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Show Beaver County News I'ubliihed by Beaver County Newt Publishing Co. T MILFORD - UTAH The federal government will attempt to make as example of brokers who handle the speculative ventures of national bank' employees, in the case of Charles F. Baker, assistant cashier of the Crocker National bank of San Francisco, who has confessed of approximately the embezzlement OF 1 WEEKS EVENTS THE UTAH BUDGET PEACE TERMS ACCEPTED DEATH IN 11 fmo.iHX). HAVE BEEN BEGIN WORN OF BY THE TURKS Note of Acceptance Accompanied by Expression of Thanks to the Powers for Their Mediation. Hearings of the Illinois state legis- CONTROLLER WRECKED HOMES TO BE REIMPORTANT lature "white RECORD OF THE J F BILLIONS AND slavery commission" KlflIG OF FINANCIERS A carload of provisions was shipped ANSWERS STORED AS FAST AS WORKMEN HAPPENINGS IN ITEM have been resumed at Chicago. Confrom Provo on Monday to the flood SUMMONS OF GRIM REAPER. CAN BE SECURED. IZEO FORM. ditions in sweat shops'' will be InThe Turkish govConstantinople. sufferers In Ohio and Indiana. vestigated by the legislators. It unreserhas ernment declared that The output of the Utah beet sugar Fully 1.QU0 hes-- of stock In Kenvedly accepted the terms of peace factories in 1912 was about 27,500,00(1 mountain valleys are reported tucky PracticCommittee to Provide by the European powers. and ef Business Restoration Big Gathered News $5 and Organiser worth Heme 1 of refined Foreign sugar, pounds drowned and Immense quantities ol OttoThe banded the office foreign Who Were BankDirector ef Those Financial the Funds for World, ally From All Quarters ef the WorlA 100,000. logs have been swept from booms. man acceptance to the dean of the dipTornado and Hie Rich Man ae Destructive Career a bill Began the has Men. Governor Spry and Prsprwd for Susy rupted by signed Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, speaklomatic corps Tuesday morning, acbe Homeless. Added to His Wealth. and Otherwise Would appropriating $50,000 for Utahs ing at a Progressive party dinner at companied by an expression of thanks In the California exposition Albany. N. Y, announced the Intento the powers for their mediation. In 1915. INTERMOUNTAIN tion of that party to strive for the seThe terms of mediation offered by The University of Utah debating Rome. John Plerpont Morgan, the Omaha, Neb. The work of rebuildbout between J'mmy lection of women delegates to the The the European powers to Turkey and team won a unanimous decision In Its Clsbby, and Eddie McGoorty, sched- next constitutional convention. American financier, died here Monday, ing that portion of the city wrecked the Balkan allies were: noon. debate with the Iirigham Young uni uled for April 9, at Denver, has been few March a minutes after the tornado of March 23 has begun 31, by William "first Major Llttebrant, One The frontier of the Ottoman deand every available workmontha hla For been had health la versity team at Provo. earnest, off. called I'nited States cavalry, a. native of empire In Europe shall start at Enos, man has been pressed Into service. from Utah sugar plants but the became clining, symptoms performA flood sufferers benefit California, has been designated by and, following the course of the dead last year brought the companies about ance given by the theatrical One hundred and twenty-fiv- e the war department to be acting sup- greatly aggravated about a week ago, of the river that then and thlB in identified city, been sold for The $60,000 have 100,000. pulp playing at Denver, with Sarah erintendent of the Yosemite National and aince March 26 he had been In a shall end at Mldla. All terri- while Council Bluffs and other adand the molasses for $40,000. condition. Bernhardt and John Drew aa the park. making The official statement, prepared by tories situated west of thla line shall jacent cities report forty-fivAnother pioneer has passed away, leading attractions, added $5,000 to WASHINGTON be ceded by Turkey to the allied a total of 170 lives lost as a result of he indicated Mrs. Hannah Topham Clark, who died Colorado! contribution to the Ohio attending physicians, It Is predicted that reform' fl4ll tatea with the exception of Albania, the destructive storm. folat Provo, March 31. She was 94 years and Indiana relief funds. , come Informally to the atentlon of that a gradual general collapse the delimlnation of which shall be fixed lowed a nervous At least 2,000 people suffered secondition of was of age and came to Utah in 1802. prostraLake of Salt Mrs. C. A. Walker congress soon after it assembles next tion. which powers-Twthe e by financial loss, many being made vere the will prevented digestive It has been settled t,hat Provo seriously Injured when the automo- week, notwithstanding the efforts of The question of the Aegean homeless, and at leaBt 2G0 lost everyfrom performing their functions be the terminus of the Utah railway. bile In which abe and her husband President Wilson and the Democratic iaands shall be settled by the powers. thing they possessed aud are absoThe company will spend not less than were fleeing from a pair of highway- party leaders of the two houses to tnd affected the mental faculties. Three Shall abandon all claim to lutely destitute. Mr. Morgan's daughter, Mrs. Herbert $50,000 In securing a site, building men crashed thorugh a small bridge focus attention upon the tariff in ths Crete. con-itawno The city of Omaha was one of the in been has Satterlee, hops, etc. near Loa Angeles. early weeks of the extra session. Four The powers cannot favorably heaviest losers, while the losses of deathwas the at attendance, sold Park City Is to have a modern hotel, Sarah Bernhardt, the actreas, The Progressives of the house are entertain the demand for indemnity, many of the wealthier citizens was built by the progressive citizens at newspapers on the streets of Salt preparing to organize to carry on a bed. The total monetary loss Rome newspapers publish but will admit the allies to partici- enormous a cost of $20,000, sufficient money hav- Lake for the benefit of the flood suf- Progressive program In the Sixty-thir- d All the ten and twelve milwill In between be Internato ion Mr. of the the discuss tributes pate Morgan, expressing ing been raised to warrant Immediate ferers, payiug $100 for a copy herself, congress. Ital-an dollars. lion an for in sense commission he tional los of Paris felt by the deep erection of the hostelry. while the local lodge of Elka paid Secretary Houston of the depart Nearly a thousand carpenters went people. It has been suggested that equitable settlement of their partici-itloIn accordance with the new fish and $100 for a copy. ment of agriculture haa approved tha to work Friday repairing the buildings In In should be the the Ottoman debt and taken to llr. body game laws, passed at the last session Roughly estimated, more than a advertising for sale of 2,000,000,000 he Morgan's on a financial board of to United the States districts only warship. partly wrecked by the storm, and charges of the state legislature, the season fur quarter of a million dollars has been feet of timber in national forests in was 2,000 born laborers began clearing away the J. c April be handed over to them. Turkey is Morgan all fishing and hunting closed March pledged by citizens of the three Alaska. California, Idaho and Mon- 17, Plerpont Hart-lorIn of demolished structures. HunIn debris a brick to be asked to in labors 1837, take the cottage Ore15 part coast states Washington, 11, not to be reopened until June tana. The largest of these Is for came from Mr. of Conn. roofs were being restored dreds of this commission. Morgan Herbert Plats, 18 years old, was In- gon and California for the relief of feet In Idaho. of replacing many homes New work old Puritan the and Five in The shall also family, claim England powers stantly killed at the plant of the Utah the Ohio and Indiana flood sufferers. President Wilson has completed the hich dates back In this country to that aa soon aa the bases are accepted, to the foundations from which they While Garfield. at DOMESTIC Copper company tariff message which will be submithad been twisted was begun. hostilities shall cease. working as an oiler, his clothes be John Plerpont Morgan, Jr., who now ted to congress on the - convening of. That the destroyed portion of the came entangled In a line shafting and becomes head of the great banking the TAFT WELCOMED BY STUDENT8. apeclul session which he ias will be rebuilt better than ever was city crushed to death. he bouses In New York, Philadelphia, called for April 7. This message conwas the general impression, and the nationthe Joined s were built quickly Logan Give the Former up cerns only the tariff. London and Paris that n which she task was with vicalacrity wide movement to relieve the President Hearty Reception. by his father, Is 46 years old.' In phyPresident Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and belief. bears out that tims of the Ohio flood disasters. The sique he bears a very close resem- her three e New Haven, Conn. daughters have been vacMembers of the various building Boosters club telegrsphed $500 to the blance to bis father. cinated by Dr. Grayson, the family Yale welcomed former President Wil- trades unions held meeting Friday and American Red Cross society in WashThe largest excavation from a single physician. There la a general smallliam Howard Taft back to his alma It waa decided that any attempt to used to be by that organize slide In one day since the commence- pox scare In Washington, although the ington, mater Tuesday In a manner no less raise the price of labor at this time tlon In Ohio. ment of the canal operations was cases are of a mild type. and enthusiastic than was the would not be countenanced. Tbe r hearty a 21 Frank Riley, years of age, made March 31, when 1(1,184 cubic Woodrow Wilson by FOREIGN godsiwed given among in vogue scales of wages and one of the principal yards were removed from the Curacba the Princeton students when he left these unions were made public, with J. P. Morgan, American financier, witnesses In the trial of E. L. Dewey, slide by live steam shovels. a month ago to take up the duties at the statement that any attempt at exdifd at Rome, March 81, of nervous charged with the murder of Police William D. Haywood, organizer for Washington that Mr. Taft waa about tortion would be frowned upon by the Illness. a following long porstratlon, 8a1t of Sergeant Henry Johnston, the Industrial Workers of the World, Mr. Morgan was married twice. His to lay down. unions. Lake, died of heart failure at Salt has been sentenced to six months In first wife, M1bs Amelia Practically the entire student body, died Sturgea, lake last, peek. Large corporations have begun to the county jail at Paterson, N. J., on In 1862, the year following her mar,000 strong, reinforced by a band, was purses freely. The Interopen Sam Zoeglch, a laborer in the tonvlctlon of disorderly conduct. He at the station when Mr. Taft and hla nationaltheirHarvester to the financier. In 1865 he riage company sent a was Tooele smelter, shot and probably earne to Paterson In connection with married Miss Louise An equally large party arrived. who bore Tracy, the statement with crowd of citizens also was present check for $1,000, fatally wounded In a quarrel with the silk mill workers' strike. him one eon and three daughters. Mr. to help be would It glad that lab The a Steve Jhlnlch, companion. While financial expert! eatimate Morgan had eleven After being escorted to Memorial hall, 1 grandchildren at the in farmers ter was discovered later, hiding In that the fortune of Taft Air. addressed the students. J. P. Morgan the time of his death. North Union The Pacific, districts. wae Tocal and of a basement hall, the would total all tne way up to The of embassadors the raiiroauv. Ituropean Island Rock and western 8ENAT0R ACCU8ED OF BRIBERY. placed under arrest J. PIERPONT MORGAN. others declare that the finanIn London In have sent $3,000 each to the commitThe engineers of the Ogden Rapli cier's will, when read, will reveal a powers met of their and band?d tlie govDenies Refuees to and respective approval Charge, Hla Resign tee, and the large packing house Inwealth. waa 1636. He born in Transit company, who were forcet tortune of much less than $30,000,000. ernments of the proposed naval dem- lather. Junius Spencer, left him terests hare made liberal donations. Demands an Investigation. to abandon their work because of th. That Nebraska will not participate onstration to force Montenegro to reand he inherited Important storms during the past few weekr U the San Francisco exposition Albany, N. Y. A sensation similar The fund, Including appropriations was their demands to desist from 'connections. In many particulars to the Allds brib- by the state and city, has reached are preparing to resume tha survey made certain when the house of rep- spect aanklng her attack on Scutari and to evacuate Mr. Morgan started hla business ca- ery case of 1910 rocked the senate $2eo,ooo. Ing of the proposed routes for thi resentatives renised to consider the Albania. n An army of builders continue their Ogden-Logaon the board of directors of reer electric line. Tuesday when Governor Sulzer called bill for an appropriation of $150,000 Austrian two Three and hundreds of new and parwork battleships, maritime Insurance company, Stillwell into the Within a half hour after drinking f lor that purpose. Senator arge cruisers and several torpedo boats he president of which declared that executive Stephen tially new roofs and other Indications mall quantity of gasoline, the him advised that chamber, Conditions In Mexico, at least on have arrived within twenty miles of son of Mr. and Mrs Johi the Morgan would never be a business he had been accused of accepting of reconstruction have begun to apcoaHt, and near the capital, Antlvarl, the Montenegrin seaport. nan. John Plerpont at the time was bribe and ordered him to resign his pear. A. Junk ef Ogden, died. A alBter wot have gulf become sufficiently reassuring A Constantinople dispatch says the The appearance of crooks from all seat aa state senator. cleaning gloves with gasoline, whet to warrant the United States In withnying plans for his first railroad denied the babe seized the cup contalnlni drawing some of the naval force main- Turks have occupied Silivey, to the the parts of the country is being met by which, when accomplished, Senator Stillwell southweet of TchatalJa, on the Sea of stabllshed his standing In Wall street charges, refused pointblank to resign the police and soldiery in no uncerthe liquid and drank a large portion tained at Vera Crux and Tampico for Marmora. John O. Carlson, a watchman foi the last two months. is the only man who ever got the bet- and appealed to the senate for an In- tain manner. Stricter lines are being The report from Cuernavaca of the ter of Jay Gould. the Rio Grande railroad at Salt Lake vestigation. His request was granted. drawn and soldiers now do patrol Constant Lemarlne defeated Jess shooting of Pasrual Orozco. Sr., by duty with loaded rifles and of Sphinx of Wall who has been regardod for years as a The sobriquet Mexican Leaders in Harmony. In straight falls at Chi- followers of the reliel Emlliffno Zain their belts Arrests are made later waa the appellation apitreet faithful employe and who has mads Weatergaard In their wrestling match. The first New Orleans. Official denial of the of all suspicious characters and lootpata. haa been confirmed. numerous arrests of box car thieves, sago plied to the man who at first was came In 42:23 with a reverse body existence Of any political differences ing Is being held at a minimum. A Vienna dispatch to the London Believed to have been without busihas been charged with wholesale box tall hold. The second was won in 20:13 became the between President Huerta and Genbut ness later acumen, The general relief committee Issued a of robberies car Daily Telegraph says covering a period report la curhead of American finances. eral Felix Dlax was received Tuesday the ifter a flying fall, when Lemarlne rent that following formal statement: Tears. King Nicholas of Montene- supreme Morgan's control over men and by Dr. Ornelas, consul general of Weatergaard with a body and gro is about to abdicate in favor of The general relief committee in of Salt Lake pinned The commissioners of the was dominant keynote money wrist lock. The two the Mexico at New Orleans. of Omaha has matters well in Crown Prince Danilo. county have decided upon a thorough hla life. Others, perhaps, were leaders are ini complete harmony, the hand.city With I. tne cashier of Robert Brown, the funds which will be comGovernor Carranza, at the head of wealthier than Morgan, but he road of Improvement program Barnes State bank at Barnes. Kana- the revolution dispatch adds, and assertions of es- available for that purpose, they will exof others for and that wealth his manded Mexican the county (he calling againat throughout slrould be treated as in- be able to provide all necessary food, was shot and killed by a man who government in the north, has declared At the height of hla power he is said trangement penditures ranging from $30,000 to had robbed the institution. to prejudice public clothing and shelter for those who ventions directed Later controlled $9,000,000,000. to have himself provisional president. $40,000. Practically every district In robber opinion. to citizens need such assistance. Considerable of shot how as the to as la known posse yet Nothing benefited the be The Mexican war department la prethe county is to by amounts of money are being received, Mr. Morgan In his will disposed of his leath as he was trying to escape from paring to place General Win in Chicago. improvements. Democrats OrozPascual estate. J. P. Morgan, Jr., has not from Omaha, but from all co. Jr., in command of a column of vast With the exclamation "it Is sweet town with a bog of gold. Democrats swept tbe over only Chicago. for years the country, and are being grateGeorge T. Nicholson of Chicago, 3,000 men and send him to the state been his father's understudy to die," Frank Trunk, aged 42, shot election, in Tuesday's municipal and is classed high in financial ability. city of the Santa Pe qf Morelos, where himself through the breast while third aldermen and fully Isaccepted." twenty-tw- o many of Zapata's of Mr. Morgans philanextent returning The Sun-laIt estimated that near 1.000 perdied of in traffic, charge adherents are operating. standing with his back to the Temple lystein, court never will be the judge, eity clerk sons will superior thropic gifts proliably at a Los Angeles hospital. wall in Salt Lake. Although the bul The Mexican government haa made known. Probably his greatest gift and. city treasurer. The proposed manent require assistance until perrelief la arranged for them. let passed through his breast and was Clyde Stratton, college graduate, a formal protest to the American gov- was $4,500,000 toward the building of bond Issue of $2,880,000. urged by the The work of relief Is being organized sentence in the ernment against the shipping of arms the Cathedral of St. John the Divine Hearst-llarrlso- n Demoextracted from his buck. It Is believed serving a five-yefaction of the systematically. Nearly a quarter of a he will recover. tederal prison at Fort Leavenworth and ammunition cratic party here, carried by a small million dollars has frirn the United In New York City. been subscribed -was Mr. Aa a patron of art. Morgan alThe directors of the Utah Fruit ex- tor .the robbery of the Mr Cool, lnd., States to the rebels, and he requestmargin. Republicans elected eleven for work. this In finance of world as the as famous crawled that greater vigilance beexerclsed change have decided to make Ogden postofilre, escaped Sunday by three and indeAdditional fents arrived FYidny aud His expenditures for objects of vertu dermen, Progressives the headquarters of the organization ing a mile through the prison sewer. In guarding the frontier. one. pendents alboundless. The were nearly who have not been provided those price season. Notices this have been again The annual luncheon for the league The Bulgarians left 1,000 dead on ways was a secondary consideration to with End Waa homes will be housed in Near. Realized better Morgan sent out calling for a ipeetlng on April nf Iowa county women's cluba at Chi- tha field after the engagement west possessing an art treasure. His col tents for the Wilhelm present. Appeals for Dr. Berlin. Bode, general 12, at which a manager will be selectsago was abandoned when the hotel kt of Blyuk Chedmedye, according to an lection In the Metropolitan Museum of director of the Royal Museum of funds for relief of tornado victims ed and ether Important matters taken which the luncheon was to be served official connoisestimated been has by Art report. The Turks also found up for consideration. Prussia, In an article published here continue to pour in, out the relief excluded six negro women wko repre- 400 rifles and large quantities of en seurs to be worth $50,000,000. Tuesday, say that the late J Plerpont committee sees necessity for a great Suffering from temporary insanity sented a negro women's club. The trenching tools, Blames Money Trust Inquiry. Morgan expected his death and urged deal more money and Is making addithought to have developed from worry elub women decided to stand by the A dispatch from Cuernavaca aays it Dr. M. Allen Starr of New him, Dr. Bode, in 1912. to pay a visit tional appeals for outside assistance. Rome. over a recent divorce suit, Mrs. Mary negro organization. is reported that Pascual Orozco, Sr. railed Into consultation over J to New York In 1914 for the opening Austin, 30 years of age, tried to leap the has been executed by Zapata's sol York, White slavers are menacing Cashier Killed by Robber. second-storwindow In a out of a Plerpont Morgan's Illness, attributed of the new Metropolitan museum, of Omaha since the storm. dlers. peace Kan. Robert L Brown, not live caused would emotion himself to Barnes, he by stating that the breakdown lodging house In Salt Lake, but was They were discovered taking In refuhonor of capturing Pasha Shu-kr- i, the Investigation carried out by tbe to be present. The of cashier the Barnes State hank, was was and In a padprevented placed gees in the stricken district and the the Turkish comraander-in-chle- f shot and killed Saturday by a man committee at Washington Into the ded cell at the city Jail. Pujo Weds Aged Couple detective force of the city was put to In Adrlanople, with his headquarters who had robbed the institution. I ater A mass meeting of 300 citizens was operations of the money trust. Colo. The Rev. Albert Nel a work at once rounding up suspects. Pueblo, to Serthe staff, Twentieth belongs posse of citizens shot the robber to held In the tabernacle at Pleasant Vacation. Taft Returns From son See of Salina. Kan., 72 years old, death as he was thwarted at vian regiment of infantry. . A daring robbery wastrying to escape from to decide what Grove, Saturday night New York. His cheeks rpddy and and Mrs. Alice W. Carter of Beulah, town with a Brown Bulgaria has accepted the offer of bag of gold. Inducement could be given the Orem Dayton, O.. when the police arrested tanned by exposure to the southern Colo., 71. were married here Tuesday met death when. Instead of obeying railroad to come through that city. a man who was escaping from the mediation made by the European former President William Howard at the home of a niece of the bride. the order to throw up his hands, he The citizens authorized the city gov- city with a satchel containing $50,000 powers, but with provision that prac- san, arrived here Monday night after They were sweethearts fifty years grabbed a revolver and fired at the Taft which he and diamonds in or Jewelry tically negative the proposals the ernment to use every legal means to ago. a months vacation at Augusta. Ga. had stolen from Jewelry stores. powers. secure a right of way for the road. robber. inWhat is perhaps the highest price Break Excavation Records. Harry J. Klotz. the city clerk Fighting Against Flood Waters. Fighting was reported Thursday From One Danger to Another. ever received by the state for acre- jured recently by the explosion of a south of Xaco between Ojeda's fed Hickman. 111. Refugees are rushranama. The largest excavation conLos was eral forces and state troops victorious from a Angeles. Cal. Mrs. C. A. Walkbuilding, age nnder a reclamation or irrigation bomb which he single slide in one day since ing to the hills hack of Hickman In er of Salt Lake was seriously injured York New on In his deathbed lafessed was at Cananea. 400 had received week while soldiers hundreds of when last project Ojedas the commencement of the canal opera large numbers, when the auto motile Saturday night levee with on the state land board sold forty acres City, according to the police, that he evacuated Xaco. work the at are borers when 10,184 was made tlons Friday, under the Piute project for $106 per constructed and mailed the two bombs Field Marshal Viscount Wolsley cubic yards were removed from the sand bags to keep out the threatening in whieh she and her hushum! were, were fleeing from a pair of blcbv. which resulted In the death of Grace one of the most famous of modern acre. Cucaracha slide by five steam shovels. Mississippi. crashed through a sm'::! liri.i.'t and Madeline Mrs. last Menyear British Taylor died at soldiers, More snow has ration this month in Tuesday State Troops to Assist. near this city. Mr. V.'alkt r escaped Confirms Shippers' Rights. tone, France, lu hla eightieth year. I'tah than In the corresponding month Herrera a few months ago. Va. Additional Injury. W. The highwaymen coHfronnl Charleston. Washington. The right of shippers sf any year since 1885, 20.8 Inches Justice Henry Blschoff of the New Lieutenant Clark or the Indian to duty on them while they wire jrocrii:r.? called were state California from troops fruits having fallen up to March 26. The York state supreme court plunge army medical department was hang to precool citrus I by Governor Hatfield. They along a road with which tin y - i.i record for February shows that 23.7 eleven stories down an elevator shaft ed at Allnhabdad, India, for the fralta to the east, sustained by the In Tuesday to Parkersburg. Hunting-to- lamiliar. By putting on all speed the he will sent was commerce Savcommission, Inches fell, which exceeds the Feb- to hla death In the Immigrant murder of Mr. Fulham, an examiner terstate and Point Pleasant to asit in the distanced the pair, only to i:.oei ni.i ruary snowfall of each year since ings bank building, New York City, of military accounts. He died with- - confirmed on Monday by the supreme relief work disarti r soon oftrrwu:d. wooduourL lout flinching. where be had offices. i8!9. J pro-oae- d ten-roun- d Mn-ritz- a com-pani- Er-gen- semi-comato- e, n ls-cltl- d, t 0 Under-Graduate- be-gu- Under-graduat- reg-nla- book-keepe- r, f atorm-ravage.- $200,-00,00- $10,-100,0- con-itructi- y ar y ,iy-ro- n |