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Show County THews TIbc HBcavct THE PEOPLES rAPER Published every Fridsy afternoon by BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Beaver County. LTtah. at the This paper was entered as second class matter June 1, 1908, 1879. post of March 8. Act under the Utah, Boaver County, office at Milford, . , town boar d to cause a serious menace to all the rest of us. The and a garbage wagon and is passing an ordinance on some features, establishing con and do law the to live to up urnishing facilities to enable everybody is that they must not be forgotten omically as possible, but the great fact that overlooks that fact is going to that man law. The the to live to up have cot warning given in have to pay a penalty. We sincerely hope that with theMilford with suffici in no man be will there has been, It emphatic manner and the state. Beaver county temerity to violate the health laws of Milford, : Plans and Specifications Only SOME MORE RAILROAD TALK via Minersville, The project to build a railroad from Milford to Cedar City SUBSCRIPTION RATES: been has agitated condied out. It nevdk entirely Beaver and Parowan has 7.U) I Three Months the present at is decidedly promising 1.25 Sample copies sent free on request. tinually for ths last several years and Observer Cedar putting from the City We publish elsewhere an article cerAdvertising rates made known on application. what This is initiative. local buildthis by largely forward a propoeltion to some years, resulting in tain people in Beaver eounty have been advocatinginfor We do not this others vicinity. a tot rf ridicule of them and their plans by CASH BASIS AND PARCELS POST SYSTEM local do believe if people can believe local people can build this railroad, but we an active interest, will get to the work themselves up to a point where they will take united front and showing a The merchant of Beaver City, according to a notice published that they can, by presenting sell only for cash to the future together and organise, succeed in interesting in the proposition, faith fail Weekly Press of that town, have decided to with the exception that they themselves havs of what the conception proper and abeolutely cut out the credit system. Their notice, havnt local of the people Many the uuderiignsd outside capiUl. : to build and maintain a railroad. The actual construction of that of the signatures of the different firms Is as follows, "We, will cost 1918, to but it will be merchants of Beaver City, have decided that on and after May 1st, to practically speaking beyond the ability of local capital, line system the post parcel that realize through We and in come man to put his capital abandon the credit system. and In order toimset whole lot easier to get the outside money of years number a for here lived who have we ere unable to meet the prices of the mailorder houses if he can see that tocqljople also that the eredlt into these conditions, we must sell for cash only. We realise measure the cause are willing to risk some of it. The railroad proposed would do a great deal to of our city, and in a We have written a great deal on it in the system is e detriment to the progress at a lower cost. The develop this section of the country.now what we have heretofore M e are said. of high prices. It will be our aim to give better goods a past and do not propose to repost is fact to the of south up us, effect of the present credit system upon high prices undoubtedly waking the see to county ded however very glad indeed Is as suggested by is is fact. A perfectly wise credit system whereby credit when built, it travel to that for line ropd that ths proper and fairly promptly Is udouMdly only to the men who will pay aurely would do more to develop Iron county and Beaver county together them. t It don credit who get is that many people be done. good thing. The trouble, however, be leva, that no than any other hundred thingsatywuld eet their obligations. Personally, the editor of this paper storee of community go on a cash basis, It will only a., c. J. mcintire: ; CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Short Notice Furnished Work Done s on Milford, - Do your Banking at Home. that of a wise credit system. We have people who are about as slmon pure dead in our county perhaps fifty sixty beataa the world ever hnew. They their Dames have gone from one end of this county to the other, have gotten the upehot and on the account book of practically every store in the county This merchants. our to loss county it has bean many thousand of dollars Milto The applies elsewhere. true question to same condition undoubtedly several On orations ford and Newhouaejust as much as it does to Beaver. while Milford etorea have undertaken to go on cash basis. Every little Credit should never be exattempt is made to practically every community. same time the M"'00 tended to a man who isn't In shape to pay. At the ou of that credit is a tremendous convenience oftentimes to the me. It Our business modern systems. blood of to the life been well sold that credit entire business system In the United States is built on ereolt. - U It for credit, our American civilisation would never have reached IU pTT? high standard, to say nothing of our commercial advancement. A still more Interesting phase of the question to the relation between high prices and the parcel post system. The merchants of Beaver by the above an nouncement have practically admitted that the parcels post is causing a competition which they are finding difficulty in meeting. Personally, we have never believed that local merchants art responsible to any particular extent We believe they are victims, to that they , for the high standard of prices. are being held up by the jobbers and wholesale houses. There have been too many middle men before the merchandise reaches the local merchants. In some caaes our local merchants may have done wrong in that they have tried to make too big a profit for themselves, but generally speaking, local com petition in Beaver, Milford and all of Beaver County for that matter has been such that ths rate of profit for the local merchant has not been very much. In other words, i: If the parcels post system is entting out the middle-mathe parcels post system to enebling the original manufacturer or other producer to deal directly with the consumer to a sufficient extent that some of the men will be eliminated it will result in taking off several of those intermediate profits from the final price paid by the consumer. n, A LOCAL SAMPLER PROPOSED WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INDIGENT? Milford State Bank CAPITAL STOCK 525,000.00 Savings and Commercial Deposits taken and courteous treatment guaranteed to all. 1 P1TCHF0RTH & SON. X T Dealer in I n On several occasions in thqjiast Milford has spent considerable money in un-caring for poor people and the question has often times come up whether der the law the town of Milfqrd Is responsible for such an expense. We, there- fore toke time to say that under the statute, Beaver county as a whole is res- - a ponsibl for all indigent or needy people and must furnish them with the neces-- 1 strips of life Including necessary radical attention no matter whether they are located wlthiq ti)e Unfits of MiLfprd or any other incorporated town or city. In No municiother words the county qs a whole Iqqk after the needy citizens. in statute The terms with that it the Is ipake emphatic duty pality charged Commissioners to see that all such people are takof Board County fb of duty if qq excuse for the payment of one cent out of our treasen care Qf qqi) pqrpqse. It if qlaq true whether the party in question is s resident ury for Whether be ba aq sQtqal legal residence or of 9r 9QL lor ' I ''omeat Ik tbf equity 9f 9yeF or belongs to some other county. If he Is u MO to ttoi Bqqrd qf pgqnty Commissioners to see that he here and in need u . . the town irf Mjlfgrd to attend to iu .. is taken care of and it ian tneTfcny H n e . L&SK6IS Ol All ulZ6S LOl IlIlS & p p SPA U UF2Q6S feci like paying $ioo or $20Q for a Victor-Victrdf- a when you can hear all the Victor music aria fuin NOW pn (his genuine ig Vlctor-Victrol- a Utah Marble Is In Competition. Washington, March 27. The white marble found in Beaver connty will enable Utah to compete with other states for the contract of supplying marble for the construction of the $4,000,000 Lincoln monument to be erected here. Resident Commissioner Shelby M. Cullom has announced that if the samples of the Utah product are submitted they will be given due consideration along with other marble from Colorado, Vermont eta tee. The Item providing for memorial was defeated failure of the sundry civil session, bnt will be enacted congress convenes. As a after as possible bids will the specifications requiring estio marble to housed. r Cullom said today the matter of expense would not be considered and that if the Utah product was found equal to othen it would be given a fair show. There is a possibility that marble will be selected from all states producing the white marble to qrder to make the memorial more re; tative. Interested parties sho range at once to forward sani the Utah marble. t our Gold Bar Fruits. Theyre lhe Best The market, and every can guar same with our entire line of Grocees"e Best the Market affords, at the Lowest fI"ces . Ant dose, and fine djeappear. O. H. Ala., writes: "My wife was down T hat Milford is going to be a clean town ie beyond all possibility of discoe- - dine, to bed with an obstinate and I on. There may be some people In the burg who do not realise that that to an I honestly believe hadTtVot been for Dr. ie New absolute finality. It however, certain that if the Milford people of themselKing's Discovery, she would be living Known for ves do not make this a good clean town the state authorities will do it for them e forty-threyean as the bent remedv and (hey will do it in a way that will result in a good deal of nnpleaeantneae tor roughs and colds. Price 60c anil and give Milford a good deal of undesirable advertising. The State Board of L00. Recommended by all dealen. Advertisement. Health, by its inspector Mr. Jordan, has already moved in the matter, behaving been in town this week. He has a number of uncomplimentary things to say about conditions in our city and he also says they are going to be fixed np before Lincoln Murdock of Beaver has securhe leaves the county If it takes all summer, and he goes still further and inti- ed a position in the local railroad shops mates that it isn't going to take summer, but on the contrary it is going to and will move his family hen in a few be done in very short order. days. At this writing bail looking for The pStoers that be spoke lest fell and gave us plenty of warning. The a horns. am powers have now spoken again. Most of the citizens of Milford have 1 peper sample book. Call and their hearts in the right place when it comes to this proposition. There are, . however enough of our citizens who do not take any pains, in the line of health look them over. Chas. to-da- y' r Try Snow Flake H. P. Flour. Raile from dl7 land Wheat, and every sack a winner LOWEST choicestgoods r. 11 C Whats the use of waiting until you - into-toke- n, CLEAN UP OR TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES 11 PRICES ARE THE LOWEST tie tit A k There would seem to be a screw loose somewhere in the many disappointments suffered by the small shipper of ore in his smelter returns. This neighborhood to largely dependent upon the mining industry, although that Is by no means the sole support. It is, however, one of our big things. We know of no way that a small producer can ever become a big producer without first shipping ore on a small scale. For the last several years there haye been eo many bitter disappointments to ths smolter returns received that would seem almost sure that there to some unfair treatment being meted ont by the smelters to the ore producers. The larger mining companies on basis which enables them to get regular contracts, fare, of course, much better. We are neither mining experts nor smelter experts end we are not to possession of sufficient date to enable us to diacnes this question Intelligently. It to, however, absolutely trns that if the smelters do not give proper returns and pay for the actual mineral contents of the ore, such a procedure Is a body blow to the mining Industry, to the railroads and to every body else that gets any portion of their support from this industry. Ons man In Beaver eounty recently made extensive tests of some ore which he was shipping, and, In fact, took such great care and precaution to be sore of the .ssssy value of his ore, that it would not seem possible Jor; him to be but Instead of netting a nice round profit he netted a substantial loss, apon several cars of ore which he shipped on the strength ofr his assays. Milford Produce Exchange This to a bad thing, and therefore, many of our people are advocating the idea of a local sampler here In Milford, or in this immediate vicinity, where The Beaver Commercial Clnb are ore can be sampled before It is actually shipped and in that way check up on the of opening agitating proposition the smelter companies and the northern samplers of this state. Farme's Exchange ac Milford for There is only one way to meet this proposition, as well as everything else the pnrpeee . of marketing Beaver comes up, and that to by The business men of Milford are producer-ha- y, connty grain, flour, interested, the railroad company is interested, every lawyer and every doc- fruit and other farm, butter, eggs, tor, to say nothing of the mining men themselves, are mightily interested. or A committee should be appointed to investigate this proposition and get dairy garden products that can be within the county. The produced right down to brass tacks. If there to anything wrong and bad treatment scheme would seem to have considerto being given by the smelters, the proper stepe should be taken to remedy able merit, and would effect a big that situation. If, on the contrary, our mining men arf going crasy and saving to consumers and open up an shipping ore which has no real value to it they should provide piemselvei avenue for the county farmers to diswith the necessary machinery to ascertain that fact before they make their of their staff at a reasonable pose A car load of ongoing to the smelter and netting a substantial reshipments. Pull plans will probably be turn is a fine thing, not only for the shipper, bat also as an advertisement of price. formulated within a few days and the mining resources of this eounty. A car load of or that goes up then will be token looking to the nd nets a loss to on the contrary a decided detriment to ns all, and the sit- step formotion of some kind of an organl-tlo- n uation is all ths more eruel and outrageous if It to s fact that ths on had to put into effect the above mffleient mineral contents in it so that it should have brought back a good ised check, and yet at the same time actnally nsalt in loss. Is doesn't propoeltion. Beaver Press. need an eloquent pen to make a man appreciate the situation. It to something we must attend to, and the sooner it to done the better. So far as this COUGHS akd CONSUMPTION paper to concerned we will support actively and energetically any move to Conghe and colds, when neglected, enable a local sampler to be established hare. If it to a financial always lead to serious trouble of the possibility lunge. The wisest thing to do when to pat It in and have it at work In thq yeiy near future, it should be done. you have a cold that troubles you ie to get a bottle of Dr. King New You will get relief from the - Start X it any matter how often the The problem be a ahort time until they get back on the credit basis again. the problem basis. On the contrary credit and basis cash Is not one between or TT an account today with the 1 t to First-Clas- Nichols GROCERS PHONE NO. 65 Prompt Deliveries. |