Show PINTO I lIu to Iii Work 01 on Wn n Co 11 MB Mak the lime last 1111 ten days or two 1110 weeks Iek our lit litlie litti lie ti town been h by hy this the 11 men taco fluid boys at as a nl all have ha pone gout to the Krade grede south I ot of Ivada to where gUild food Wage were to tl be lie obi allied by for the Clark men 1111 Hume Home of at the buy boys have 11 i and It Il Id hi t expected jime he tent meet will In Iii R a few rew day ln III s sIme The Ime ap Ft ig ha hu ii e s been heen cool und a nil not nol fu LI for of or if crop Irol but bUl time the Ih hall tonic come up p well Within Vit iii ii Ih I lie hi e last hll 1 five tI 11 vms months tim on tims three tim ree of ut our men inca Don 1011 Forsyth Thomas Scott U It 15 It n have hu I ie ms turned timed home trout from mission On the tilt Mr II Snow SilO if hr hU this Plane started for tor the gR States to 10 Join her hir Win n J 1 Snow on Work In III Hint part of or the Lords vineyard Mrs Snail will be ho greatly missed by h time the people Peddle of ot this ug as hc Iw was acne u a faith faithful ful ul earnest worker wicker In time the th ward es en lii chatty In the tho tim Sabbath school Yesterday Yo a n from roam Cedar City woid thai rr Irs rs John Day of or Enterprise who imo had hlll Kon one over to consult the dolor doctor a U few fet days tIan before hilt hail tiled from heart l failure Tho rho body bodt li is expected In today tOlla and will willbe be he Interred In HIP cemetery leaves lenes II a husband and seven children four hos and three girls and ond numerous relatives |