Show IT I TEMPTATION TO TO GAMBLE GAM LE Bishop Lawrence Lwrence Tells TeUs of the Danger lo to Young Y ung Men and d Women i To go See Seo It 1 One Otie lul Hut ut to Mulct Illel to lo tue tho Ml on I In II time thu Boston May O DOne has hal only to lie lis listen ls lieten ten to the time shouts In iii tho time stuck stock market during time the past few feit tel weeks week I said Bishop lawrence In iii his lii annual to the time Diocesan convention of tIme the Episcopal church to be bo Improved with the time danger dalger in which out our young oung men amman len and ald women Olen our boys bo and amid girls from the tho temptation to gamble to get something for tor or nothing to try t 1 to make money mane fast to hazard what hunt Is of alue value simply for the time pleasure of time thc hazard I 1 mn nm not mint drawing fine distinction much touch less lell am I making the time stock mur ket the tIme scapegoat tot for nn an Increasing popular danger and vice Ice Vicious which catches catcheR time the popular eye ee Is but the time symptom of a n spirit the time community that of 01 an till ni H to tu work worl steadily for tor forthe or the th legitimate toward reward of labor nn an un unrest UI rest nt mit the time moderate arll lair fair full returns of a n making mal haste to get ilch Ilch a aIleen keen Ileen love loe of time the sport of over uvel reaching another n a 1 fascination In living by onus ones wits Wll instead of ot by l ones one sober thoughts thought and careful work wok Two livo generations ngo playing cards was forbidden because it I was associated tiled atell with gambling Then time the curds cards carts were brought forth furth from their hiding place and given glnn a place pinel In time the Innocent of the home Today fota they the thearo are aro returning to their old calling as ns the Instrument of ot gambling There mete are men and women worshipers In our ur Mine mime even communicants who waste the tho daylight arid concentrate nil nl their thoughts and Int nerve nere upon mullen the time game the time game Is not nut complete without sonic some sOle stake stolle stimuli small or 01 large lalI will wil you 01 give for the time future of the time boy bo whose pin 1111 money mone Is Ip the Ilme gain gall of hits his hIl fathers game at the time club The Thc point i want to make muke lull la is II that In Instead II stead of dwelling duellIng Ih ll on omm the time of o time the or am criticising the time police pollee for not amot suppressing the worst forms forma of o I I gambling we should look to ourselves and Il hIs over tover the time symptoms of the time same sameIce vice mIce Ice In us U |