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Show SUMMONS ft ft In the District Court of lion County, Coun-ty, Utah. M. A. McGARRY, Plaintiff. Lee A. La vine; Annie Maude Doyle. Willie M. Shoemuker, J. C. Lock-man, Lock-man, Avery Lockman, Ferrell Walker Walk-er and Aubrey Lockman, helrs-at-law of Wade M. Lockman, deceased, and distributees In the Matter oi the Estate of Wade M. Lockman, deceased; also all other persons unknown, un-known, claiming any right, title, estate es-tate or Interest In, or Hen upon the real property described In the complaint com-plaint adverse to plaintiff's ownership owner-ship or clouding plaintiff's title thereto, Defendants. THE STATE OP UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS:- You are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after tlu service of this summons upon you, If served within the County In which this action ii brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so tc do, Judgment will be rendered a-galnst a-galnst you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said, Court. This action Is brought to recover recov-er a Judgment Quieting the plaintiff's plain-tiff's title In and to the following described premises situated In Iron County,. State of Utah, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of Sec. 9, Township 34 South or Range 16 West, S.L.M. The west half of Sec. 18, Township Town-ship 34 South of Range 10 West, S.L.M. The north half of Sec. 32. Township Town-ship 34 South of Range 16 West. OL.U. CLINE. WILSON And CLINE Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Address: Mllford. Utah. , (Dec. 6. 13. 19. 26. 1946. Jan. 2. 1947) |