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Show An 8 Page Weekly Pa- u VOL 5. A Publication Devoted to the Interests of Town of Milford and County of Beaver, State of Utah.' BEAVER COUNTY NEWS per Full of Latest Town, County and State News at ('ost of $2.00 a Year. - - - MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. ffRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1913 NO 44 S2.00 PER -- StateCapitol Commission Smelters Not Treating to Visit Newhouse Small Shippers Fairly MINES COUNTY FROM BEAVER LATEST BITS OF LOCAL NEWS p Interesting News Numerous complaints reach us of alleged unfair treatment by the smelt ten of the small shippers. One of the latter in telling of a recent ex, perience, said: "On my last ship-oro of ment I had a good quality according to careful sampling. My aS' tr says showed that I should have net When ton. returns of $15 to $20 per a settlement was made the smelter statement showed a balance, to my credit after treatment, sampling and transportation charges were deducted of only $1.41 per ton. It is the he meanest form of petty stealing, I could get no satisfaccontinued. tion, just a contemptuous indifference. If there is any possible chance of getting legal redress either through the state or United States courts though I am going to have it If I can get Beaver county mine operators to join me in an organized effort I will work day and night If we can by united effort buildand equip a sampling plant so that we can have a check on the smeltery I am going to work to lhat end. Talk about buccaneers and pirates and highwaymen of old, all were gentlemen of honor The New Train compared to the modern smelter employes. I am going to appeal to Thenew train known as the Pacific every mining man of the west for moral and material support in the Limits'll No. 19 west bound aiid20east sow in service. It run fight I am going to begin for honest bourj. treatment of the mining men by the over iue Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Faul smelters. Unioif Pacific, Oregon Short Line and Salt Lake Routes, between Chicago and Los Angeles. The first train west bound No. 19 Prominent Mining Man passed through Milford yesterday Against Relocations afternoon. The first train east bound No: 29 will leave Los Angeles tomorrow morning April 5th and will pass rewho man A prominent mining turned from a brief trip to a Beaver through Milford Sunday morning. No. 19 west bound will leave Salt county mining district a few days Lake at 8:45 In the morning and will dissince said: "If half the energy reach Milford at 3:05 in the afternoon in that in relocating ground played Train No. 20 east bound will leave district were devoted to real develop5:30 A. M. and will reach Salt Milford ment there might have been some Lake City at 11 :45 A. 31. As it is fifteen big mines develuped. will also be a change in train There a yeaj-- have gone by and there isnt 1 which will arrive here at 8:25 in No. hol? down 100 beet. So capital ia tnteadof 8:40 as here toobi. anu me locato, a difference of lAihinutes il and die and nothing is done. o. 2 north bound will at 9:05 P. M. and leave M. instead of 9 :30 as hereto- Milfords Contribution To From Properties Notes Different Districts. of Big Strike According to the present program the Stare Capitol Commission Bnd s few oiler gentlemen will leave Salt Lake CVty, Friday night and will spend Saturday at Newhouse aind out to the marble runrries lying between New house i.d Frisco. The object of the make further inspection of trip is thireflflt! with the idea of using it for tiie Stute Capitol in Salt Lake City. The p.'fty will consist of Gov. Spry, C. E. Lo5se. M. S. Browning, A. R. Barnrf. Attorney General, David Blatt of State, C. S. Tingey, It. son, $ Kletti-t- . the architect, Trof. F. J. rCcfc-h- e State University, Mr. Baum General Superintendent of the Stewart Construction Company, who have the contrst for the capitol building and one o two more of the Stewart Com pany Vinen and probably S. II. Belmont an expert on marble in the employ of the Capitol Commission, will be along. The expectation is that he will arrive Friday morning. The party will take the train at Milford, immediately after arrivfi$;from Salt Lake and proceed to Frisco. They will be back to Milford that evening. Suit Instituted Against at the Glasgow & Western Co. King of the Hills $50,000 on two promi-sor- y and notes $2,500 attorneys fees the in district court yesterat filed the strike was rich a morning tells of McCoi-uicthe & IV, Salt Lake Ililla. the of Apparently by day King tunnel 1. in the bankers, against' the Glasgow & face of the 000-fo- ot company. One Western ledge that extends upwai 1912, and the 11, 500 feet December dated note to the clear surface, nearly above. The ore la a aulphide, carry- other under data of March 8, 1913, ing 5 to 10 per cent of copper, as high was for $20,000. Salt Lake Tribune. ae 16 ounces of silver and ft in gold. As per the above, George Critchlow It ia an ideal concentrating ore, and of the firm of Tierce, Critchlow & plana are already being )ade for a Barrette, spent Wednesday of this great milling plant. There is a Bplen-di- d week in MillV'd. Frank L. Osborne, down grade roadway clear to the iho Deputy kshcriff from Frisco came railroad, ao that until there ia an ex- down to 51 i! for; und he and Mr. tension of the railway to the property Critchlow went out to the Montreal the transportation problem will be a mine and posted notices making the comparative ly easy one. The success- attachment in a legal manner. ful accomplishment of the owners of The actual amount of this attach- A telephone message from A. L. Fotheringham, of Beaver, Tuesday Suit to collect 40-fo- ot the property in continuing the work ment is $52,500.00. Eighteen mining all these years, sometimes under claims have been tied up. We under. stand, without being able to state details positively, that this is more 'or less in the nature of a friendly suit. We are advised that one of the officials of the Glasgow & Western Exploration Company is on the way out from Scotland, where the main office of the company is located aup that Mr. of MeCornick & Co., of Salt Lake City has taken this step simply to protect himself until this official can arrive and with tlie full consent and approval of the Company itself. We have no informal ion to the effect Lhat the property will shut down or that it will cause any cessation in the working of the same. One of the main men of the local force stated the property is bigger and bigger everyday of work they do, that when they have shipped a car th ey have exposed several more and that it is one of the biggest Lhinnc ho ha a ever heard of and that most discouraging conditions, entitles them to the highest praise. Chief credit is due, however, to A. L Fotheringham. Abe has had faith for nearly fifteen years that the King of the Hills ground had in it the making of one of the great bonanza mines of the west.' Right well has his faith and Judgment and courage been rewarded, if all we hear of the new strike ia true. It shows too wbat may be accomplished in many other properties in Beaver county twenty of them or more. All that is needed ie development (km intelligent lines. Capital should! be easily secured if owners of the properties evince a desire and willingness to meet the man with the money hal way. ck .ew Electric Hoist For the Sheep; Rock tUer , -- iiv i JiT ar-lo- rd New Development at Cedar-Talism- The Flood Suffers an Limited will 7 south bound e here at 11 :00 P. 31. instead No. 8 north bound will go through here at 8:25 A. M., over two hours later than heretofore. The official time card may change these figures a very few miuules but they are the nearest we are able to get t j it, at tills writing. Tl&re will also be a change in the mining on the Provo Subdivis-vee- u Salt Laxe City ahd train between tlioso two points will leave Salt Lake at 7:35 A. M. and arrive at Lynudyl at 12:15 P. M. and train No. 64 north bound will leave Lyndyll at 1:25 P. M. and arrive at Salt Lake City at 8:05 P. 31. This gives very close connections south bound at Lyndyll, bub north, bound there will be quite a wait. However the wait will be in the day time instead of JJie middle of the niglit as heretofore which will conduce to the pleasure of travel. Angeles lie-i-n that No. As announced last week some of the ladies of Milford got busy to the end that our community might not be behind the rest of this state in contributions according to its size to the fund that has been raised for the Ohio and Indiana flood sufferers. Mrs. J. A. Ingols advises us that the total raised i as $17.35 which was sent to u to be included the in the fundi for this purpose. from the are that a vigorous new development campaign lias begun with the intention of making this property one of the bigger of Beaver county iu the near future. Fourteen are at work and it is planned to increase this number at an early date. The new management is progressive, and has faith in the property. The leasers on the Cedar r.il are also doing good work,- and are confident they are going to make good. Repn-t.- The Cortez Property is Again Bone ed i Odar-Tulisma- n n-l- d b Ilerald-Republica- sm-ees-f- t-- aa per ton. Crown of Gold Co. .to Start on Kittie Clough 1). P. Vai Fleet spent Sunday in Clear Luke. Lindsay Jennings returned from Levan Monday. John Turley was in town on Tuesdistrict. day from the out fur tin Christian Science Monitor ef April 1th. Everybody in Milford have n copy and read it. The 7.h and Sill gram- of the Milford seb. ml surprise, 1 their teacher, . The Board uf County Coiiimisfuni-ee- s Mr. Bon:-.- i. Wednesday night. The meet at Beaver t Monday, the parly was held at the linini; of Bliss Martha .Moore, mil all present re7 th. ported ail enjoyable time. 31rs. N. Snyder, of Park City is Charles I!. Murdock and John R. visiting with her mother, Mrs. T. B. Murdock, Jr., brothers of Mrs. W. II. Milford. of Moore, were in town on Tuesday of Frank Fraii'-e- , the well man, left While in this end of the wok. (this on last evening's cuhmti; t his made a trip duwn to eoiinty liny home in Chicago. their land iu the Reaver Bottoms, J, A. Ingols and My run K. Lewis l writ miles m.rtli of Milford. have spent the week down the valicy Tlie travel hu been unon a surveying trip. time usually he ivy up t i Edward Thompsoli, of Beaver, was this year. Tuesday night they had in Blilford Tuesday, on his way to at to run No. 2 out of north in two tend conference at Salt Lake City. fast not peltin' Mention the seelioiis, 1 lienout of about until is Shamil of John ie, Kelly, Blayor I was spending a few days in Milford. lie Wednesday night Weld erowd I. reports everything serene in his alii Cedar-Talisma- - n m-x- i- - lii-r- e In-r- evening, wick, Mrs. J. McIntosh arrived from It is worthy uf note that the travel Los Angeles the first of the week on the iiiiriiiiinbile between Milford and will make her future liniiio in and Mom-o-.is increasing rapidly. Milford. The automobile on many days being Miss Lottie Bond was the fortunate loaded i its ejpaeiiy both ways, winner of the glass set at the Jeffer- this is simply :injllier illustratiiiiu uf son .Mercantile Co.s drawing Satur- the fact that improved transportation O. l-- day evening. A delegation from Miners villc Marshall and Win. Robert Bishop recent visitors in the Reaver Bottoms country. Mrs. Ambrose Hedges has moved to the shearing corrals where she will conduct the boarding house during the shearing season. Our county treasurer George B. Skinner, Jr., called cm us Wednesday evening of this week. He was on bis way to Sait Lake City. Charles E. Anderson, of the Beaver Drug Company was one of the travelers north bound Tuesday night, to Salt Lake City. Wilford Robinson, of Beaver, went-!ntSo'tfsilre City Tuesday night to attend reference and alsu transact sundry items of business. W. II. DeWolfe won the suit at the drawing at DeWolfe-BIcKa- y Cos, store Saturday night and Mrs. J. M. Forgio won the ladies suit. order at Everything is in "apple-pithe Milford shearing corrals, and it is expected that active operations will begin the latter part of next week. Wm. Hurst, of Beaver, was a Milford visitor on Monday and Tuesday last. !Ie went to Salt Lake on n business trip, expecting to be gone until the first of next week. en-rou- le e increases the travel. A. F' Tolloii, of tlm Newhouse Mercantile Co., at Newhouse, after spending a number ,f days in Beaver, came down to Milford on Tuesday night of this week and look the (rain to Salt Lake City, on business, also Id attend conference and have a pood time. He w'll only tie pone a few days. y ws in town Floyd Cliainpi-from his farm about- six miles cast of Blilforrl. Hn stales that the , well width bis Dr. is WyckoiT, pulling down n his place has at' 'lined tlm depth of 270 feet without, having encountered any water. The welt casing is down 170 feet from the surface. H T. Ilanks was iu Fait Lake City llin latter part of last week arranging,, further details in regards to the new rooming In use to he erected across the street from his present hotel and to be run in connection with the Hotel Blilford us u part thereat. Mr. Hanks relumed Sunday morning to Milford. We understand he is about ready to commence construction. BIoii-da- father-in-law- . R. R. Tiunu-r- , of Reaver, was in Milford about, an hour on Wednesday of this week, having come down front Reaver to get sonic fencing fur his farm. Mr. Tanner lias broil honored with u summons to serve on the FedSheep sheHVing will start cither to- eral grand jury, in the United States morrow or within tlie next few days court at. Salt Lake City, and must reat Modena, Milford, Miners villi; amt port then- - for dutv jiii April 14th. Ho be del lined there anyNewhouse. Sheep nn-are in evi- is liable State Health Officer With Us dence and everything roady, as we where from f uir to s en weeks. understand it, fur actual work. Liltio Kao Sherwood hai a ease of Active Work at Mr. Jordan, Inspector of the State S. Joseph and the Beaver sickness, diagnosed as diphtheria, two Harry in Beaver been The Leonora Group Board of Health, has and City Water Service company were of the I.aub children have scarlet expects to county this last week named as defendants in a suit fever, and we are advised there is a remain here for some days to come. tiled afternoon by case of typhoid fever and two eases yesterday John Matson. uf Salt Lake City, He is stirring up things generally in tin; Washington Pipe and Foundry in the Winn family and one in Beaver president i.f the Leonora company, Milford, as well as which seeks to collect $2,5twiin I(. Ru iniell family. As n result company tolls of financing efforts and the other towns of the county. on water mains aud other materials of this, in order to lie on the safe a vigorous prosecution of As mentioned in our editorial column that in-furnished by tin; plaintiffs. Sail; side, the public school building in work ruin now on at the Leonora un- this week, he insists that things must Lake Telegram. was fumigated, starting with j Milford til this property is developed into one be done at once. 1,1 school Thursday adjournment r remind! scenes in Blilford would The A of the big mines of Beav.-- county. New cunt Soda until this morn !lld Fountain For inning town circus in of one a new country for the day contract is already let to were The children ing. The Hotel Atkin work. It is a great property the The Milford Pharmacy the past Week. The hotels are leave all seliu-.- bonks ill t lierequired building Blilford also crowded the streets, and Lcuiiura. is known far and wide as the most so ns to make the disinfection as The new addition to the Hotel AtThe Milford Pharmacy is somewhat thorough as possible. A still more kin is progressing very satisfactorily. disarranged inside at the present time, bustling towns iu Utah. jnd yet tlie thorough ftinsig.-itiiiiof the school Coming boom hasn't started. Jnst keep your Big Operator Some of the rooms will be ready for having cleared the space for thejn-st- a In- house will uncle, commencing toon Blilford and wateh her grow very near future, to Jarloose District occupancy in the week Ration of the new soda fountain, eye tinimmediate supervi-si-.i- ti under night or ten days with hounds and leaps. probably only a la which here of Health (illicr-- lr. Burton, and any morning. expected from now. It is .a big building and Again mmnr has it that George takes time to complete it, hut when Proprietor Angus Buchanan, states Harry L. Bracken reports lhat he lasting till Sunday morning. the famous Nevada min- done Milford will certainly have a that he has bought as Wingfc-id- . a will start operations on the NewcasJohn II. Barton, ouri-ounlmake a visit good large hotel, fur a place of its fountain as can be found and lie doesn't tle Reclamation companys mam juvenile ing mini, is planning to Jarloos11 to examine several gold size. think there is anything like it west of canal between April first and fifth. oflii-ia- l has been in tin- west end of Beaver futility again this week. 3Ir. the Missouri River, except his own. This outfit consists of a properties there that are being held is installing individual glasses, lie Barton leads a ery exciting life. In , his friends. and ag-trby Oak Leaf Shaft which will never bo nsod twice, the power gas tractor, which will pull with him lie slab-- that lie is talking ot same being thrown Into the waste two elevating graders, capable Down Steadily Going Inicket immediately. From whatMr. moving lie tween 4,000 amt 8,000 cubic averaging from twenty to thirty eases Anthony Ivins within his Buchanan tells us we anticipate our r hours. This a month ot minor Returns From Jarloose will all stick out when that soda yards every twenty-fouhe I.a- -l week iu eyes jurisdiction, is which outfitThe contractors who are putting the fountain electrically lighted, here. gets that man urna had utter tiias young Oak Leaf shaft down 250 feet are reenables as rapid operation at night as took him about ail night and in M iiford, as making good progress. The ported tho Cedar Observer. returned Ivins Monday day. during ApnttV Oak Leaf property adjoins the King mi his trip, l,e hn I an experience that from a trip in t'p Jarloose country. of the Hills, and the recent strike in The Beautiful Residence informed We are took him ttii belter part of the night, authoritatively What aetimi lie will tuke in a near the latter will result in rushing Oak , Lots Milford of week next or within the sonic that trj ing to find a couple of boys, who future d vc1o.ni( nt campaign on his Ijcaf development faster than ever homes iu new families will locate in the hud run away from tln-ibefore. forty property in that district- we are nut s Milford. to and clear wu'ked of Reaver Malone, approximately vicinity able to slate in this issue. seems However t lie v had siarted on their miles north of Milford. Tlu-rBond and Lease For without 31 r. Barton's to be quite ail influx there from Cali- ret mu lo Prof. Valtinke Believes fornia. From our Malone notes, pub-- . knowledge anil a man from Reaver lixhed elsewhere in this ishiie, it will found them, picked (lu-iup and , in Jarloose Possibilties them into Milford and after! Sunday School nni jiijW' a ho- - wards took them back to Beaver. The Bunltiiy, icnolH, lJnwUr now Hjncp jjih vabr IkukIh arriel Prof. Ynliiuke, altera busty exam-illatio- n and Smith are rcMirtcd to have1 is all Milford real estate, for a morejeiety of people. In spite of the stis- - lads were still' as a result of their il of tin- - .lurlouso country, ex- j agreed on terms fur a bond and lease populous, a more prosperous Milford stroll. Mr. Barton went up to pressed by sen doubting pj,.jn that Micro Hre pnssi-i.iihi.presses a and back nil Thurskay and this Newluutse ' V.Iiiins that Mi-"jlcu-lupm- i of ut f.r isi xpicting to go hack this at ahead and is writing some big low crude propositions over tinke aud associates of Salt Lake hlji K,.t growing on favorable terms .Cali; vicinity in his home there. lo ieuver this morning. ou A. B. Lewis. Advertisement. (City. 'rapidly. - Messrs. R. H. Burke and R. J. 1 have again secured a bond . id lease on the Cortes property fn:n Mrs. Woodhouse, of Beaver, and 1 pect to begin active operations ne ;t month. This is a gold-leaproper'y carrying sensational values. Roc t assays show as high as $2,000, $3,-jand $4,000 in gold. It adioins Crown of Gold property from who i ore has been shipped running as hi 1 $30,090 1 permanent shut down rr fur any shut down at all fur that matter. A magnifleienfnew electric equipment was unloaded at thin local freight warehouse Sunday consigned to the new Sheep Rock management. There is surely something good and big at the Sheep Rock to Justify such an equipment. In addition to the hoist there is a compressor outfit and other fine equipment. It is alBO proposed to increase the stamps from 5 to 25 ii the i near future. as 4-- is iiu s YEAR Lynn-dyl.'iT- nit-ash-- s 1 i Next month active work is to ,e started by the Crown of Gold on the Kittie Clough gr ip. ' This is one of the old Hayes uk properties, where the first eye ide plant of Southern Utah was stf ted: The ore was not even crushed but put through the cyanide prnces as it came from the mine, and i: this crude way yielding as high as f , per per ton. r to t-- - lnn-hor- oIIi-um-- The Red Warrior Making a New Record - Thats great ore coming om the Red Warrior nowadays. E ry day it comes to town for shipn' t to the Salt Lalfe smelters, s- -' 'isay that d theh Red they have only be- -- Warrior grour -- d. s-- e ... M:e Rid. Galena FromB'yJack Nichols is showing icre ,,ioks like pies from the Baby Jack, rood silver about 70 per cent lead aiv f values. am-Be- rt "-- un-um- ref. w I 0 ,.m ' pii-lii- ng |