Show Amphitheater Undergoes Facelift f 1 w I n J 1 i iA f P W- W So i 4 f H V A i z zy tl 11 C Ct Ii ti t 1 i J k n IJ I o fI 1 t t y i c r- r I f t Ci i Ii k koca r oca i Photo by Will Corn The Alder is currently going through reconstruction By Kelly Dazet Staff Writer Workers have been busy digging trenches and laying conduit at the Alder Amphitheater in preparation for the Gilbert and Sullivan Summer Festivals Festival's Friday July 11 opening The festival will feature the comic operas The Mikado and The Pirates of Penzance According to Bob Askerlund Assistant Director of Facilities the Grand Theatre is undergoing a seismic seismic seismic seis seis- mic retrofit construction designed to bring the building up to earthquake earthquake earthquake earth earth- quake safety codes Weve had to disrupt the schedule schedule schedule sched sched- ule down there said Askerlund They are scheduled to be back in inthe inthe inthe the Grand Theatre this fall Oct 1 for Nightmare at the Grand Because of the retrofit the festival festival festival festi festi- val needed to be moved to the amphitheater but not before it was retrofitted itself Well be spending about on lighting sound equipment equipment equipment equip equip- ment electrical things like Jike that Askerlund said The construction wi will add walkway lighting theatrical theatrical cal lighting and sound equipment so that actual quality performances can be done in the amphitheater The Mikado will be staged Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 pm p.m. and The Pirates of Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 pm p.m. from July 11 through July 26 The festival will feature a Green Show starting at 7 pm p.m. every night According to Public Relations Assistant Director Margaret Aoki the idea is to create an entire ambiance around the Gilbert and Sullivan theme Festival goers will enjoy performances by jugglers singers dancers and characters from the two shows as well as food carts featuring English festival foods U T t jar Photo by Will Corn The Alder will hold the Gilbert Sullivan Festival in July |