Show A 4 T IS IKS iS S St j t A Hanker Sui Stil Suicides cIde In Iii II Seattle v EattIe U Ath ih May ra S A man mal be to 10 be b ll It H V X Pollock the missing president tram train Cleveland 0 O ende hU hIs hi life We here her today toda In tho the Hotel York by mending lending a bullet bulet through his A razor a n two ounce box bo of I rough tough on rats and a phial containing blet of aconite were tre found nt at hand f All AU Al papel belonging to the time man lan had hat been luen burned before committing tho the deed i Pollock arrived here her Monday und rind reg PR aS s James Janie Fisher He lIe failed to appear appear during the next day and finally lay his hs rums room rom was vas broken Into In to Lying in a reclining position was vas found the body bod The Tha coroner was wa at once called calel In Time The deceased had not apparently stirred af at tw I r firing fring the fatal shot shut No cue clue be obtained In the room lut but the n nUD noise rne of ot K ft I N Pollock was found oun sewed Ed on the Inside of his lila coat coal af there by b the loveland Cleveland 0 O tailor lork k appeared well veli wel dressed He lie le lion hod I in Iii money mone In m his rocket He lie op ap Kared roa red to tu t have hale been about 30 years year le ear of ot a Aie E Win ith a R light and wear lag Ing a small Imal brown mustache moustache WHO POLLOCK IS 0 May Mn SH N who cho to d to liae hae killed kled himself klel hi 10 today toda was president pr of ot the time y Banking Hanking com corn n of this CIty cl Lie le was is 38 yc years of f uge married and hal had three children ant hat lie e In WaS the promoter of the thc bank which disappeared Il its last Mn Monday ny Pollock ten days ago ngo and Imd 1101 not I M fn defnie y until the tho news oC of hta hla reported reached this el cy The con condition of the thc bank is RS no 8 yet a of Ia it books bc In the Ine tn han hanim o ot I a freer ww Is s mall main an antI and whoso whose report Is exp ted In i a da day Up ai Or tWO Tho rhe bank lank Tine hid had ha deposit fm n H to lo the thc extent of 3 OOOO anks ur ot or mooney mane was sa not I II In the tlC r m slon at nt th the tho time of time the US n When en r mors r of its weakness were Is of ef heaT to noll the 10 Inevitable liable outcome such ouch a a Immediate demand tot for fort large Inre sum of ot money the thc t tori molY derd t 1 to tUl business and nn a an land n Pointed appoInted Other Oth r Cleve bank M It Is ls said aid would have One Ione to ta the a ton e of oC the thc Cuyahoga The fa bani i bank hn had 1 U It I been asked for not Prominent In tho the itys nt i t J 1 In the institutions being lo ho lopo residence district and Its po Iu s Is bring of small The Th smal sums of f the he bank stated to att i M nh mont money that did l not take the time then thai Iha i aM a In i the or of his bank nt at th the time that knolln iS n the u city and anI ll It I Is ls believed that ft a I crisis w was near Iol hock Is h ight ht safety In ln flIght Vol 01 Jok Mid eid to have hen been the backer a r cub the haek u Indus rial monD mone mooney ot or one or lore moore lt r concerns Which were not suc sue The State Carbon company which h Went nn en n amount a en if Into Inlo the tho hands of a n receiver of nf hp Ihl faIlure of ot the bank is h Ml said to be I It eX tl t 4 b to S not seriously ly Involved and resume operations soon sool |