Show WARRANT WARRANT ISSUED FOR ARREST OF ARCHBOLD B By International News Service lec I WASHINGTON Nov 0 19 A A W warrant for COl the time arrel of or John D. D Archbold president prel- prel I dent r nt of or the Stand td Oil company for Cor violation of or the tho Texas laws l has been in tho the possession of or the tho federal marshal I Ht t Xe v York for fOI weeks but lias haq hanot not been William VillIan IL lL Gra Gray a lawyer of ot Austin u Te Tex Tei will viii assist Attorney General General Gen Gen- eral cral Jn It is charged that Mr Ir Archbold with others engineered el a R deal b bv by which the tho Standard Oil OH gobbled cobbled up the Magnolia company of ot Texas after aCter tho the Standard d Oil had been ejected from Texas because it tt W was wa-u 18 a trust The Texas authorities got sot gotfed fed federal eral indictments against Archbold and the thc others and the warrants for arrest have hao benn beon served on nil all except Mr 1111 Archbold Arch Arch- bold These warrants had been issued when where Mr Archbold came canie to W Washington to testify as to tho the Standard Oils Oil's J po political po- po I- I contributions but no mention was made of or the fact at al that time I |