi never euroed a dollar in your life. It appears that the fact that Impecunious Youth Neither hat good blood la necessary to produce she. high class draft horses la not appro elated by the majority of farmers. Location, climate, feeds and accidents She Came Back. and many other Influences are blamed makes What Waitress you Pretty draft horse breeders unsuccessful by air? look so miserable, Customer Why, to tell yoa the for the mediocrity of their colta, when In reality tha trouble la more often truth, the wife ran away last nlghL 1 shouldn't take od pure atlngineia. They won't pay the Pretty Waitress price for good stallion service. A few about that If I were you. farmers waste poor colts by giving cam I Customer don't; but she them poor care, but a great many back again thia morning. more waste good care on colta of poor breeding. There are many farmers Wider Field. who have the ability and skill to hancolleo bill of become that What has dle high class drafters who are afraid tor you used to have?" to try. The man who takes pride in Hes not her any more." hia farm work teams and why can let I didn't think you would ever keep them In good, vigorous condition Mm go. He was too good at getting ought to take hia bank roll and acquire the coin. a few well bred mares an raise a fefr He was good at getting money om colts to sell What good every or people. So good that a big college blood has done for year. others It will do elected him president. for him. The very best draft colta are reared by farmers who keep a few Outlook. a Not Hopeful well bred marea to do the work on Well, you have one consolation, their farms and depend upon the sale even If it Is costing you a lot o have of young horses for a substantial inyour son educated. In a little while crease to their bank account each without hi; will be able to gel alo year. If one makes good money in your help." draft horse breeding be must have w You me. hats worrying No. that's blood. good see, he's going to be a preacher. Avoid Pig Losses. Rather Fresh, a Tima. One at explain-IA Is It and reason. a study of feed and conditions There's joe For my part. I think women about the fairowlng pens will help The head of the Krupp steel works the little book, "The Road tc are the salt of the earth. has fiR.MO employes." thoughtful owner to avoid many ellville. In pkgs. MaeGuess you're right, when yon the of." to the brag A opined "Nothing f when tits pigs coma. " afcov teller louse liver read the Him la lime. Tfccj i men of number have they hoiiM wife. T've had that many In my consider the fram e ' r Hriiular, ina, aad fall af ! driven to drink. kitchen, but not all at once. s Go No Farther Surpasses Any Other Fruit Tree Under Desert Conditions. NO ANSWER. piness and Baby. OF OLIVE ccsni-aiittt- e, OUNAMKNTAL IKON WORK UIPRVRIXY DEKHIITIOM Crager Wire S Iron Wsrks Kalb I.ak Cl It. Wish A POfJTIVE cad PERMANENT Cl'AE FOB eggs ur milk available at any price. Liquor and g .MemU-rof the United Slates Drag Addictions crew of Louisville, wbo iiavi-Suleaw k mkSibw itrtnan tratJ a Xn a along sections of flooded D:vy-toriwMly aa Sllwii- - m kaww. THF. IEELEI W. Sm SM Uka CMv Ml Tam herct-oforSinai. unexplored, returned at conditions Friday qooij, reporting iu North Dayton and Kivertlale quite DO ss deplorable as the first estimates YOU ridiculed as lar as the suffering of tbe you wfll want m of tbom "Fa oar The people was concerned. The tour, howlUMiss" WI GIVE FREE I A letter wilt bring cae to yii. Write todi to poMal ever, (ailed verify fears that there W do awl flnltbinz had hceu a tremendous, death toll In for piwttcular people. that secliua. HALT LAKE. P1IOTO SUPPLY Iu North Dayton privation anuuig ISO Mala Nall Laka Cilr. the marooned has beei severe, but actual suffering, except, among chihlicn, U.U.WKAT-KUUK IATKHT CATAUHiUK. Explain was ueglible. Cruising the. southern how we teach barlMM trade iu end of ltivenlale, where it was feared there would he found a big death list. Captain Gillooly, in charge of the crew, reported conditions paralleling Naughty Lad. those in other sections of tho slrickeu "Sm here, boatman," said the irata city, but only two dead I todies were old I thought I told you gentleman, reported to him as having been recov- I wanted a. boy to go along with ms ered from that idstrict. The flooded and grub my hook! in Riveidulc, which is a secTea, sir, answered the Loatmaa. tion of substantial home owners, apand didn't he do It? proximately is seventeen blocks long "No. He booked my grub Instead" aud seven blocks wide. Ending the Tale. Looters Driven Out of Town. s life-aviu- rl u drvt-topl- It Darber (beginning the hair cut) Have you beard the atory about the guy that (resuming business) want hid. lirookviile is Counersville, practically under martial law aud twenty turn have been driven out of tue city after they were discovered .ooting (1 (imaged houses und store buildings. Sixty Drowned at Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind. Sixty lives ars known to have hceu lost in Indiana's Hood, which has utmost disappeared, in central portions of the state, but till Is threatening Evansville and ntaller cities. It short, sir? Customer (a tired editor) Yee; a mere synopsis will do! Surprise! A Boston girl visiting In j I California for the first time, was very much shocked when some one pointed out a tree. "Why, I always thought Cg leave! were much larger thaa that, said ah fig |