Show Votes otes v T will surprise tome tans fans to I learn that Jack JackHenry Jackhenry J c Henry catcher of the Ogden baseball team has been released i by the manager of that organization tion Henry held down time the peel position lIon tion behind time the bat nil all last sea sM season son soil for the thc Lob Lobsters stere end and is con considered one of the best players of time the league and Is n a great favorite with time the It Is understood that time the action of the managers was at Henrys request It Is said that It was requited required of Henry some time home ago that he ime give up his position nt lit time the depot hut this he lie refused to do hence lila his release He lie hiss has made nn an excellent record record ns ems an all allaround around player and It sern strange that time thc Lobster chiefs would be v willing to let him go If Henry wants a position with any ammy of time the other teams It Is he not likely that he ito have much In securing a berth He Ifs may ma decide to give up his imis Job and stay day with the tho Ogden team It Is cald eaid that Moiler Mosier the new Ogden n pitcher Is on time the bargain counter and may many be purchased by one of time the other teams learns has made a fairly good showing so tar far din cnn shoot some som very curves but Is rath rather r slow He lie might be n cm B god d une to try U on th the 0 den crack hitters Yesterday afternoon time the articles of In iii Incorporation corporation of time the Bear fleer Duck club were flied Hied it th the county CoUtil clerk John D I Kendall Is named ns as A E McKenzie vice vit 0 S secretary und treasurer The Theother Theother other directors ammo A P Daniels J 7 M Fouler Foster H S II and 0 L B Decker k r rA A most mott appropriate prize Iris far th the win winner tier ner of time tho l u Day road reid raca mcI has hns been offered by 1 lloyd lark th the Jew Jeweler jeweler eler The Is he a em i silver ll er cup fourteen Inches high and ant sup supported suPported ported by li a small sliver r bicycle It ought to be a great inducement to rid riders ore ers Last evening apt Cal n of the Salt Lake gun club forwarded t to DrownIng Brothers of Ogden a S chal challenge ch lenge for or the state cup camP now In lam the of Parker J F with Ith s I If Sharp Is also nu w Mr Parker does doe not accept time the chill lengo within t n days time the cup will GO GOto goto to the tue challenger How Is this Zor or a f crowd Tw Time London Dally Dali Mall Mali of April M 2 fir an In him which It account of n game Why did not Sir Michael WB ach think of putting it t tax x in n Saturdays r at the h ai More than revelation was a went to ti s 5 the upi d of r rother while all over the h their attracting other wrt re onlookers There Tb thousands of yellIng must be millions of f them The l in people wen wt figures show that thiat Saturdays crowd nf of theSS tw were pl foothill football That iV people who would able tot for taxation If Sir St only thought of it 4 |