Show Smoke Nuisance JI Health and aud on rV I I t on SMOKE 18 BANE BANI Of MODERN CITY I I Tuber Tuberculosis Germs ru i fand and Undermines es' es Health I ff w of People I ACK PALL RAISES I I I MORTALITY RATE I II I Vegetation lactation Is Is' Stunted and Plants Jants Cannot Develop I Properly Y T FREDERIC J. J smote on ona or of effects effect i flie ba harmful and nd r arc a b vegetation by e experience both b proved r When men t the be bet If America aud and E rope anthracite coal coalt rut rt t ania t truce was on and mary parts of thc soft ort forced to coal cases o of ot suspected lUD lung nae e increased with rith the increased use coal COlI and after aCter the thc s settle settle- I I t or of the strike and the thc return to eIte they thc decreased n again am in pro pio- ion fon to the thc change c from o aril ara ra eo coal roal Cities where re so soft t coal is iR d in ia a largo large G quantities on both or the tho Atlantic Atlantie bear witness to tot t h effects of smoke moko upon I health by showing a abnormal b norma 1 d death ca car th r rat i from fron lung and bronchial disease so often impermeable to tho the health giving WI kt ultra violet rays of Ii light ht which I ture z most mod efficient germicide he pl palls pails J not only destroy ii i br filling tic the h Jung n s wih oo of br X myriads o of germs to Q fb b where rp thoy might miRl t be killed ms reach the earth earth r For tor tn instance tance it t has been that the geni of ot tu tuberculosis rc los s dies tics diesh 1 h more mOle quickly when rhen the tho sun gets a chance at it than when it is held jcck ck by bj woke smoke London authorities tribute Inhale much of oC the famous London jo to tho the heavy hean clouds of black blackI I toke h e that han Lang hang o er over the city and it itis il 1 TOys is s has been noticed that when rhen ej fit great togs o s come como the death rate Durin During Daring one ono famous fo fog more t people were fere added to the theal al 1 l death list in fn three weeks reeks and It that thit there were OOOO T ease a ase of sickness A test was made r ho tho ho En English meteorological bureau burau t th a A. series cries of burning glasses lasses and it its s fonn that nearly seven eighths c of una power was shut out in JO the di district and five eighths Westminster Tho Tim avera average e distance tance ts could be seen from t the e of St. St Pauls Paul's or Westminster lice lite ce tower durin during the thc W winter mo months tbs reported I by V the same bureau to be bethan beS bes' bes S s' s than half a mile It was Vas al also o dem- dem rat l that tubercular disease in- in Med He ht hc heavily vily with ith the thc rise rio of Man Man- cater as I a factory ador city r Is la Retarded Ih te method by which smoke mol c causes C H iI a ani natural on Th Tho XI nucleus of or every everi tin tin- dropo drop drop- o af water niter is is of course n a a tiny speck Just dut This little droplet in a smoky on floating along alonA on tho atmos- atmos cee e coa with a tD film laim of of sooty tar This coating Tei r evaporation and aud hence beneo tie tho to fog to longer than E Continued on page patt 2 2 I DENSE SMOKE IS BANE OF MODERN CITY Continued from page 1 J. it t would if it were simply a n. fo fog made up ip of d particles of moisture Bc Because the tho heavy Y clouds of smoke above o the fog o h hold back the tho rays of the thc sun nl they ther nave have a much moro more limited power lower to o attack and disperse the tho fo fog Careful tests test hayo hao ser served d to give 0 some somo idea dea of how much the tho suns sun's power of fo fog rog dispersion ion is weakened by the presence of a smoke pall A test wa was made nade at Leeds a few fot yI years ago in which it wa walt demonstrated that during shining shinin in iii inthe a calendar year tho sun was wag time the heart of or the cit city for a total of 1167 1161 hours Four miles away awa at Add Adel A cl another er f sunshine recorder was vas registering the hours of oC sunshine and they totaled 1102 1 In other words down town in ma Iee Leeds there was 17 per cent less Jes sunshine sun sun- shine bino t than only four miles away The of smoke in large e quan quantities has been shown to kill c vegetation tation almost as completely as the cyanide fumes from a smelter In sm smaller ler quantities quan it has a retarding effect upon l plant development It gets in ill its deadly dead dead- ly work in ma three different ways way Inthe In Inthe Inthe the first place the soot gets ets into tb the por b of the plant and stops them up u lil a coat of shellac would stop tho the pores pore o of the human bad body The soot carries carries- with it a deposit of tar that thai will not let go o its h hold Jd on oa tho the leaves Jen and stems of plants oven in a a. drenching drench drench- ing rain and if the majority of a a. plants plant's pores were not on the underside under side of tho the leaves luves it would have havo email amaH chance of surviving tho the attack of or soot sool and tar Experiment Ar Are Exhaustive This coating serves to obstruct many of the rays of or sunlight ht that como come to a plant and also aho to ch check ck the thc assimilation tion of carbon dioxide The Tho plant is ia thus forced actually to l live livo vo in a sort of twilight In tho the third place soot 11 af affects affects af- af tho the growth of plants through h the thc acid it contains This acid not only exorcists exorcises a detrimental influence upon the plant through its leaves but also through the reduced fermentation of tho soil sOlI humus a and d at nt tho the same Bamo time by br reducing th the activities of or tho the nitrifying nitrifying nitrify nitrify- ing in aim anti aud nitrogen fixing organisms or of the plant In III other words it cuts down the food supply of the plant and at tho the same time timo its ita ability to utilize it Extensive e experiments by the Uni Uni- c rs it 9 of Leeds show how v harmful smoke is to plants At ono one place tho the solids deposited amounted to Hi pound poun to the acre acro and aDd tho the weight of on a sma small plat pint amounted to grams while at another place with 1565 pounds rounds of soot BOOt and other solids deposited deposited depos depos- per acre acro the yield of lettuce on onan onan onan an identical plat pInt amounted to only 4 1 grams ams Experiments in other localities beau ties between these two extremes demonstrated dem demo a pronounced relation between between be be- I tween smoke and crop yield eld in e every instance tho crop yield decreasing as the amount of smoke in the air in in- creased As the pound ground plats wore were identical as to soil time care and andall andall all other conditions except tho the quantity quantity quan quan quan- til of smoke the experiments prove provo an unexpectedly heavy toll is levied by bJ smoke upon crop yields The same results re reo re- re suits were shown with experimental plats of radishes Wide Area Affected 4 The area that may muy nUl v bo be affected a by b a ai city's i 8 smoke is large J Jl It t has bas been heen shown that soot is frequently depos upon loaves leaves sixty miles froth from a city's center conter When Wo consider how many of a city's truck farms are bo- bo cate within that radius and bow how do Jd to growing r win vegetables the Leeds experiments prove smoke to be beit it will bo ho seen that hero here is a factor fa in the high cost of or living U not DOt to be overlooked Th Tho lion Hon folIo Hollo Russell London's expert export on and fo fogs declares de de- de clares dares that tho area of smut fr from m Lon Len don't dont smoke e- e reaches forty miles in in every o direr direction He Ire declares that when tho the wind switches to the southwest bv by noting tho the cJ velocity cit with which fi it t blows ho can tel just when to expect ex cx the London smoke to arrive al at Richmond Richmond Ho notes that the moors ol ot of Derbyshire are aro dirty to sit it down upon and tho the sheep invariably in have o smoke begrimed fl fleece ulecee eee Mr Rus Russell Ruell ell places London's smoke o tax at upward of oi twenty live million mimon dollars a year car oj ot which he assigns to death o and lowered Jo working capacity It has been beon found that smoke laden laJon nir air f contains much sulphuric acid An analysis of Manchester air ir showed fifty times as 35 much of this dea deadly l poison as us was nas found in the air of of ofa a country countr i place in Dr estimated that over ocr hn half a million tons of sulphuric sul sul- acid is sent into inlo the tho air by London Lon Lon- don every year It has been estimated that the smoke pall over Lon London on causes an annu annual l extra laundry launch and clean clothes bill biH of ot more than thant t ten n million mimon dollars the cost being eing apportioned between n the cleaning cleaning clean- clean ing ng operations and wear a and J tear This with the tho constant inclination of the people to forgot for ct that cleanliness is next next- to godliness because of the smut they hey cannot escape is reflected in the tho health conditions that obtain Households Not Blamable Household smoke does doe not affect the sum um total of the smoke nuisance to any appreciable degree In ITI the first place less ICE ees than one fifth of all the coal conI used in n tho th th United States is consumed consume in household grates tows vs amid furnaces In the second place it is 18 seldom eldom bU under forced draughts and it theft r fore gives i es off comparatively little olid blar smoke In the third place in the ran uT districts and in dUes cities of or less thin tUn 5 population the tho amount of snOb f DO given i cn off is not enough h to clog th tb tie M but permits itself to be DC o dJ ill ported p rEed by the thc slight ht breezes zes that new nel always blow While admittedly dl the tho effect of e upon ve vegetation elation and be health is harm hara harmit it is ia probable that these thew arc aro tho least aB assertive in iii the campa a against the smoke nuisance AUtio residents of tho the Pittsburg 1 frequently been J known n nD D to get rid rd no having hannA coughs during clurin visits out dt the smoke area it seems certain t t. t when Pit t ur becomes R R. tc mo J eI city other arguments will iU barf bitt weighed more in making it s 50 50 tk the health argument The reit Pittsburg in investigations tiJi into the tho thoua t will include U of ot smoke phases CJ cit the tho problem h however howe w. w it is expecting to bring to light lift I why new and convincing facts smoke moko should bo be abated f J the tho sako sake of health and ande e vegetation I The hope of many who aro are prO the smoke abatement o i it t. t 1 when it succeeds in a a. great creat city Pittsburg or St. St Louis it will wiIl 10 0 J ii 7 crease the prod productivity of f toe the t tr farm area arca surrounding those CI that the cost of vegetables ve ala may be tonally re reduced This may be S J. j 10 what hope however U s shown the fact fl that today app of the finest by quality are arc being O cl Wr farmers within mile of ofton M ton for SI 1 1 a n barrel while whilo apples 5 so to good are bein being sold to consumers for 1 a n bu bushel thru thre wP ab abat a as much Of or course courso the tho smoke moko can nc never cr narrow tho the great r trI producers which exists e between and consumers' consumers prices t T Tomorrow 4 THE SMOKE NUIS NUISANCE CE I 1 I V. V Controlling V. It AbO |