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Show cs which In- - lias not prior to the time Malone Jottings of getting said s.ervn-- cleaned up and heal: to il hi as the so piirili. ord innees of this town, and prinid.il: Mr Davison, ol California paid further that no such service shall he Malone a Hying visit, Sunday, render d exet pi where all ashes ar. School was held at the home kept s- pur.t'c by lliriusi Ives in dosed j jr j.dmsou Sunday with 41 present, can-an- d ail other u.at'er to be so : trom ashes in! Several friends met at the home ol innved is kept oiiier and sii.irat' cans, said cans to Mrs. fSuthriu Sunday morning, la- - no! iie.ie than tigntieii I is) inches The has been vcryaick. ri4 in (iian.ctcr in r iin.iu Ilian two leel . and we wiil lu glad to see her around aro four litlle ones that Sec. M. Sud service of said Town ;1ain us tin-rhliall bl-- O extend t'ij".,.d her. (JirlMge Ihe lilimv.il t.f all otfal and wade1 will be at the home fr mi any privy or oui house which is. Hiiwday School Sunday cleaned aud puriti.-ily ihor.iiig " Ordinance No. 16 Town Board Meets and Passes Health Ordinance Anything in Lumber That you want quick lor-mfori- An ordinance regulating privies or oiilhousi s and Hiahles, providing for tin- proieetioii of all manure, oilal, Al the Town Hoard muctiiigtln-i- on decay ii.g matt. or refuse Iroin a garbage wagon jo nl Thursday night of this week, si rviee within the t iwii of Milford, were present President Alien umli . du-j i it ordained hy the hoard of Trus-trustees Siewerl. Boyti-- ami tei-of tiie Town ol Miiiord, Heaver wick. The minutes or meetings minty, i'taii, as follows: March 20th ami 24th, were read ami Seeiimi 1. That it shall In- unlawapproved. The houd ot Jamua F. Glenn a ful tor any person, llrm nrmriiuraiioii or liuveupop tlo-i- r Town Trusted with Angus Buchanan to under or pei'inil, owned or occupied towhether a sureties. and William II. Elmer t.ivini'i s, at inched, In iliein, either one or more ot the gether with oalh uf olllee waa presented to the Il iard and b liiiliiwing unsanitary, ll producing, WhelC g comlilions, motion duly made, seconded and car- lisea-- e We hear Mr. Singleton caught a is nut iccurtly a door in ti.e r. ur that can be readily J. Manure wlin-ried waa accepted and Mr. Cli'hii u d equipped with pails or wild horse tl.o other morning. assumed the duties oi hi ,:nieeted from Hi s. for each li.iie therein ho urranged 2. Any privy, vault, lesnpool, sink, cans Miss Lillie Johnoffice aa town trustee. - to and eniilajii all the olTal to Mr. A lioisc drove is not which ,i like securely carried that and aeconded Moved and j Eunice Scott to (,r Drue plaee, Mises son, or noted add he re pails 125.00 be paid Richard McLaughlin p ruled d I mm Hies. Hlackrock Friday. loht! not mo.'e than eighlei-;j. Garbage of any kind which is Cans on his contract for cleaning the cent nor umre than Spring is surely here and thu weathinches m ihumcii-ini', seei'i'el protected tmill Ities. etary. animal waste, eih.e.-- i:.c'i s liigli.sai pails organs er is perfect. a will of DeWnHe. McKay Co. oi btin 1. Any vi getablu or refuse in h'ecliou of any ami the cans t waa tallied to aee what became liner, rags i,r Lee Johnson of Blaekrock spent of oidoiaiicu tube hoequip-ekind, nature or dehcriptiou in which nil).;with this ahovela. mm in each aide, as Sunday evening in Malone. Inin lies, hi Mm of the Ogden Standard fur pnh Hies may breed or multiply. and to be made Mrs. Singleton and daughters camel Sec. 2. Any act or thing d ni or to b' lea. illy handled, lishing well notice, $1.5(1, Geo. I; to he an placed andj, ra- in on Hie and of metal, overland Tuesday morning. continued r allowed !. Murdock Jr ina le, permitted, Skinner Jr. and (leo. ted as the parhagi; man t,r driv.-- of tor J:t.n0 and $2.61) for preparing1 regis in violation of this ordinance ahull lie said We arc glad to weleome seven more w.Igon ... may direct, subject to the new settlers tralion list for last bond election, tin deemed u Illlisailci I, h to Malone. Their names oliieer. See. :t. No privy or nulhoiise Hlialljpl,r,,VilJ this Jid Heaver Comity News for publishing are Messrs, ol Passed day lli.J, .farthy, McEatlmn, April, as eoining wiiiiin the aunrlry ordinance and oito r printingd e eoiisiii.-)'."'King, 11. II el wig. (irumwell, M. its unless " of o.dinaree inu $Sl.lXi, I)r. C. F. Swanson for provisions Meiiiuhall. they came in r' snlent of I ,.iHl of rruslia s. the 'Jowi: vault is rendered completely lnatt'-sEd Kay while Monday from Grange, alif. Allest , covers for N any ililc Pi t including Jail, $S.(K), Washiiigti.n Couniy Mrs. Guthrie gave a surprise party it. II. I'iicl.f.iilii, adjusted iis to for puhlieation of well noiicc lor bids Imics herein 1 Town fieri: for Lee and Lillie Johnson last Tuessaid Isolis wln-- not in J'-Si. 40, heaver Conn I y News for print Slate of I'iali, Heaver County, Town day night.. Hveryonehad a good time. notices, $tfsi, .s, L - use. ing clean-uof Millord, SS. Itefresliments were served at half past snail ordinance 4. exir,fd This service See. water for repairThompson 1. ii. II. I'ii.-- h forth, Clerk of the ten. Music and games and a jolly time town H. D. Atkin tor pair of sin e ttithill the he and and to elteelive J3.77 Duncan while in jail, frl.l'i. limits of .Millord and within nemiie Town of Millord, Heaver County, Utah,I until tlm wee small hours. that, tho aliove an were all upon motion lulv minle, s from said town limits in all direct ions. d i Imrcby is Malone is only a few nionibs old and full copy of a true a foregoing he v of dill tierr. he the shall t Fee. ended and carried, allow ed nml oi We extend and is lorging ahead. Hoard ordinance the parsed by cause I) ed paid. lie, ill iniicr to lucri'laiu uml all Louie welcome a lo Town said of ees of 1 rust Milford, ol hearty es declared lo lie such lr Ordinance No. 10 published else .ill ami visitors we want everyone that on ibis :ud day of April, IftlJ. where in this issue was unanimously hi- - ordinance or any other health In witness w here if I have hereunto comes to our nook to draw their chair be to abated, of tins town, passed. ami official title to- up and make themselves at honic.Tlie hond of C. T. Marl in wit li tin and lie shad ha Vo authority, cither by attached my namo traveled great deal bui American Surely Company iih securily him-c.r by liia aguiits or ileputies, gether with the seal of said lowu this writer lias this is the most boimj 1213. the of 3rd says day April. to enter upon any for $2,000 aa retail liquor dealer was in the day lime, struck yet, so come he 11. like has K. placo at able, premises and into any house, us approved and filed. and grow. Town Clerk. help along 'ihe hill of the huker I. uni hi r com lore or other Imildiiigin order tomake for and Miss Day came a III. .n mg h examination Ihen-oLee Mr. Johnson pany aor $I28.C5 for light sen ice ami Ihe purpose of whether lip from Black liouk Tuesday evening $2.15 for nialeriul was present.-d- . The or m.t take part in Lee aud Lillie Johnson's any such unsanitary cnudilioug material hill waa allowed, luit tin Beaver Commercial Club Pi birthday party. $12H,G5 for light service was tallied until it coulu ho investigated hy a Sec. a li. Thoo inHealth Officer may Beaver Mr. and Mrs Johnson entertained the We are informedis that, thememberrre until or writing ol upon such Commercial t'lnli for their house guest Mr. Ianley. committee, ami upon motion iliilt .wiii-rgaining agent any ocellpant. made, aeconded and eartied i In pres- owner or ship steadily ami Unit it has about Wednesday evenings party was one oeeiipant ol any lot, building 2(HI ident apMiinled James F. (ilemi ami members at the present time. of rhe very bast and jollmst crowd of which or in there nr upon David Sedgwick as connuitiee lo mavpremises of any consequvitK ii young people ever seen. Thu eviiiiug In found any nuisance declared Everybody count the lights on the streets urn! to lie the flub, and they ate setting was sient in inuHic and games. The i Ins ordinance or any joining such hy verify this hill. ait excellent, example for the other following were present; Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hedges withdrew Ids up other healili ordinance of the Town cominuiiities in Southern Utah. Kaymond. Guthrie, Scott, Close and or iimiii whomsoever may plication heretofore presented for the of Millord, Johnson. Misses Drue and Eunice nuiaucli cause of or creator position of town rnarsiiul, Dasie, Ethel and Pauline Raysance requiring him to abate the A, H. Lewis went, hack to Salt Lake Scott, the board balloted upo.i the ntiii-- same mond, Ruth and Lillie Johnson, Messrs. in and sudi such within milliner on Tuesday night of this week, Hanley, George Dhyse, Lester Allinee, three applications of Jlyruin Daiis, time as said health City John V, Kirk and George C. Ilaxter, reasonable ho to gone from Milford about seven Alsup, Oliver Johnson, William Wessaid oliieer notice; may direct hy reaulting in a tie vote, two for Kirk luiL failure ley Marvin Scott. Milburt and Teddy or lo give notice as provided eight dayH. and two for J lux ter. President Allen Kaymond. Mr. Pauley left Thursday refused to vote foJ either oiiu of these herein shall not relieve the uiilhor of Manager Ilyams, of tlie Golden jor Paris, California, lie will run a from the nuisance sqcli any obligation gentlemen, therefore there was no a nhato the plant for a big alfalfa ranch. was pumping business Hide nr from Store, transacting same, any iuuliy lection. ,. - ' ' or maintenance the for this Lake per- in Salt week. During A. N. Stoddard, Jn&UeT'Tr Peace, provided City made his report fij the month oi mission thereof. Miss Kellie Wahlin, the charming his absence Ed. Hard-le- y was back in 7. Iu case of the neglect or re (See. March, showing That he had collected Until Mr. milliner from Balt Lake City, i harness. returned the young Ilyams to abate any nuiof nny nnes In tiuvfn the sum of $1)7.50, lisd deducted Jo fees, $17.50, and turned sance defined hy this ordinance or any Thursday morning accompanied by with us again. She has her headother health ordinance of Ihe town ol his wife. the halir quarters at Smithson House. Milford, afrer notice in writing has served upon him us provided in Section ti of this ordinance, aud in the manner uml within the time provided in said notice, it is hereby made the duty of suid health officer to abate or Now is Tiffte to t cause I lie thereof, Bin! tin cxmiim of such abatement shall be Go-Cart i - - i r-- - eep.-raii- 1 r j I - VVa-ii- Can be found in our Large and well Assorted Stock All Thoroughly Seasoned and in Prime Condition - - - for Immediate Use. l fj-- lo-wi- t: cau-io- iui-c- 1 i Joist, Demension, Sills, Siding, Casing, Base, Ceiling, Moulding, Flooring, Shingles, Sash and a- i i r V I ( a-- d Doors r . We have Everything Essential to all Sorts J1'!-- . of Building Work and can save you time and Annoyance and Guarantee you Entire Satisfaction servier-rendere- s 111 1 f i lln-s- H i n- p Baker Lumber Company I s iiiii.-ui- K i Im-HFoRTi- - MILFORD, if . - UTAH A. .L BAILEY, Agent -- ) -- , I Ifootel Btlrin.... i i Is-tl- ulu-rciiHi- i European i i A home of comfort for the traveling public I - The popular hotel of Southern Utah i the a Carriage or auaU-nien- collected from t lie person ao offending. The Oxford Saloon Sec. h. Any srsoii violating any of i lit- - provisions of this ordinance Changes Hands shall he deemed guiltyof a misdemeanor, and li h mi conviction thereof, shall by a fine of not less than The Oxford saloon, which Jias been he punished d ill.tr ($ViH)) nor more than run lor i many years liy J. 1). i;5(Mnii or hy imprisonment in Ihe baa changed hand, the tow n jail for not more than thirty C O) preseut proprietor, owner ami mali- days or by both auch fine aud impriaou-incii- t. T. Marnger being our old iriend Fee. I). There is hereby established tin. Mr. Martin took on a service to lie maintained at the pubthe fimt of April. He has bought not lic exHnso of the town of Milford lo Garbage only the business, but also the reul lie known as the theTown town under-lake- s whereby eatate lying between tin DoWnlfe-McKa- y Wagon.to remove ut public expense and company's store on the north free of charge to the individual inand the Milford Mercantile store on habitants of the town, all ashes, cans, the south, embracing a half interest garbage, vegetable and animal waste, rags or refuse of any kind in both wallii, to la used ns party iru-l- i, lilu-manure from dumb animals, ir xcrpi. walls in the future. We understand irodiici-- or arising on and after April Mr. Martin will niHke no imincdialt: ill- li. Ill 12, subject to rules and regulations as to time and manner of doing changes in this properly, bill, lie to he establisliisl hy the Hoard of in the not iar distant fut llealih. provided however that no pertire, erecting an building, son shall lie entitled to receive the bem-li- t two stories high. of such service for any premis- - "iEPsiss" Pricese range Nevada Ready Pay to Resume Op3rations The Celebrated Line of Heywood and h'is Nevada Ready Pay group of cla.ma. He states that U. S. Enders, of Indiana, has sold the control of tills psoperty to B. F. Hathaway, of Chicago, and that Mr. Hathaway will arrive in Nuwhouse April i5lh to take up the development of the property. will appeal to you 1 . Myron Lewis came in from Antelope this morning. Mrs. Hicks Is going to Salt Lake City, to visit her mother for a few reached Newhouse days. A. D. Allen went to Salt Lake City return from California, where lie has been for the Thursday night, expecting to return winter. lie is going to look' after the either Sunday or Monday morning. last Tuesday on The Reversable Gear h- - Tfltab. W. L. Bachtoll Wakefield Co. has the confidence of the public. Now on Display at.... A&m main street, flMlforb, from $6.00 to $25.00 n v Iia Purchase 5UR.NS & BIRD CO. I PIIONE 17 I LOOK TO YOUR PLUMBING. You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor condition everybody in the house is liable to contract ivpnnid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body OB the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class Al McKcon and Billy Martin came condition all the time. If yon have in from Cedar Tuesday night. They any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlains Tablets and yon are report three iuches of snow in that certain to get quick relief. For sale vicinity. by all dealers. Advertisement. ...JEFFERSON MERCANTILE CO... - ii BE AUTIFUL - - 7i $ 04 PIANO 'IJ 01 . 44 a TO BE GIVEN AWAY TOTHE 04V Candidate Having the Most Voles May 21st, 1913 04 L 04 04 vt 0 41 WEEKLY PRIZES COME IN AND SEE 04 J4 0 49 Jefferson Mercantile. Co. ' V?tV t f '. '.. ' 4 . 4 . 90 4 90 4 90 K' Y's Y-- V' 4 90' 4 90'4 90 4 90 V 4 90 4p0 4 90'4 VA f 4 90 'A VA 'A VA 4 90 4 A 90 4 90:4 90 '4 994 90 904 9 ' A 04 V' V! 0 4 90 4 90 4 904 90 I 4 tA tAI IV ' M 4 90 4 5l tiW 4 ti VS 04 'A &S& J Ctf 04 90 4 904 90: sTNi |