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Show Cedar Chapter of Sons Of Utah Pioneers Names Officers i A permanent organization of the Cedar City Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers was effected on December De-cember 14th, when permanent officers of-ficers were elected. Parley Dalley was elected presidnt of the new Chapter, with Dr. H. Wayne Drlggs, as first vice president; Dr. P. K. Edmonds, second vice president; and Lanell Lunt, third vice president. presi-dent. A secretary and historian will be named at a later date. Twenty-seven members have already al-ready Joined the Chapter, and a campaign to Increase the member as much as possible, will be conduct con-duct for the remainder of December Decem-ber To be eligible for membership one must be a decendant of a Utah Pioneer who entered the state prior to 1869. The Initial membership fee Is $4.00, Mr. Dalley states, and will be $3.00 a year for renewal of membership. |