Show TROUBLE OVER MARCOTT Sheriff Naylor Confronted by Every Possible Hindrance in His Ills Business MascotS Said Suld lo to lIne Have Ii Eu 1111 tu to a lIh GIrl Living III lu Lou Lot Lo tle 1 L W tV Marcott the alleged forger whom Sheriff Naylor N lor went to Los LOB Ange Angeles Angeles les Ic last Sunday to bring here for trial is 18 putting up a light and will throw every obstacle ha ire cart can in time the sheriffs way WilY It U U II I said that he lie has en on to a n wealthy girl In Los Ios Angeles arid and naturally ho will feel sore gore at nt the time strong atron arm of ot tire the law Ill reaching r In to snatch his Iris prize from fromn him when the goal of his Is fa almost within his hIli imI grasp Ills His first move to cheek check the sheriffs game gam WilY was to tl get Iel a 11 writ of habeas as corpus returnable joiner tomor tomorrow row ro Then chance favored him hIm by imy h tak Ing InK Governor Gage Onge to Los Ius Angeles so 10 when Theil Sheriff Naylor Nailor went tnt to Sacra Sacramento mento to t apply for tur extradition papers he lie was Informed that the chief cx eu tive lIe was wal riot not at home He lie wired these thele troubles trouble to chief Deputy Deput Eldredge last night tuut County Count Attorney telegraphed In hi answer that tho the sheriff should lose loe no time tine in seeing the tire rover rOer no nor r and county counts In an answer answer to another message th county Count at torney wired wIrer the sheriff this him morning him to ascertain at al what hunt figure he hf h retain tin the cerviceS of ot a n local attorney 1 tome If It possible the this prosecuting officer r of or tho the l In which the proceed lags InKs are to I f be had and to ascertain whether the prosecutor or r attorney was mma wasa AI a 11 friend of Marcott The was also asked to state where the writ of or habeas corpus Is returnable County Count Attorney Christensen will wilt go to California himself to handle the case cue If It appears appear that he Ime can save money mone to ta the state by prosecuting In person CASE Attorney Kd E returned I I from Farmington last night where he lie hehns has hns been picking up UV Information llon for what ell to be o an Interesting suit sul over oel an tin alleged fraudulent acquisition of ot a homestead lIl Ho Ifo sent the time com coin complaint plaint to this title morning to tobit bu bit tH fileti d wIth 1 ith the clerk of oC the tho Second district court conn Time The suit IB Is brought by Sarah Ann Attn Hughes tI an ant English bora Jom woman sonman of the time Mormon to recover from nu her hel the tho posses possession Ion sion ot of tilt the hou o lot In III which her hr husband owned shortly prior to his hi death and which sho she dalton claims was conveyed by Item her husband William Hugh to Cotterell on Omi April 3 1833 un a II afew afew few te days daM before the old man dIed upon the advice of Cotterell Mrs Hughes cays that this was vas done at her laws advice who wIre said that they would save sae mooney money IlIone by b conveying the property to him him amid hit his convoying COli a 1 life c tah III In the to the Invalid old man mall who was thou then says nays his hie wife weak In mind and timid body hody According to Mrs Ira story Mr Hughes believing that everything was wag all nil straight exe executed executed and delivered the Instrument to their w Afterwards ll Cotterell executed a n deed of lease leasa from himself and wife to the old couple William and ond Sarah Ann Hughes The lease le was wa for fol the Ihl term of ot their lives leJ antI and It Is taJ that Cotterell fraudulently r that thet the deed decd was a once ammee of the time property to Hughes II rot for his life and rimS to his widow after atter his death When the time old mon moan died on September 5 1691 his hla wife first learnt of the time al alleged alleged alleged swindle There Is said to be much feeling against Cotterell for tor hU hlll lit action und and sympathy I with his aged ased mother Inlaw WATER CONTROVERSY I Trial of the time water case of ot tho the Dry Dt Dr Creek Creck Reservoir company ot al at vs S the hue he heDra I Draper Dra er Irrigation company was wits re resumed resumed C before Judge Hall this morning The attorneys are arc making an nn endeavor to conclude the time testimony today toa sc se that Clint Cite tho case caso will not go over till Saturday there being a I large docket of probate matter maller coming up UI for tor Friday 1 rdA MILLER ESTATE PETITION Margaret Miller Millor widow willow of Reuben neuben P Miller who died dle intestate on March today filed flied a n petition In tho the pro hiro probate bate court to Issue letters letter of adminis administration of the tho estate to her two sons eons Reuben E B I and und Uriah Urlah a G Miller The petition will mill be e heard May flY 2 th Mr Miller left heft real property valued at nt In farming land at ot Provo and Mendon and LInd other property In ha live lIe livestock stock tock shores share In time tho Cooperative Wa Wagon Wagon gon Ion Machine compon and Wasatch Milling company cash etc amounting to about Besides the tho two sons lions who are named as administrators of the tire estate anti and the widow the time heirs are Edith L J Miller aged 21 and MelvIn Mclvin P I Miller aged 19 R uben anti and Uriah Uriab ore are 31 81 anti and 28 6 years old otiS respectively St |