Show Bruin Caste Permeates Weekly Whine By John Nielson Editorial Editor I know what you are thinking I Iwas Iwas Iwas was supposed to be finished at the Horizon Well guess what I am unequivocally declaring that this is ismy ismy ismy my final whine as a student at Salt Lake Community College Unless we have one more issue this quarter but we wont won't so Im I'm done One of the most distressing social problems facing the enlightened student student student stu stu- stu- stu dent body at is the caste system system system tem that is developing among the students faculty and staff The caste system is not refined at this time because I am not sure where I fit in or even if I fit in There are many different divisions divisions divisions divi divi- in the Bruin Caste Some have power some want power and some want others to think they have power but dont don't want to do anything with it The easiest place to see the Bruin Caste in full swing is the College Center It is a microcosm of the entire college condensed into a single single single sin sin- gle concrete and glass building The easiest group within the Bruin Caste to distinguish is the Golden Nametag Club The Golden Nametag Club declares to everyone that the members of said club belong to that they are involved and concerned students and that yes they area little bit better than you or me I have never never been offered membership membership membership mem mem- in this club but I wouldn't want it anyway I know that I am not better than the other students around me I dont don't need a pin on my chest declaring something that I dont don't personally personally personally per per- agree with I wonder if the proud members of the Golden Nametag Club get a bigger stipend at atthe atthe atthe the end of the quarter for wearing their badge of honor A large segment of the Bruin Caste includes the staff members that work at the College Center They are easy to distinguish because of their uniforms It has been een my experience that the uniformed staff members act entirely opposite of the members of the Golden Nametag Club The staff is generally friendly willing to strike up a conversation and not offended when you tell them to have a nice day Try that with the Golden Nametag Club and you'll be bethought bethought bethought thought of as lower than you already are because you tried to talk to them without being addressed first I hope the staff even the dart board thief himself keep up their good work The College Center is where many first impressions of Salt Lake Community College are made and these impressions will continue to be favorable if the uniformed staff can continue in their ways to counter the fake smiles and attitudes of the Golden Nametag Club Perhaps the most deviant group within the Bruin Caste are the members members members mem mem- bers that sit in Cool Hall Cool Hall Hallis is the hallway between the Sunken Lounge and the big screen TV Dont Don't try and walk through it The intelligent banter that occurs is truly enlightened Did you see my new belly button piercing It is so bad I hope it goes good with the tattoo I got Wanna see it OK I told the tattoo artist I wanted something something something some some- thing unique I got this sunflower on my ankle Do you like it I hope you haven't puked yet This is only a small glimpse of the cool hall Combine the above conversation with hoop earrings pagers and above all a golden tanning salon suntan and you might gain admission admission admission sion into the Cool Hall I dont don't want to be completely negative about the Cool Hall Cool Hall could be used in the next Calvin Klein ad Or better better better bet bet- ter yet it could be used in the next Boston Market ad that makes fun of the latest Calvin Klein ad It would bring a lot more fame and fortune to than taping a scene for Touched By An Angel The Bruin Caste is now a part of Hopefully it will just go away but it probably wont I have tried trie to offer solutions to the problems problems problems lems that I see on campus but since Im I'm leaving I wont Good luck on finals If you you cheat dont don't get caught |