Show I PRICES PRICES EASIER EASIER ON ONI I CORN AND OATS I CHICAGO Nov ov 19 Cables Cables which V proved pro cd disappointing to the bulls buls gave S 0 I the wheat market today tolay a a. H lower swing swim r Favorable a weather for tor continued big re re- re northwest counted also on tho bear ber side side Later Lter however howe C. the tue market rallied owing to reports th that t the lie Argentine barvest harvest harvest har bar vest outlook had become less promising Trading nt at the outset was J I to Jc ic c net nel oft off of May started at U to Olic a drop of ot 2 I to toc lc c and rallied rOmed to Advices that tanners farmers were selling selnA quite quie treel freely tended to ease case corn until wheat began began began be be- gan to recover reeo Slay May opened unchanged to lc Ic lower at ic to He but reach reached cd to Good Goo buying on tho the part of shorts kept oats firm May la which started the same as a last lust night at nt rose roso 1050 to Provisions P responded to steadiness s In Inthe Inthe Inthe the ho hog hOI market First Firt sales soles w re unchanged unchanged un un- un- un changed to 28 22 to oc Sc C higher with wih January for pork to for lard and 10 1020 0 to o 10 a for tor ribs News that lint un an armistice had been ar- ar ram caused a a. Q setback In wheat which was u-aa made more emphatic by a big gain gainin ain in the worlds world's available a supply The Thc close cose was weak with wih May ray lj j Hc net act lower at 90 0 e Export bidding for corn cor aided the bulls boils buls but afterward the marl market et sagged with wih wheat Th The close chose was waH nervous with wih May at Hac a n net loss loss' ot a a shade I Closing Quotations I Wheat heat December SUe Sic May 6 Oc July Tuh Corn Corn Corn- Cor December May 13 Jul July Oats Oats December December U Hc May Ia July Jul Pork Pork January January May a USa Lard Lard Xo Ln November 1110 J. J O December Sl 1110 January f 1 Slay May 10 1025 j. j Short rb ribs January PI l Slay May Ja V Rye RC o Rye o No 2 2 51 Barley fc Hc V I Timothy h 2 cL- cL 7 ril is 5 Clover cr se seed d 1700 IIO |