Show U T 1 If W MAKES STATEMENT iNSTATEMENT I State Siale e Inspector of f Idaho qa J W Situation t f I JAW M P nE t I t Take 1101 u l fi tl to 0 1 1 on lIne of JU Idaho Idio IdioT lio lioT ll T o 0 l A V state sheep Inspector I tor to lU ItO lIlt men of or Utah have hale invasion II H l n to become well vell no nc time tho th past host 1 few has hns trat d to the time New N tho the setting forth forthm tho time u confronts the sheep own ownen owners en Urn of ot 4 I m state omit nd tho thin exact ex cl lion born In hit 1 sheep owners stand I determination to the p from their state ra ak Idaho 1 May 4 much h him hIl e stud of late hate concerning the between the Utah wool 1001 grotter the tate of ot Idaho and anel the Utah side of ot tho time ques linn tia t occurs o curl to me that In iii view of the statements lIts found info In at Utah papers l that n u few tew tads fails with the time subject B would be III timid and no doubt the lie if elate their Just fo to 0 havo hlO a I change here ore are always two tsO sides to toa II a amid d as time tho otto one side of ot tho thu questIon Rb been c told so ito many a 1 times of nt late tUV IIA ii me mae to ent some facts fam tM the Jaho Bide able In III tI 1 of or Stay May 2nd tho the attorney attorneys ney nen for Unit In commenting on omi time till late lat l of at the U S Supreme court In tit U 1 n case Se c say lIa thin ta ease casp e d does i tot necessarily conclude the question ul lIon l oly il the tho Utah and Idaho o The decision paints points a ft between this th mace ase that In the Iho former cramer tho the act liy r while In the tue Ida Mn Idaho Idaho ho case It ivus mius supposed only to exist for one yel Mr 1 Now oW who do they mean macan supposed act was only to tome ex cx exist mt 1st Cor or one lear They certainly must bust I Inot not mean mea a that th t the tub Idaho legislators supposed that lint It thy they were wens enacting u II law Jaw that vii H only to exist for tor otto one year for tor If It they lund hull no n ni doubt they time would have tild uld n s In lii the time law II as os a it sub subsequent c quent ire would have lmae hll l repealed It II It 1 Is in too aso a o plain that time till governor tilt did l nut flat to Wi 0 understand It for tor he lie tins bus fr tnt three lu years rA operated that law ioU United States Su Sc Supreme Suo Ironic preme court coin In sustaining tho time law luw does docs not 1101 suppo that the tha law Ia W was Willi g only for lor forone lorone one Otis year ear It la that if the law was Ivan good fO o l year er U Jt wan was good for tor so big us the same name conditions exist so it that the tile Idea Illen that the he law II for tor one year yell I must we have been lon elv 1 by I those whom It tt operated and unIt not with Idaho nor lor the States court c and ind the same Burne condl Ions exist U It year to year Mr Ir Mok Moy Io s says jays we wo can now show lint sab II li prevalent Jl al nt In Idaho Idaho hits ms never there was elS no flo scab lit III n till the stat staL but that there Won nR too touch much of ot it II Hut because b we sab ab in III l does It follow that we WI co must mist hare hlA by I y itah sheep heep The Tho fact that Idaho urns has omo amongst her flocks does 1111 not nol loire Ill lh r to t C hit flint no nomore more nore is from other states nn aim It he be Ir d that th t because Idaho ins samo soom x that th t utile has not tile the to toJ steps t to prevent the Intro of oC nl i 1 ii Certainly nol n no nod wo 10 the t 1 right to en ennet ennet net tto to t suppress It Let Iet me further f rom roam t i Mr Mc Ir Moyle lie He linn thai that decision only time the of ot the tIme Idaho J Dho law hav III on ho the Ih theory UI H he scab b Is IR epidemic In and lj It would be he bea beit a it well known know II Kf gemiN nee of that thit I attorney torny to tn that he lie ma maim nade h i lf So au much so RO SI that I hav hao a II Mit n to pass mass It bv by ns as being I a i mist ike nut ntH let mo me ny soy that thai th ti h law In which the United States f alil Is in constitution constitutional al ni n nIer fler er for tor cr ono one o imm that we have hae no n tl ht to t against scab R Into th state toj because we WO have hn vc tome in our own own And Ana again agal f if I am slow show to tt Ii believe that thai Mr Ir fould have made these the c re me remarks marks which I In the Salt Lake LI ke Tribune of ot Uny At the hearing in ill the time case brought br before Judge Ju ge Heat Bent ty t II It II was it n shown that the hat hait whatever of ot any slit ib b II Ill Ii an among ng the tile sheep In any nn of the pr ir u fl counties of ot Utah h This ruin li kt ona very thing which t on ll examination ot or the ls of ot f JUd e n utts court will how thea In inn r place cc Iho tiit governor was WIS not lint In court he being away awny ii tl the northern purL part Of or time the stall slate mini antl wi if ver cf asked to give glo the tho proofs The state I Sheep Inspector ten tea that fr l t J Persona er nal examination 1 b km IIII a that lila such t l did exist In III tho time pro lre d It was Wall also proven In III that i ourt iLl fifteen l bands band of ot sheep shelp had hi ii i n tm In itt Boxelder count and ammil that thai mum out omit ut of ot the time w were vere ro jh hi i the minutes of ot Judge lent hoot H 1 4 will viIi disclose dl Further urther Furthermore I more 11 lire no a h hale t e nt lit t present pr sent two bands of ot sheep i I i to tine the plaintiffs In that a m i under tinnier quarantine one of ot mf tho time oit i rs r instilled under tinnier oath that thai he had nut mm 1 hal ani scab for tor eight years and amid at ul a thaI these same samne sheep Ivert 1 i for tor scab Hut But l re time the hav aw Just sue BUS ly the highest tribunal trl unal In the tho theland theland land lc i of ot the governor of ot Mali lilah to u have Ito positive proof ns tin tinto to the time of scab In other local localities The fl fh law ends Whenever the governor of ot tb hj he state tatO of ot Idaho has rca rea reason son to ieli that f cab orny or other oilier Infect loui JL se nt fit slice sheep mi become epidemic In iii certain localities beauties In any an amm other KIRK stas or r i territory or that conditions exIst that render mender sheep lia ha liable ble hie to 10 mW tey he must matteL there thereupon upon elicit by b designate such Fuch J the time Importation of if any Mi si h n 1 the state except un under tier der au m r n an after utter consul consultation ron ul tation tatton lh h tie the state sheep Inspector he lie may o pcr It H will bo hI seen Heen by ii b the HIP thai If It the luw una reason n tJ that thai scab seab exists In III of ot f the th states iules he ime tinny may issue his hili pro proclamation prohibiting the time Importation df It If n tji l locality so that the Ih i does des riot nut have to prop that a nb b dot t n less lenin it II 1 ji s n t beyond doubt In Judge H ii court url So 80 tin that the t upon the th Ihl r ex foX of 01 th of ot if Idaho wn wan R un umu uncalled called fr foor i Judging from ruin thi Ih referred to I In the News Newn Nt minI nM the Tribune no respectively lively It ib t the attorn not thirk th that t time l c decision loli of 01 tin the Unit United United ed Sluts itin s supreme R II ne court comet settles the Unfit lIui im lt it Is plain that to so 0 long lOll ns III I tab h Ii ha scab COi or an simm epidemic of if scab the ti th of Idaho may many pro prohibit prohibit hibit hl lt Hi lb 1110 of ot sheep heep from such guch t j The question 11 may bay tic III w riis j as to what on an epidemic It f scab or nr to what extent scab shall exIst before such lIuch measures could be h nut tho the law s Ilia nays ys Whenever hOMer thea governor has hal reasons to believe that thaI i scab ab n exists exist II he lie may ilia there upon prohibit vr hibit Now It III to one who Imo under understands stands the of ot that disease that thai r while Utah has line no ItO effective laws howe to suppress lI It multi to stamp out nelL that scourge from rota tho time State their will be b lessons to o tJ that the time dl dora exist eit cd l in lit that State tite for tor HH ItH history proves 11 vel beyond tiny doubt that It will 11 never dlo 1110 out of Its ils own accord In the tho brief IIII submitted to 10 time the court tho time Utah attorneys say pay that hint Ida ho hI in itt nut not acting In II Rood good faith but time the sole purpose e in is to lent dent from cm an the tIle public domain In limbo Idaho n nod id thus keel tho the ranH for COl her own people This Thin In a not the cose ase hut but that It U Were I vete e Idaho has hns hitt some tOmmie grounds for complaint n neighbor on un the t south for tor It Is III only a n hort time ago Utah taxed Malm sheep sheen live five per lieI heart for Cor In Utah upon the tIme public do domain ti main and this policy would OPt not work The next plan ihan wits was to sell liell or lease loane c her hem State lands rind tho the result Is that th t Utah hUll has very ery little summer and her own OWl people must go 10 Into other states to 10 find BmW pasture This nut policy C adopted by hy the people of ot Utah has hilI and III prove prose pro very ery disastrous to tock Block men In 1 thu time State antI and to the time whole people for tor the time parties to whom they said Hold or leased tho time lands hinds have ha e picked out the pieces ls nf of land containing the thu water know knowIng Ing that If It they the controlled the time water ways that no mU one would laky taku time the luau land nod the th situation using the adjoining land free treO for tot thu time reason that they con edo control control time the only water In iii tIme the locality Idaho has hall state lands and hints has control of ot them and we wo dont lIott Intend to 10 let them go In itt dun such sueh way wn va Hut But It II li is not miot time the purpose of oC Idaho to keep iced nonresident sheep away awny front their thelt sheep Shied In Idaho yet et It U must he lIe that Idaho has Just na us good Joo 1 n a right to control her state lands ItH Utah rum hUH Imbue lion linn some very stern storn laws against time the disease of sheep und and she Rill Intends to tn enforce them and stamp the time disease known as us out of ot the tue state and It that Utah ought to do the time same not miot Heel to 10 Impose on her neighbors by b claiming the right to 10 go 10 whore where they please re te regardless 1 of ot the law 1111 ns as Is Jg being done dono every day In Idaho Hut But the laws will 1111 willbe be enforced nail and the Ihl scab ho bo erad cratl eradicated eradicated from rota the tho hocks of ot Idaho and we le make our own people subject to tIme tho most mo t rigid laws and regulations In imm order to door clear the Iho state RIte of ot that dis till disease disease ease we WI shall claim tho time right to nee see that It does docs not come corne Into the Iho state from the time outside T 0 LOWE Idaho State Sheep Sheel Inspector |