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Show Spotlighting I UTAH 1 TEN MILLION POI.LAK PAYROLL Utah's big war-born establishment, 1 lie Clearfield Navul Supply Depot has been declared permanent Us major Job Is to help supply the Puclfic Fleet and western shore Installations. In-stallations. The depot's civilian employment roster Is now at 4,850 persons; tlw payroll Is In excess of $10,000,000 annually. In addition, there are 420 Navy and Marine officers and men stationed at the depot. A payroll pay-roll of the size reported from, the Depot, undoubtedly contributes much to Utah's present prosperity. UTAH IPS CONSTRUCTION WORK Construction employment in Utah has Increased 57 per cent since the end of the war, the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report. In mid-October, Utah construction contractors contract-ors employed 8600 workers as compared com-pared with 5500 at the end of the war In August 1945. These figures, however, are still below construc tion employment in Utah during 1942 and 1943, when military activity activi-ty was at Its peak. DISNEY WOULD FILM UTAH INDIANS The Disney Studios of Hollywood have shown an Interest in filming an education picture on Utah Indians, In-dians, and Edwin L. Verity, unit production manager has asked the Utah Department of Publicity and Industrial Development for complete com-plete Information relative to the Indians on the Uintah, Ouray reservation res-ervation near Roosevelt, Utah. |