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Show Splendid Cough Relief, Mixed In Your Kitchen Saves We Dullitm. N0 Cooking. Yes, ma'am, right In your own kitchen, kit-chen, you can easily mix a coiiKh I medicine that Is a wonder for quick j results, and gives you about four : times as much for your money. And It's no trouble a child could do It. You'll need a syrup. Make It by j etirrinB 2 cups of Rranulated siiKur ' and one cup of water a few moments, I until dissolved. No cooking needed. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey. Instead of surar syrup. Now get 2 14 ounces of Plnex from any druntrlst, and pour It Into a pint bottle, and All up with your syrup. There you have a full pint of remnrk-nble remnrk-nble medicine for coughs due to colds. It lasts a family a long time, and tastes fine children lovo it. You'll say It's hard to beat, for real relief. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irritated membranes, and helps clear the air passages. Kases the soreness, and lets you re: t at night. Tlnex Is a special comi ound of proven Ingredients, In concentrated form, well known for quid: action on throat, and bronchial Irritation. Just try It, and If not pleased, your money will be refunded. U. S. Savings Bonds ! vi ;J ' 'hff ' 'I Hurry-rub in Ben-Gay for fast, soothing, gently ? ' vx warming relief! Insist on genuine Ben-Gay, the origl- nal Baume A ulgesique. Ben-Gay contains up to 2 'a times more methyl salicylate and menthol-two pain- relieving agents known to every doctor -than five other widely offered rub-ins. Ben-Gay acts fast where 5 1 you hurt ( Also for Pain due to COLDS, MUSCLE ACHE, and STRAINS. Ah for MildBen-Cay lor ChildraR. ' wsmm was u Ton get newtlre nibber with full new- KaMW . J A tire tread width and depth. You get the OUT LIKE THIS V fwnons rtrestone De Luxe Champion Oom. SsV ,n" V '3 Orlp Tread design with 3.4.16 sharp angles rWJJAtW ' Protect against dangerous skidding. MiW Why be satisfied with ordinary skimpy XmMIr' ft f ' retreading? Get the bert-get rirestonel ' v 7 y FOR EXTRA PROTECTION ASK FOR THE 6 FIRESTONE STUDDED GROUND GRIP TREAD j3$(th A ,,must" for "now mud! The famoua Studded AtCf W 0r0UDd Grlp Troad Desifiri1 g1vea yu tte extra tra- A fff? Q Won J00 need winter driving. No ilipping, no gpln- A y fcQJ J tT. no ilddding! Deep, tough tread for lono; wear. 4 I flfi $ AU MATtMAL AND WORKMANSHIP 4 S ZJ NU.Y GUARANTIED y |