Show Horizon Editorial i by David Douglas in Editor-in-Chief As in Editor-in-Chief of the Horizon and the individual ultimately ultimately ultimately ulti ulti- responsible for the content of it I feel it is time to make a statement statement statement state state- ment on our coverage of the incident incident incident inci inci- dent involving Student Body President Marla Maria Kennedy A Standards Review Board has determined determined determined deter deter- mined that there was a preponderance ance of evidence to substantiate the allegations made against Kennedy A letter of reprimand has been issued and the matter is now officially officially officially closed The Horizon has fully supported the political process set setup setup setup up to resolve issues such as these by following the procedures of due process guaranteed to all by the Constitution of the Salt Lake Community College Student Association and the Constitution of the United States Members of the Horizon staff were aware of the incident involving involving involving ing President Kennedy only hours after it occurred Reporters began to investigate and contact anyone who might have information about the incident including President Kennedy herself but all parties involved were reluctant to make a statement on the record On April 8 the Horizon ran the first article about the incident a full two and a half weeks after it occurred reporting that Kennedy was under investigation by Executive Vice- Vice President John E. E after h he received a complaint complaint com corn plaint from a concerned student The story did not report what the allegations were because according to law and ethics the information must be verified before it can be printed or it is libelous As Chair of the Student Senate formed a Fact Finding Committee that met on April 11 to examine the allegations made against Kennedy contained in a letter letter letter let let- ter addressed to Gordon Wilson director of Student Activities for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of of determining if a Standards Review Board was war war- ranted The Committee came to the conclusion that there was not enough substantial evidence to call for a Review Board Horizon reporters continued to investigate as more evidence surfaced surfaced surfaced sur sur- faced finding that the Fact Finding Committee did not conform to state laws concerning public meetings In the April 29 edition of the Horizon apologized saying if the committee needed to meet again they would conform to the law In the May 15 Student Senate meeting a resolution was debated and passed to bring President Kennedy to a Review Board As part of the debate the letter containing containing containing con con- the allegations was w s distributed distributed distributed to all present at the meeting Only after the letter was made public public public pub pub- lic did the Horizon choose to print it and inform the college community ty as to what the allegations were At the first meeting of the Standards Review Board held Wednesday May 21 made an attempt to veto the resolution resolution resolution tion that had been passed the previous ous week But after careful examination examination examination nation of the Community College Constitution and Bylaws it was found he had no power granted to him by these documents to take this action The following day the Senate discussed the matter and reconfirmed their decision to call for the board in an attempt to bring this situation to a close The Standards Review Board fin finally lly met May 28 to review the evidence and make a decision as to Kennedys Kennedy's guilt or innocence It was the finding of the Board that there was a substantiation of evidence evidence evidence evi evi- dence concerning allegations made against President Marla Maria Kennedy She has been issued a letter of reprimand reprimand reprimand rep rep- the least severe of the possible possible pos pos- sible consequences outlined in the Constitution The statement issued by the Review Board also noted that the matter is now closed The Horizon supports the decision decision decision deci deci- sion made by the Board because they were the group empowered to tomake tomake tomake make the decision and followed the proper procedures for resolving it As for the appropriateness of the punishment administered by the Board that is an individual judgment judgment judgment judg judg- ment we must all make The Horizons Horizon's commitment throughout this series of events has been to the policy of truth It is our hope hop that President Kennedy can rebuild the confidence of her constituency constituency constituency con con- and be an effective leader for the remainder of her term of office This has not been a pleasant thing for anyone to deal with and we hope that the entire college community has learned important lessons that will benefit them in the future The Horizon will continue to report what happens on all campuses and use our influence to inform students and work for their benefit |