Show FRIENDS SAY GREEK GREEl BANKER IS SAFE CHICAGO Nov Xo 19 Reports received In Omaha yesterday est that a Chicago Greek banker Angeles s had been executed exe In Trace for fot desertion were verc ridiculed ridi ridi- by partners here 1 We IYe have received several eahl t messages ins mes s. s sages ages from An Angeles elc Geocaris and two 1 came toca today one from Angeles Angelos himself i saying that ho he was vas lea leaving leaving- Pa Patras Iras on orm tho the steamer Franz Fran Jn Josef er and would arrive ar 31 ar- ar Ii rive In New Xe York November cr 30 30 said F F. G. G one of his partners to to- to day There can calm bo ho no truth In the report that ho has been executed ee under r martin martial law for lie he was not miot eligible lo to time the Greek arm army I cannot see sec how time the report orIginated originated unless sonic some person gave It J out for spite pIte The spite Omaha report vas was that Geocaris been had captured escaped from and condemned the thc army to au and amid death had |