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Show Sylvia K. Middleton Dies After Long j Illness, Services Held j Funeral services were held Wed- i nesday afternoon in the Third Ward chapel for Mrs. Sylvia Knell Mid- j dleton, 45, wife of Francis H. Mid- i dleton, prominent local livestock j man. Mrs. Mifidleton, who has been I active in Church and club work in ( Cedar, died at her home Monday of j carcinoma, following a serious 111- i ness of more than a year. J Mrs. Middleton was born at Pinto a daughter of R. C. and Isabelle i Forsyth Knell, and attended public schools In Cedar City and St. j George. She was married to Mr. i Middleton on Dec. 15, 1925, and they had resided in Cedar City since. Active in church work she had served in the Presidency of Primary and MIA organiation of the LDS church. She had also been active in the American Legion Auxiliary and the H. H. Club of which she had served as president. She Is survived by her husband; two sons, Robert Francis and Kenneth Ken-neth Allen, Cedar City; her mother, Newcastle; and eight brothers and sisters, Mrs. Lela Atkin, Mrs. Nettie Net-tie Morris, St. George; Mrs. Sophia Sevy, Mrs. Inez Lunt, Cedar City; Marie Knell, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Wllma Weston. Mllford; Gordon and Harold Knell, Newcastle. The funeral services were conducted con-ducted by Bishop A. E. Whatcott, and speakers included Theron Ashcroft, L. N. Marsden, Jr., and Mrs. Pratt M. Bethers, representing the H. H. Club of which Mrs. Middleton Mid-dleton was a charter member and a past president. The musical program Included the opening song, "In The Garden", by a Male quartet composed of Reed Roberts, LaNolr Jones, Elihu Whatcott and Gene Palmer; a vocal vo-cal solo, "Lay My Head Beneath A Rose", by Bert Carpenter, accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Beth Leigh; a violin solo, "Sylvia" by Roy L Hal-versen, Hal-versen, accompanied by Frank Van Cott; a vocal duet, "Come Unto Me And Rest" by Jim Urie and L. C. Miles, accompanied by Mrs. Idonna ml;h; and a vocal solo, "My Peace I Leave With You" by Mrs. lone Lambert, accompanied by Mrs. Smith. Invocation was by Clair Hulet; benediction by Arthur Gardner, and dedication of the grave by E. M Corry. |