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Show An Appproach To City Improvement I Before an Intelligent and effective beautiflcatlon program ran be carried car-ried out. a city must be thoroughly thorough-ly organized for action. Every citizen cit-izen should, through proper con- ( liu-tciind educ-utlon, be made to &ej , his relationship to an Improvement cmipalgn, as well as his position In a better community. t'ui h are the pluns and desires of Cedar City's Beautiflcatlon Centennial Cen-tennial committee. They are hoping that through individual contact by ward and block beautiflcatlon chairmen chair-men through constant publicity and a call upon each and every citizen's civic pride that Cetlar City will undergo a face lifting and be ready rea-dy lor the 1947 Centennial. After our citizens have been Inspired to action and a complete survey of the community Is recorded, then a priority can be placed on all items according to their Importance. The city entrances are the first I und one of the most important nails of the city that is contacted I by visitors. First Impressions are us-I us-I t ally the last ones. We have much i work to do on our four city entrances. en-trances. Many factors contribute to beautiful beau-tiful streets, such as good paving, and good walks, curb and gutters, l street lighting, and absences of u-tlllty u-tlllty poles an! wire, but the m:st t beautiful, unifying and distinctive feature of our Utah cities Is the double rows of trees find crass parking park-ing strips Kiat line so many of their streets. Cedar City Is is doing much to Improve Its streets, but still much Is left to be done and needs to be done quickly. Tiie average family man may not know very ' much about civic administration, but he does know that the happiness of his family Is entirely dependent on a good home fife In a good neighborhood in a good city. Is that not enough to justify everyone putting forth all of his effort to fix. up and beautl-l fy his home grounds or farmstead? The modern pary or playground, whether large or small, Is created not only for the adornment of the city, but its real function is to provide pro-vide active and passive recreation, rest, and enjoyment for the people of the community. Cedar City has a fine park In an excellent location, and can be made to be a beautiful spot in our city. Cedar City has the civic pride and ambition to be one of the most benu tlful and cleanest clt'es In Utah. The Time Is Now Plan and Beautify. |