Show ilLERS M 1 DD TION oi Of GRAIN RATES KANSAS SAS CiTY Mo fo Nov Ne 13 19 Corn Com Complaint plaint that the millers of Missouri uri ranas Tan ran sas as Nebraska Oklahoma and loxas arc J rc being driven out of business and the and the milling industry In is being concentrated at terminal points took definite form yesterday when 15 Interior millers transit comprising tho milling in committee of the tho Southwestern Millers Millers' I league earu c. c met mel here hero and decided to appeal to o the railroads s to modi modify the rate r regu- regu u. u lations with regard rezard to the tho shipment of at wheat by pi from the southwest A According to a ruling of or th tho interstate commerce commission which became ef effective ef ci August l 15 of this year car tho the Interior millers ay uy thc they are prohibited from ob ob- g a a. i Ie clipping rate such as Is held heIr by those thoc millers who have their elevators elevator at terminal points |