Show O MAlt pRODUCE Chicago o 9 Apprehension of ot trouble tt In circles owing to the Wall all street panic pank In stocks stock time the hl of or weakness eaknes In tn Inthe inthe the wheat wheal market earl early today tOlla when time the professional lonal crowd unloaded long hang stuff or went vent short lul opened I to HC EJe ic low lOwer r at 72 2 to n 0 14 and after de dining Hr ic rather further allied on covering by 1 shorts to t gelling BellinI was renewed nail and nn July broke I M 70 oi before Jeton panicky Ings felt ft t lt easy en A I recovery to 71 on talk of ot export demand d followed anti and the time close was waa iC 60 lower oer at July corn orn broke to wt In sympathy with wheat but t recovered to 40 46 G and anti closed At It 45 71 i June Junc July Corn May In 53 July Juh 4 i I IV 2 21 Pork Vi hlf l 14 55 UiO 1470 Sep SI comber L lall n It Dj 1 S pt 7 Sill I 1 So i July Jul 1 1 her bur l Ir 78 18 7 S S I en C Ith I S J ted WOT 7 74 No 3 1 roth red f rio J 2 l winter 7 N Nt I l hj rl winter No 1 7 No o 2 do 72 J y a l sprin Corn fo lil 5 No NIJ Ii 3 Oat A I s 2 li No v 3 21 Gt IG l I Jl S Slow weak S 3 Ml flock ell ewes 3 j mails v t VlAs l MOD GIO Steady to lAi gl I jO 0 steers poor pour to lo stockers amid feeders jl Ii I nOi poor to medium nM tt n 1 canners K il SS S calves 40 1 1 Vl Stew Texas bulls hulls 2 lIo II today todo tomor tomorrow tomorrow row 2 A jott lett t ov r Market 6 L cents r easier and anil anti I f 1 6 light bulk hulk of Art II Stow Slow hood choice hoice iw 1 Vl NIO western vestern sheep U lI MO lambs M Ho lt IO western lambs MO liS mA STOCK 0 1 t f Mr I May 7 1 to easy Native steers v C StOOlS Texas r O native COWl antI anI U ut I vy H twi im i iti i stockers and 33 SO calves cal H JOO GOO oo A 00 to 60 Sc higher f Jl of O slUrs pack packers ers IH 7 ml light 2536 r 11 tOO 25 l Steady to fo So higher lambs MO JI O GlO s is tiGi sprIng lambs l 50 t 1 IMI 3 STOCK f b v S 1 lower Native beet beer SiS fI fOu Q It steers T TA r j H j cows und and heifers 1 S calves 47 alumni i V t VI Shade hIgher r 61 mixed H light i 5 bulk of ot sales t Wo 5 Cl t WOOl I 8 The American Wool anti O iV Importer will stY say tomor tomorrow row AA JA v o tins been heen very er out Omi vi oat last review at nt times mice tIA lien hns been h en absolutely I i M of or wool are very 1111 u except on un halt half thAI wo we can cnn hear or of no o e being granted Most of ur time the i 1 ore UI figuring on serum securing securIng ing lag neV ume ne on a It clean cost of or 40 to cents cen butk A 0 er of or those who wile have re W oolf of or time the growers crower claim Vt V i rc costing them only except whet where they the contain V t I amount of or sta staple III In tn Alfi c Ufe fe they have coSt coat co t w cents jl 1 1 ome fORIC instances 12 H edits cents time The Jt oJ f the he week In nOlton 1 anti 13 0 p 1 v ft mm total a total of ot 35 jW r for or the previous week ek ff che ht January 1 amount t lj j pr pounds against CJ 55 ii III toi fot Ol the corresponding time 0 r 1 ff S SSt St iVl 1 JI No do I ta 11 territory medium tIne fine tOil Ill sf Ii r WOOT OOT San Sti V t c Way bray 12 cn Vr lon valley Ore Rono j tl lambs lamb Sam Salt Joaqim Aln 67 and amid t 1411 AUCTION Jon tI 2 21 At the time Wool ooh auction sales I J OW bales were ere offered Time The w 8 large birge Competition Competition tion Ion v 11 i sit lit t hardening rates rales 1 iii were Ivere fully tully main maintained Cf bre were pre K S per ler cent cont above jV I jl and good medium graded it t bI tot roc America were also alsoS u S r per hem Jh h Americans secured 1 several Ir cli of or good merinos mind and lambs J f quality sold eold freely at nt an l yf mit 5 6 tier cent There was wn a 0 aMile attle Mile alc o C ot or load Good Hope and Natal v i anti tind 1111 Brents gren lp nt nl nn an ad mi advance vance vanc f t por Jt cent Up to the time pres present ent tnt tl bales have been of ot offered torch terell IJ j ie MoO have been with withdrawn drawn ml vs w ii AND ians iansOn Chic Fi II fi On tho time produce e ethe eX the butter JUller market was stead tt lo 14 18 dairies 1117 1 C fht vH 9 fr sh 1114 New Nell o May Mu ay S Hutter ic creamery creamer 1 19 w fa h 11 13 IJ Kg 1 g IV tf packages t es firm pricked packed stor atom storage ago age 1414 |