Show Visitors Visitors' Excursions East To o o St. St Paul and Minneapolis olia wd cad return i Dates of sale October WB November 3rd December flit Clit nd ad 1912 Dh erse Diverse routes via he e ChitaKo o t k Northwestern R Ry y- y For Tor utts and limits address C. C A A. A Walker 0 Agent Main ain street Salt Halt Utah Advertisement Ad V J Jy y i 1 ATTENTION TO HOUSEWIVES 1 h r fur GAiT TRIBUNE and lUlL TELEGRAM t 1 H HAVE VE ORDERED NATIONAL AL Vacuum Cleaners 0 l L Which W Will ill Be Distributed to Our Our Readers Old and New Subscribers Alike 1 ti THE FIRST CARLOAD HAS HAS' ARRIVED I YOU CANNOT GET GET THE DUST AND DIRT OUT OF YOUR CARPETS AND YOUR HOME WITHOUT THE AID OF THE VACUUM CLEANER II BUT THE PRICE HAS NOT BEEN WI WITHIN HIN THE REACH OF THE AVERAGE FA FAMILY MILY UNTIL WE DISCOVERED THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY JUST CONSIDER THE REMARKABLY LOW PRICE E I IA A 1 1000 By agreeing agreeing- to subscribe for the I 3 95 Daily and Sunday Tribune for six National a tio n a I Va Vacuum c u u in months or the Daily Telegram for twelve months at the regular subscription sub- sub Cleaner for price e cs in the Colin coun- or A AVith Vilh the introduction Iry mn may r secure lI e fil the benei bene- bene rS 5 r v i Hs f t r Ic bb of National Vacuum i Ce s j i ti C r vt s a d ills y j f r ip a F a. a this MIS newl newly perfected fj ti c y h rr p b nt f U w. w y Cleaners Cluster in iu ery c p home honk c disease prevent iret tit or 1 brings g. g I 3 0 4 there wi will I be b a large deto dc- dc I t to t i Il l C home just the same iu C Timmy t i 1 r x a B i w. w r treas in ju suffering is ilS who alt live L nl in the S 9 k 1 l 4 i j f The rhe l 1 tic stron strongest o est t man luau may mar city No line hale is di drawn 15 rE t x M ZEy a 11 i 1 er very 11 weak i one Te Y c the entire entire- k a tt when tI lit Hie c elements clements of dis disease slate in in in the tho sale of of this ea ease Case c beg begin n t to 0 prey upon rna machine and slut expect to th the Vital ital forces People i e echo do take tako baU baths anti and l p pace aco one in In every cery f home s daily w where here cleanliness and A Pull Full Carload of National Vacuum Cleaners for forTHE l to sanitary conditions condi he health slug II arc d desired Every SALT LAKE TRIBUNE AND AID TELEGRAM TELEGRAMS tio lions s assiduously will rill in let It t home honk in w 11 the state should THE S th their Cl r homes 1 go g 0 for 51 six 31 have one whether some r BE SURE TO GET YOURS YOUR months mouths between n the cleaning clean clean- other oilier cleaner is c now roil on ing ng g of rugs and carpets the IC premises or not waiting Baiting g for the coming om a of oi the man maJl with the thc vacuum home germs afford Every can w cleaner They the y would world hardly hard hard- one on oll t tIt the lC t terms cram w e wc e of of- e 1 ly r wait gait that ton long lonE for other oth fer r er cl n necessary acts With f Mothers Mother's s lore loc is is the the thc introduction of the nearest to 1 perfection t on of i y National e cr every T home ionic can canall all any earthly attribute The Thc r have the means o of or darl daily mother mollies will brill imperil h her r 7 7 t cleaning with wall only a f fe w c cott ott own n life to shield her mi minutes work Fork br by man child chil yet ct from sour some goals 0 oC or y ur i r f I v woman unman or 01 hild the most deadly enemies The rhe 1 lle National has ha come cometo she he offers no guar hoard simply sim- sim elm sim t to lo o. o sta stay Its It's withIn the ply because she docs not rc reach ch of the poorest and andas understand the peril as effective for practical ening If we mothers succeed to in a a awak awa- awakening sense 1 al N Now OW d do 0 not 1 let a et any anybody b 0 d y t tell e II 1 you ou th that a t th they e ey work owned as by b y the the wealthiest machines of or t the thc danger that t besets One c cent ni for a pos postal al their loved ed d ones we shall have just as good a cleaner as the National card card telling us you yoube wo would ld be bc satisfied like to see how the National Na honal Vacuum Cleaner Gleaner Infection from germs ill in Impossible 9 W We have investigated this is e can cun clean llean a rug or car carpet et dust comes to rich lath and in lu your home will bring do poor poor Ill arc in Ill 1 perhaps fact the the tho well lo a greatest great great- mac machine h. h IDe The Th e N National a t. t lona I is a 6 guaranteed t ee d machine ma ma- ri right one ne alt of to out our your representatives door doe to est cst sufferers bec because they ther show Not bit you a of live under c conditions that chine chine- we have the manufacturers manufacturer we a manufacturers s guaran guaran- obligation on your yonI part arc are more perilous to guy buy Just watch it No class or degree of tee tee- you tee you have ours What's a s 's better work an and l then think it social distinction is im immune inn inn- over if you are not ready mune to bu buy r Terms to TRIBUNE Readers Terms to o TELEGRAM Readers Readers' In cities where carrier service is is maintained a u six six mouths In cities where carrier service is main maintained a twelve months w months months' subscription contract is required One dollar is paid when order older I subscription contract is required One dollar is paid when order ordel for far machine is placed and two dollars and ninety-five ninety cents when for machine is placed laced and two dollars and ninety five c cents when cleaner is delivered This 39 pays for the machine The subscription sub sub- cleaner is delivered This pays pas for the machine ne The subscriPtion subscription sub sub- payments per month are arc to be made monthly l payments i Oc per month month are to be made monthly Terms to Mail Subscribers Terms Teems to Mail ail Subscribers Upon payment of cash cash in in cleaner will twill be delivered Upon payment of cash in cle cleaner will be delivered delivered ered d immediately r. r Of or this amount pays for the machine and ered cred immediately Of this amount pays for the machine and r for a months month's subscription to The rhe Tribune for two O months' months subscription on to The he Telegram PHONE OR CALL AT T TTE TRIBUNE TE TELEGRAM and I OFFICE FOR DEMONSTRATION Vacuum Cleaner eaner Dept The Tribune and Telegram f APPLICATION BLANK I GUARANTEE Vacuum Cleaner Gleaner Department Telephone THE TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM Salt Lake City Utah We guarantee this cleaner to be free from m mechanical defects de de- Please have your representative call caU and demonstrate the and will replace without charge any part proving defective National Vacuum Cleaner Oleaner Ex E in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date X Name of purchase Address 1 |