Show NOTICE OF OF Notice I TA I hereby I given ii tac lx to for l' l the e th dl or ct ewel hia has been levied an and ordinances on of the thu board an nail I of lowing Said ald l e ta tax Is 1 Lake CIt City wit to-wit real Cry b lii hi lots u a 3 and S block inclusive c and 11 to 24 4 i 1 t 23 3 und anil 1 to 11 1 4 bl bic 1 arid u Inclusive and 13 Ll block 1 1 I 1 and 7 to an 11 t i t to 23 23 block 1 heights subdivision lon qt ot block is 1 1 block 10 1 and 8 2 29 block l i of block black 2 ot 3 anti and 4 block 1 5 F i. i at th the Southeast plat piat F thence corl r or of lot hot I 1 b bi east U feet In block 1 and z and nd i 6 to 1 block 1 1 an 2 28 lel ee 1 1 1 and amal 2 block subdivisIon n or oj 14 1 1 5 6 bock 15 1 ant and 2 block J ant 28 lat at time the lot Jol I 1 block 1 1 southeast crt 1 1 plat s n thence fronting east elt f on omi Tenth East Eat Street strett at a a point feet east of the Corner cornel of oC lot 1 block east I 1 ot block 1 plat s B them feet then tee at the corner or of lot 7 7 block 16 16 Fremont norh subdivision of block 4 4 pla la p f Ht north 66 feet commencing at the t Went weHl corner or of lot 13 block 9 of or block bock F 4 th thence ne north 12 feet teet plat pitt northeast corner or of lot hot bock It p mont Heights of block 4 F nor north h 1 f fC feet t C at th the northeast corl corner r or of lot I 1 blOck H bik plat subdivision Ilon o of blOck F thence north 56 feet fG on the south side of or Eighth teet South between Tenth East and Ele at E Meets north side Ide of or Eighth nort street S et between Ninth h East Ft an and AM 8 In East st streets street on the tho north 01 norh side of or I South street greet between Ninth Bait Eleventh East streets street on both ut a Sixth South street treet between Ninth a and r nth East streets ts on the west of or Tenth East street between Sixth street g and Seventh South h streets and 8 bett Eighth l l South and Ninth South tho the e east cast t of Tenth East Eat tUta street street C tween Eighth South and Ninth LiS streets on the east cast of or Lincoln l hr Ir S between Eighth South and Ninth S 3 streets on both sides side of or Eleventh 18 F. F street b between tw en Eighth South aril aM nf South streets and on both Sides j 0 ot of 3 fi It C street between n Eighth South uth 1 Ninth South streets In I sewer er ti of Salt Lake City and is III due duc and JI In five equal annual Installment bf uS ning November ember H H. 1 1913 13 interest t tt at at t m rate of It si six per cent per annum on whole amount of said laid tax shall shAH be put d from froni the date the firming the levy of or said tax lax b became ii eTtS ti Ive We to wit November 14 H H. tIll 1912 and ard hi t terest rest at said rate on the whole amount i said tax unpaid shall be bf due and with each Installment Tf Tr ami any or Interest aforesaid Is not i when nhen same name becomes du due duC th then n th the k h amount of oC the tax unpaid at th time Installment and amid Interest are rlue will b 1 come d due e and payable able and will UI dr 11 terest at thin th rate of eight per c centt annum until sale of time the property asi One Ono or more morl of or paid said Installments i In III j I order In which h the they are tre payable rOt alit said or 01 the whole tax ma may be bf n lil f mid W si h It hout out mit Interest at am any time within H nays days after the ordinance t I levy hev jo of f the tax lax became ert effective an anor and or moie mor of or said Mid In Installments t In th the OTI ot of In its which they are payable or nr th h. VS s tax unpaid ma may mav be br paid pale on on the da day dali i In Installment i In h by paine th the s a a. thereof and Int Interest re t to said Hald day All special taxes trott ar are ar payable at 1111 flee lice room city and county o. hull bunt Salt Lake Lalee City a- a Dated t at Salt alt 1 Lake Ic City t lith Uth day tV of or November o 1 1912 1 Cliv Treasurer and Collector of or p T Taxes Ta xe Sewer No First partial c estimate k |