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Show COLD IN THE HEAD Reyv-bllcan- THAT IS DEMOCRATIC PLAN FOR HANDLING ALL MATTERS OF NATIONAL MOMENT. It tbt First Chapter In the History Chrenlo Disease. et A cold In the head la the THE WATCH ON THE SENATE" first chap- ter In the history of diaeaae and death. Ijr Ths Method Attention Will Be Thla has been so often repeated that Centered on the Upper House While there are tew people Indeed who have It Considers Such Things as ths not witnessed man example of 1L Tariff. A cold In the head Is rarely severe to confine a vigorous person eongh to the house. As a rule, it ends la recovery without any treatment. This has led many people to regard a cold In the head as of no importance. It la a terrible mistake, however, to pasa by a cold In the head as a trivial matter. Every case should be treated. Those who have uaed Peruna tor such cases will testify unanimously that a few doses Is sufficient to remove every vestige of the cold. How much better It la to treat a cold In. this way than It le to allow it to go on and on to.- weeks, perhaps months, leaving effects that will never be eradicated. Yet there are those who neglect to take Peruna for a cold In the head. This neglect Is due to the false notion that a cold In the head Is hardly worth By GEORGE CLINTON. Washington. Sharp intimation has been given to the Democratic leaders by the administration that it seems desirable, from a party efficiency standpoint, to undertake no legislation at the extra session exoept that relating to the tariff. If present plana of the national Democracy are carried to their logical end It seems that all matters of great national moment will be considered by congress singly. There are reasons for the present planning of the Democrats concerning the manner of handling the larger leg lalative problems. It le apparent that the president, and the leaders with him, do not wish to have the countrys attention divided between the two houses of congress when vitally important matters are up for consideration Some one baa called this plan the watch on the senate." In order to explain clearly juat what the plan involves, let the subject of the tariff be taken. The house will tariff legislation, will pasa the tills and then will Band them over to the senate. Now If the house, after it gets through with the tariff, should take up some other piece of national - noticing. A cold In the head is In reality a case of acute catarrh. It ought to he called so. In order to awaken people from their lethargy on this subject. Is a large per cent of cases cold In ths head will end In chronic catarrh. Unless properly treated with some such Remedy as Peruna, perhaps 60 per cent of cases of cold In the head will lay the foundation for chronic catarrh. A tablespoonful of Peruna should be taken at the very first symptom of cold In the head. Usually where the cold Is not very severe a tablespoonful of Peruna before each meal and at bed time is sufficient It may be necessary. however, where the attack Is more serious, to keep strictly In the house and take a tablespoonful of Peruna every hour. Younger people, feeble ofc delicate women, should take a teaspoonful every hour. con-cide- legislation the country's attention would be divided between the subject under discussion In the house and the tariff discussion In the senate. Thla la exactly what Mr. Wllaon and those Democratic leaders who are staunchly supporting him wish to avoid. To Focus Eyes on Senate. As soon as the bouse gets through with the tariff bills, If the present plan la carried out, It will do nothing except meet often enough to keep within the laws requirements, and so the country can watch the senate and thereby remind it that Its tariff tinkering is under the public eye and that nothing which should not be" would be allowed to go unchallenged. If tbe present plan of the Democratic leaders shall be made to apply to tbe future It will not mean necessarily that the house, after completing a big piece of legislation and sending it over to the senate, would simply mar d toe while tile upper' house waa givi legislation consideration. There ire appropriation bills and minor bills of various kinds which the house can debate and pass while the senate la doing duty on some matter generally accounted of greater Importance. The point la that the Democrats want to succeed In their administration and, if the truth must he told, some of them are afraid of the senate. They want the senate to do as well as the house does and to put through the Democratic legislation proposed by Mr. Wilson without any amendment! of Importance. They think that this can be accomplished if public attention la focused on the senate, and if the Democratic senators generally are made to know that they are expected to live up to the spirit and to the letter of the platform of their party. Mean Insinuation. way of killing time." Why, Ive heard you sing." have no I Mrs. Wlnalow-- a Soothing Syrup tor ChUdrea teething, softens ths gnu. reduces tlou,allny paloxnraa wind eellcJBc bottleJw sIslune When you analyte the Idea husband you will find that he hasn't the nerve to be anything else. A mouse can create as much excitement among half a dosen spinsters as an eligible bachelor. Dr. Plereei Pleaaant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar- roaud, granule, aaiy to taka. Do not grip. It Depends. "Do you favor the open door icy?" Not If I am on pol- the warm aide. Paradox. "What makes you think those rumors are groundless?" "Because they are so much In ths air." Somewhat Contradictory. I have often wondered how It la that, while each man lovea hlmaelf more than hla neighbors, he yet pays less attention to his own opinion of himself than to that of others. Marena Aurelius. Lamentable Ignorance. Mrs. Keller Cooks ere such Ignorant things, nowaday. Mrs. Justwed Arent they? They cant do the simplest things. I asked mine to make soma sweetbreads ths other day and he said she couldnt McCall's Magazine. Now Definitely Placed. It is possible now to give defl nltely for the first time the names of members of the next house of representatives who will stand in opposition to extreme conservatism, whether It manifests itself in the Democratic or in the Republican party. There has been a cloud of doubt over the positions, which some of the men elected to the lower house of the Siity-thircongress Intended to le a respectable min There occupy. orlty of members outside of the Democratic party who can be depended Up- CONSTIPATION Manyoob Paw-PaPills are unlike all other laxatives or catharw d tic. They coax th liver into activity by gentle methods, they do not sconr; they do not gripe; they do not weaken; but they do on to uphold advanced policies of Mr, WllRon they do not go too far into the radical field, and also to take a position of opposition to high tariff pro- start all thosecretises of the liver and stomach in a way that ooa puts these organs la a healthy ceoditioa sad corrects constipation. Munyou'a Paw-PaPills are a tooie to the stomach, liver aad nervea They invigorate Instead of weaken; they enrich the blood instead of impoverishing it; they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put iato ft. Price as cents All Drnggista nouncements or extremely conserve tive legislative pronouncements on any 'subjects made by the conservatives of any party. The ranks of progreasiviem outside of the Democratic party fell under several designations. One man is written down politically as Ain Indepen dent; other men call themselves other combine the party names of Washington and Republican; others call themselves straight Washington party men, and the others are Progressives with a capital P. Are Progressives. members who There are fall into one or the other of these classes. According to the list of w The Man Progres- sive-Republicans; Who Pul the EEalnFEET look for This Trademark H tun ob the Label when ALLENS buying F00TEASE Forty-seve- J The Aatiseptie Powder for Tea. drr. Achlsr Fret. Sold every. wbere, JKc. Sample FRRR. Address, ALLEN L OLMSTED, L Hoy, N. V. mi aa appetite. tndlgstlsii. HuUdeace, Sick Headache, 'ail run dawn er lealag fleah, pan find Tuffs Pills Inatwhat yanaaed. They tan up the weak i aad build up th flagging enarglaa. Wbuderfnl aaw propatatloa hair from body. Bkl part Writ now tar VaaJ ttl'AKANTNS SAMPI.H MUM under plln wrapper, and faj Eirtnuu end month. inmilu n utnihii. th western Snppl tOmbbuiir gantralaf la Non 10, lias t M,iiuUltnCwlj 111 A. IN BALT LAKH R BALK a. cult. tbi ( igaled. K. C. hL yaature lfagleg. (XX ul IM Utah, A I n mem-bers-ele- IF YOU HAVE, Hair Superfluous Inataatlyoriwmiw of toe n forty-seve- raoe-Mer- Ml elf from republicanism as It has been understood in the pasL The next house of representatives therefore will stand Democrats, 291; 97; Progressives. Progressive-Republicans and Washington party men, 47. Total, 435. Opponents of Consarvatlanv Here la a list of the member of th parties, and factions which can be said to stand in opposition to conservatism of the old kind and In support of real progressive measures as they view them, no matter In what party they have their names written: California. William Kent, Independent; J. I. Nolan, San Francisco, C. W. Bell, Tasadena and William D. . Stephens, Loa Angelea, Progressive-Republican- j j . of the next house which waa prepared by the house officials, there will be 144 Republicans in attendance, All of the men who appear In the list which Is to follow are classed by the Democratic authorities as members of the Republican party, but only a few of them speak of themselves as Republicans. Those of them who keep the party name Invariably put the hyphen and the word progressive before It. So It la that from thla total number of Republicans written Into tbe present congressional directory as such, there a num must be subtracted forty-aeveber which represents the strength of the contingent which either to a great degree or entirely bai separated It- - Idaho. Burton La French, progrea-sive-Republlca- n (?). Illlnoie. Charles M. Thompson, Chicago, and William Hlnebaugh, Ottawa, Progressive; Ira C. Copely and John C. McKenzie. progreaalve-RepubllcanIowa. G. N. Haugen, Northwood.M-.-W- . Good. Cedar Rapids, S. F. Prouty, Dea Moines, F. P. Woods, Estherville and George C. Scott; progreaslve-Re-publlcanKansas. Victor Murdock, Wichita, Progressive-Republica- vy Michigan. R. O. Woodruff 9 City, Progressive. Minnesota. Anderson, Sydney Lanesbore, C. R. Davis, 8t. Peters, C. A. Lindbergh, Little Falla and James Manahan. Minneapolis, progreaalve-Republlcan1 Good for Small Towns. RECORD OF WORK WELL D0NE A few big shoe manufacturer are ua because we have always reFruitful fighting Campaign to fused give thtyn better terms than of Results for the Good of All we give to the email manufacturer. Mankind. The little fellows stand with ua beSome comparisons showing tbe pro- cause we treat all manufacturers camalike, no matter how many machines gress of the In the paign In the last eight years and the they use. Hence, competition factor and shoe business prosperous movement are of needs thla present made by the National Association for lea In small towns! Write ua and we will tell you all tho Study and Prevention of Tubereu-losl-i 1L about rein n brief report of lta work United Shoe Machinery Co., Boscently issued. During the eight years The of lta work, tbe national association ton, Maas. Adv. haa assisted 1a the organisation of After Material. rcu-loover 800 state and local anti-tub- e do you persist In comEditor "Why societies located In almost every tate and territory of tbe Union. Over ing here? 1 tell you 1 dont buy ficAuthor Oh, I don't wish 'to COO hospital and sanatoria have been tion." 1 am writing established, with mors than 30,000 sell any of my stories. About 400 a abort serial, entitled The Ugliest beds for consumptives. Man on Earth, and came In merely to Alipenaarh?, with rore than 1,000 local color." physicians In attendance and at least obtain 150 open air a'Aoola for tuberculous Matching IL and anaemic chlMren, have also been "I see your coming lecture takes a tubercu-leal- a with Laws dealing provided. life." of view rosy 45 states, have been passed in Yes; pink always waa my color." and ordinances on this subject have been adopted In over 20u cities and But It Isnt every high flyer who towns. An active field campaign of education against tuberculosis has reaches the top. been carried on In 40 states and terSEES ritories by means of lectures, exhibits, the presa, and the distribution of over 100,000,000 pamphts on this disease OH! MY BACK! A stubborn backache that hangs on, week after week, la cause to sueptet kidney trouble, for when the kidneys are Inflamed and swollen, bending the back brings a harp twinge that almost takes the breath away. It's hard to work and Juat aa hard to rest or sleep. Doans Kidney Pills revive alng-gia- h kidneys relieve congested, aching kidneys. The proof ia an amazing collection of backacha testimonials. AN IDAHO CASE sl in.to L C. Wimar Carteld No. 1 auSered torn Kan trouble aad auaduad to waa uflea Mora than om M, . paeand kidney .tunes and l hr pals waa aw- ful. Morphias waa lha gara only thing that aa relief ant 1 1 uaad liiiana Sidney "Pills, Thin rrawdyduaDlard lha Muuaa aad fiua thru ua I graduallyy luipnwnd uulaatira-laurad." "Jhwy Cat Doaa'a at IfanfiSa Ap Start. Saw" Bom 80 DOANS SfAS FOSTER-MlUmt- CO, Buff ah, Now Ywali N THE CARD CLUB. a. i Nebraska. S. R. Barton, Grand Island, progressive-RepublicaNew York. Walter M. Chandler, New York, Progreaive. North Dakota. II. T, Helgeson, Mil-toGeorge M. Young, Valley City, P. D. Norton, Nottlnger, progreaafte-Republlcan- For Infants and Children. n. The Kind You Have n, Always Bought ALCOHOL- -3 PER CENT G. W. Edmonds, Pennsylvania. AVefietaUc Preparation forAs Philadelphia, W. D. E. Alney, Monsimilating the Food and Regulatrose, C. E. Pattom, Curwensvllle, A. Ll Keister, Scottdale, S. O. Porter, ting Hie Stomachs and Howls of Pittsburg, A. R. Ripley, Carlisle, J. M. Tti Child Morin, Pittsburg, A. II. Walters, Johnstown, F. B. Lewis, Allentown, WashPromotes Digestion.Cheerful-nes- s ington party and Republicans; II. W. and Rest Contains neither Temple, Washington, N. Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Braddock, straight Washington party. South Dakota. C. N. Dillon, YankNot ton, Progressive-RepublicaAhyv OU DrSAMt'ClfTTZMER Washington. W. L. La Follette, VflqpliiB Sd ; J. A. Pullman, Progressive-Republica- n jflgSmmm How la your wife getting along at J. W. Bryan, Falconer, Seattle, Amu her card dub?" imtmtai Bremerton, Progressive. Wisconsin H. A. Cooper, Racine; J. "Fine. Bo tor nobodys put up a NiM Jkd M. Nelson, Madison; W. J. Cary, Mil- better lunch than aha did. CMfdAydp Amk ymm E. E. Brown, Waupaca; waukee; James A. Freaf, Hudson; I. L. Len-roo- t, BABY IN MISERY WITH RASH A perfect Remedy for ConstipaSuperior, progreave-Republl-antion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .FeverishMonroe, Wla. "When m baby waa Harmony In the Houae. lx weeks old there came a raah on ness arid LOSS OF SLEEP The first great caucus of the hla face which finally spread until It Democrats of the new house and got Facsimile Signature of nearly all over hla body. It formconferences which have followed ed a cruat on hla head, hair fell out it prove that thus far there le a and th Itch was terrible. When he The Centaur Company. promise of continued harmony of so woulA scratch the crust, the water tion among the 29Q members w?fUie would ooie out in big drops. On face NEW YORK. dominant party In the lower ebambfr. and body It waa In a dry form ahd In caucusing and In conferring tbhwa would scale off. He wee In great miseem to have gone on smoothly, and ery and at nights I would lie awake the Democratic leaders prophe-that holding hla handa so that ha could not the party In the house will be unltep cratch and disfigure hlmaelf. I tried on all matters pertaining to legisla- simple remedies at first, then got Exact Copy of Wrappoy TUB MRTAIi IMMftFi I tion. medicine, hut It did no good. Representative Underwood of Ala "Finally a friend suggested Cutlcura bama will still maintain hla place of Remedies, ao I sent for a sample to leadership in tbe houae and his posi- ee what they would do, when to my WOMtNfc tion aa chairman of the ways and surprise after a few applications 1 CMMTUft means committee. He haa associated could see an Improvement, and he with him on the committee Democrats would rest better. I bought a box of moat of whose names are known Cutlcura Ointment and a cake of CutlAND pretty generally throughout the coun- cura Soap and before I had them half try. The minority members of tbe need my baby was cured. His besd is FOR MEN AND WOMEN committee, the Republicans and, pos- now covered with a luxuriant growth BT8T80Y8 SHOES Ik Ike WOMB sibly, a Progressive member, will not of hair and hla complexion Is ad82.00: $2.80 and $3.00. be named until after the extra ses- mired by everybody and has no disThe largest maker of sion begins. (Signed) Mrs. Annls figurements Men's $30 and $4.00 It has been said time and cgun Saunders, Sept 29, 191L ho in the world. that the tariff la a local issue, thla Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold to show ;van X drtlar your MO aad remark having been made originally throughout the world. Sample of each I. Itonglns KSJW, MMihom. J lut an cold In sty la, by Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, DemSkin Book. Address free, with S2-VA.00 to ST OO Mhar mar and aalm It-ocratic candidate for tbe presidency post-car"Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." th. only dlffrnaiand i thamating prlra. Hlioe in nil ta inlt avarybmljr. abnpaa Inothem, atylvs When Adv. against James A. Garfield. If yoa oauld vlait W. L. Ihoaglaa larga farta- General Hancock said: "The tarlfl rlaa at Hrarkton, Haa and aa fur jrotinwlf how rarrfully W. L. Itonalaa ahoaa or mad a, la a local issue he wee jeered at Personality. would than undaratand why lhajr ara warrantad la centralized ones all over the United ;o Personality tit juat bottar, look brttar, hold thoir ahana and waar The States. I on gar than any at her maka for tha prlra. jeering probably was the result of a experience of the world, and there la W. L. Dnugl.i Wmim ail art for Ml. la mar Tidnlty. order limn frnni the fanorz and an llw aundlmwa'. profit. misunderstanding of just what the old no way of making It greater except by SIiom (nr mar nwmlMrof tlm faaillr, ai all prana, bw rap-rIrNt Writ ft, r lllmtralad soldier meant. Today Democrats, Re- making that experience greater and Pint. pua-bow la ordar by nU, It will On beI'aftnleg. publicans, high tariff men and low tar-If- f more centralized; In other words, and wlij yau ioa aaia wearr on pour (outwear. - . ItaaahtM, Ml W. 1. Mll'tll.d SUBSTITUTE men say that events have vindi- ing a bigger, broader, better man or cated Hancock and that the tariff is woman. Every intellectual achievethe most specific kind of a local issue. ment, every moral victory, every bit of Cause of Pink Eyes. Others Bake $400 1 Day, So Cao Yoa solid work, will leave personality richAlbinos have pink eyes, becauae in All Sections Represented. more delicate. In fact, their chbk the cornea Is absolutely er, profounder, Circling Were The ways and means committee whid will formulate the new tariff to cultivate It, the plan is don't culti- free of all pigment aa well ua the Iris, Let It alone and do your duty and as all is absolutely transparent billsof congress la divided in lta Dem- vate ItIL will and grow. E. B. Andrews, In the make their color ocratic majority Just about equal In a shine through. sectional sense. All parte of the the International Journal df Ethics. United States are represented on It, Hla Deceased Relative. and if the tariff is a local Issue, virtuMany a young man would gi-- t a colnoticed her Mrs. that bard Boynton bump if thrown on hia own ally all the localities, giving each one a wide territorial sweep, will be rep- ored gardener was wearing mourning resented. Here la the list of the mem- clothes. Bmiher Rna. at Saarrtown. Ind .nadeNWjein "I see you have met with a loaa, immilllllllTO WOMEN IMHKIIRIIIS hnma: nrxldar atTrawffinlavllle IMX; aniilber bers of the majority of the ways and II 'a Dtirel brimful of nude rwQ la ait bnura. means committee and the states from Henry," sbe said, glancing at the band unale drawl tha Tba rieelb-a- t rid harps Iheal. rnied lha wary, on hie of hat crape which they come: whenlnnajlliin, tSUIp made. was the euMtnKtrt aafely "Yea, ma'hm, reply. durably S3 mTm Oscar W. Underwood, Alabama, AU Time the Yoa'ro Ilnay thoaa and or a relaIt a near arhm "Was distant S resulting pains nmlMant ono In winter and summer only chairman; Francis Burton Harrison, B from weakness or arrangement s send you needed. UallMmla,,nMtBh'- New York; Dorsey W. Shackleford, tive ? Inquired the lady. tha organ dwtiaetly detailed purlieu Inn about tbo t'lrellrg War of Yoalhainfen-Mpower. and Well, kind o' distant," said Henry, sooner or later leave their mark. Missouri: Claude Kltchin, North CaroS a X. T. .1 lUITli tMI.IHUh., e B mile, maam." Beauty wo fades away. Now lina; Henry T.' Rainey, Illinois; Lin- "bout twenty-fivis tha tune to res Lire health coln Dixon, Indiana; Cordell Hull, and retain beauty. I: The average girl treats a new acFREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. Tennessee; W. S. Hammotld, MinneDR. PIERCES g surras II nulMl'oui or sun iVaua bowenrVeir lot siuaar sota; Andrew J. Peters, Massachu- quaintance far better than she does . frwa BLnira. amroc uuiuii OHRoaic setts; A. Mitchell Palmer, Pennsyl- an old friend ao the old friend aaumoaa.riua, Favorite Prescription e writs for ay FRCK book, ths Movr iskraiK-nvMMIILAL BOOS SVKP WUITTIN.IT TPLI.l ALL about iNw vania; Timothy T. Ansberry, Ohio; thinks. n by End ih. rroiKiw a 1! pivusm John S. Garner, Texas (new); James xeeot, patent, etranxllHrlvIng THE NEW PRaNCNRSMeDV. Nd.Nil.NA g That will Surttadaf. ituntlivr yon. help to isn't W. Collier, Mississippi (new); Augusit No, Cordelia, necessary SMIHli Tew Druggist will Supply Yeu III1UQ use egg coal in making an omelet tus O. Stanley, Kentucky (new). Ha I.I Cl.r.O AboolatolyFRES. These are the Democratic member! Meu.bu.MAVkKaiucadD.lUiiHiAAii.Lui-iMii-.iUuof the new ways and means commit tee. The word "new appearing after STONES Hi lU the names of three members does not (Ao (DM UBfh iFPMlMih TmMft mean that they have Juat come into AG $i$9 optiffitlfMB bid Gdbiaaolmo4rCa.Dot.54.2MS.DaartonSLkimse congress, but that they are new memCONTAINS bers of tbe ways and means commit NO tee chosen to fill vacancies. THOMFSON'Seefa'iV OPIATES EYE WATERK.M,Mr,a miIt seems probable today that the JOUX LTUOU Ibtl.N KUXdA I'lX.rrujr.X.X. the of the committee, Repute nority Write for book saving young chicks. Bend us llcan members, whoever they are to WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE names of 7 friends that nao loco baton and get book (tea. Kolaoll Remedy On BlackuclltOkla. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. be, with the possible addition of a or a Progressive progressive Repub llcan, will not go to the trouble of pr paring a minority report on the tar Iff. bool2 Stoaiwlracb mkTmI Jcalnra proly ao?" onfhlawt rmpwyanrL W raa1 pete C MPANxl ffiaiae y? III. Bears the Infan ken Signature , of .r I Narcotic t . In Use a. For Over Thirty Years v W. L. DOUGLAS .00 3.00 4.00 4oSHOES5:20 d l blood-vpaad- a ..l" Is fhe TIES eti-ltln- e ll.moni-ymakln- PpHw-ill- sim-iir- THERAPIQNLrjXSSi NoTollowup-rtiruior- a Mamma Says Its Safe for GALL Children 1 Fbr.Co1laCil!s 11. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES o tp I - v |